View Full Version : Administrator of LA MERC

Dark Knight
April 3rd, 2007, 09:57 AM
Hello, my name is Ray, and I just found out about your website from DocSparky from othgaming. I'm writing today to find out where in Louisiana you are based out of. Doc told me that you guys are trying to keep a bf2 server online and oth is trying to get one online and my group of guys would like to get one online as well. I'm contacting LA MERC, othgaming, batonrouge lan, and sportlan concerning this matter to see if any of you guys would be interested in pooling resources together since we're all from Louisiana to keep a few servers online and operational. So, I'm hoping to get in contact with the Admin or Admins from each of these sites, LA MERC included, to discuss the matter. If you admins are interested, you can email me at [email protected] and I'll let anybody interested know who else is interested in taking care of this.

April 3rd, 2007, 10:36 AM
OTH isn't really in a place to be a significant impact on any joint server. I think right now it would be good just to keep the La Merc ranked server fully loaded with people (which is why I've posted about it on our site and forums at OTH). I didn't really set out to be a La Merc fanboy, but I do think that their BF2 server could be a great server to hang out on.

Dark Knight
April 3rd, 2007, 10:41 AM
well I'm about to go and hop in to see what kind of connectivity I get to it with this pathetic excuse for broadband that cox provides me!!! I'm still waiting to hear from the other groups to see if anybody is interested. I figured it didn't hurt to ask, we can all get our own servers and stuff, but I figured if we all pitched in and got a few together, and have a few people from each group playing on them, they'll become a lot more popular then if we all had individual servers with just our little groups in them all the time!!

April 3rd, 2007, 04:47 PM
What’s up Dark Knight.

I can’t speak for the other guys in our clan at this time, however, as DocSparky said, we are trying to get our server populated. I know in the past we have tried a joint effort between clans, and this work to an extent, however in the end was not successful, of course every clan is different.

Just from a connectivity stand point with our new server. I am located in South Carolina, and get around a 50 to 60 ping, with Time Warner Cable. I would be interested to know what you are getting in your location.

BTW, we are making some changes to the server, going to some I/O maps, no auto balance "makes it easier for our visitors to team up and squad up together" If there’s anything your guys prefer to play please post it. We are always trying to better the lineup on our server to improve game play.

Dark Knight
April 3rd, 2007, 04:57 PM
hello YellowDog, nice to meet you.
Yes I understand trying to get the server populated, believe me, I spent many nights on my counter strike source server when my connection from cox was worth a spit keeping it full.

Perhaps I should explain, Game Lair is not a 'clan', but more of a gaming community. We plan on having little clans within the gaming community of course, but, Game Lair itself is for a community based input from gamers everywhere and from various clans. As I was telling Doc earlier in my forums, it is my hope to bring a bunch of individual factions together so that the whole may be enjoyed instead of the sum of it's individual parts struggle. I can of course understand if problems have occured in the past with joint ventures with other groups of gamers. It was just a suggestion, as I figured if we pooled resources we would perhaps be able to provide more and better gaming servers.

I was getting a 35 ping earlier in the server. Pretty good, my cable connection was actually allowing me to play, of course, there was nobody else in the server at the time so my cable connection didn't actually have to 'work' for anything. I'm not going to complain much longer though, I'm working on getting dedicated t-1 circuits dropped directly into my home and then I'm going to offer WISP services to my neighbors who are as fed up as I am at the moment with what's available. Then I won't have to worry about no stinking cable woes!!

April 4th, 2007, 07:36 PM
Hey Ray, Nice to meet you. I checked out your site and will always entertain ideas. I think your on to something and something that MERC could be a part of. With our new server settings I think we're going to have better luck. many many moons ago LA_MERC was a massive top notch counter strike server. It was constantly full and the place to play. Cs has died out and we play mainly BF2. Oh by the way my name is Andy and I'm one of teh current leaders. Any way. I like the idea and will bring it up internally. In the interim try to log and and get some kills with us. Also log into Team speak with us. I'm PMing youthe info.

Dark Knight
April 5th, 2007, 12:57 AM
Hello Andy, nice to meet you also. I'll check out the private messages shortly. I remember those nights where I had a bunch of my regular gamers all hopping online at the same time telling me 'kick somebody out let me in the server' *lol*. CS:S was fun in the beginning, but once the bunch of us realized how 'off' that physics engine was, and that the VAC security did absolutely nothing to stop cheaters, the game became more of a problem then fun. I'll stay away from anything valve or steam related in the future after that fiasco!!

I've gone by the server several times but have yet to catch anybody on it. The group of guys I run around gaming with are really terrible about getting into a server and letting others join, they're not that patient!! *lol* I'll keep trying though, and I'll even try and log some kills with you guys, but from what Doc was telling me, that's not an easy thing to do!!!

April 5th, 2007, 04:39 PM
We usually get the server going around 9:00 PM eastern time or later.. depending on when our guys get going.

April 5th, 2007, 05:28 PM
what up I am in there at 7 or 730 cst and I live in slidell can you give us a list of names of your buds so we can start to rember there names and do you have a TS server let us kmow mabe some admin can give you our TS server

Dark Knight
April 5th, 2007, 09:53 PM
yes, i was pm'd the team speak information earlier.

I hop'd into the server tonight and had a grand ol' time. Ex Jebediah, Raine, and Rock Out was with me tonight. I'm going to try and get them to put some type of GL tag on their name so you guys will know them. Right now we have:

E-GL-Dark_Knight [leader of this rag tag group of gruesome gamers]
Rock Out

and we're going to be adding within the next 2 weeks once the systems are finished and ready:
Ghost Omega
Ghost Omega's fiancee
Ghost Omega's Fiancee's friend
Siempre Listo
Blind Old Man
Real Old Man

Possibly also getting:
Maximum H8

I'm sure we'll bring along a few more from the game lair site as well. We got tired of the bs with counter strike source, so we're slowly moving people over to battlefield 2, and eventually will get into battlefield 2142 as well. We have about 130 to 140 members at game lair, I figured we can bring 25% of them over to battlefield 2 without any problems. I'm going to check with sportlan as well and see how many of them have bf2 players and get them coming in as well.

April 5th, 2007, 10:53 PM
WoW Knight... you have yourself regular collection of players...

BTW, I was a dedicated CS 1.6 and Source player for a long time, and I can say for your guys making the change that the BF2 world and game play beats source hands down.

We are trying to run some diffrent combinations of I/O maps. I know a few of them you dont see Infantry only running... one good thing about these maps is it does give the newer players a chance to get familar with BF2 W/O getting Owned by air craft and Arty.. all the time.

Good seeing you on the server. :)

April 6th, 2007, 09:05 AM
Hat tip to Dark Knight and his band of miscreants! Thanks for making it another good night in the server. Thank you!

As you can see we are still tweaking the server some in an effort to create some momentum and increased guest game play. As such last night’s maps were a bit of an experiment to see what and how maps worked and how the game play moved and flowed. Any input would be considered!

April 6th, 2007, 05:06 PM
Cheers to Dark Knight and his bros', great to see you last night, great to have more great players!!!. That was a good map for the number of people we had, VERY good games:)

Dark Knight
April 6th, 2007, 08:10 PM
hey there guys!!

I had a pretty good time in the server last night, and I'm pretty sure the other guys did too, and we'll be coming by on a regular basis when we're all around. The more folks we get setup, we'll be able to come by and game more often.

I have to apologize because I'm having some really terrible problems with my connection to cox cable so it takes me like 5 minutes just to pull up the pages on the forums!! So please bear with me and as soon as I get these issues taken care of, I'll be online more and more, it's just so annoying after spending the money I've spent to shoot that connection over to myself from a mile away, these guys can't get anything to work right on their end now!!!

I have 150 gamers at game lair now, including a couple of you that have signed up there. I've already deleted three times that amount of inactive players, so we'll continue growing and giving you guys plenty of bullet magnets to shoot at!! *lol* Thanks again for welcoming us into the server, it's nice to find one that we can game at and actually enjoy!!!

April 7th, 2007, 07:52 AM
Yikes, thats a lot of peeeps!

Dark Knight
April 7th, 2007, 10:26 AM
oh that's not a lot, during the days of red faction, i had 225 active members in the clan 'squadrons of chaos' and there were not many nights that went by that we didn't have 45 to 60 people on servers gaming our bootys off. That was for that game only, i had another 75 to 100 gamers in unreal tournament the original as well around the same time. So worry not, we push for people to come and sign up at the forums, most of the people that are on my forums now are all from counter strike source. i think we started out with about 10 local cs:s players and the rest happened across our game server and we got them signed up at the site.

April 7th, 2007, 04:17 PM
Great we can get an EVEN BIGGER server!!! :) Good playing last night!!

April 8th, 2007, 12:34 PM
']Great we can get an EVEN BIGGER server!!! :) Good playing last night!!

LOL... well we need to fill the one we got first.. :stick
