View Full Version : Me at the eye Dc.

March 30th, 2007, 12:00 PM
OK so I'm blind in my right eye as yall know or for some don't know! can't see nothing. Like for real guys been this way all my life. I've gone to the eye Dc. every year until I had my babies. I get to the office and get in the room. The lady is asking ? and then said "I'm going to test you for Glaucoma (hope thats spelled right) be right back" When she said this, I almost started to cry!!! ok GLAUCOMA I can't have this, I don't want it, what is it! She comes back in the room I ask what is Glaucoma? She then tells me what it is. OK as she was talking I was almost crying and she seen this and was trying her best to say the "right" things. She then showed me the thing that did the test she said I'm going to be putting this on your eye!!!!! (This thing looks like umm well ummm hmm well lets just say something some women would use in there free time when no one is watching!!! or well someone may be watching I don't know) ANYWAY.... OMG YOUR GOING TO DO WHAT!!!!!!!! Not to worry my eye is going to be dead won't feel nothing!!!!! Thank God for those eye drops!!! Well as I was setting there she comes to my eye with that thing. The most craziest thing in the world to me is to watch something come at your eye and can't blink or move it away!!!! Well long story short I'm ok but I have allergy eyes now and have to use eye drops... BLAHHHHH.... I have to use a steroid eye drop for about 4 weeks and then use the Allergy drops...

What bothers me is later on in life I could get get glaucoma in one of my eyes. I never new what it was until she told me! All the watery stuff and gel stuff in your eye comes out and then your eye will go flat just like a basketball that last it's air. BLAHHHHHH What!!! Why she got to go and tell me that!!!!

Well anyway that was my day at the eye DC today!!

March 30th, 2007, 12:57 PM
well...glad to see you made it out of there alive :D I had my FFA medical today.. everything still works!

March 30th, 2007, 01:09 PM
FFA medical? Whats that?

Yeah it just scared me and bothered me because I've never got tested for Glaucoma or anything before and that was the first thing she did after taking one look at my eyes. My blind eye (right eye) I have a cataract and a detached retina. So thats why My right eye drifts off and thats why the black of my eye is white.. If anyone ever wondered. I'm always scared when going back to the eye Dc becasue I only have one eye I can see out of and if anything goes wrong with it I'll be for sure blind in both eyes. They can not fix my right eye. There is no way they can fix it because of where the detached retina is. The drifting of the eye they can fix and make it to move like the other one. BUT me scared to do that!

March 30th, 2007, 01:47 PM
Glaucoma is something to be concerned about, but that would be the same for all of us. I would think that if you have your eyes examined annually, you should have nothing to worry about, as they would be able to detect it and treat you for it.

I do agree. I cannot stand to see that device closing in on my eye, and having to keep it open while they shoot a puff of air in it. I always seem to flinch and have to do it a couple of times before they get a good reading.

So your husband doesn't get any Edgar Allen Poe "A Tell-tale heart (http://www.online-literature.com/poe/44/)" moments?

I know the first time I went to an eye doctor, they freaked me out with talking about glaucoma and what it does. I guess things that are permanent losses such as sight or hearing will always make you nervous, and even more so in your case.

I take it that they said you were ok.

March 30th, 2007, 07:14 PM
Yeh, glad everything turned out ok DL.

March 30th, 2007, 07:34 PM
Yes everything is ok other then the dang allergy eye stuff...


hmm I'm still wondering about the Edger allen poe thing...

March 31st, 2007, 01:23 AM

I am glad everything went well. Good to know your eye is fine. I hope the Allergy meds help.

Here you go:

It is not as bad as one would think.


March 31st, 2007, 05:43 AM
Are you familiar with the story, "A Tell-tale Heart"?

March 31st, 2007, 07:31 AM
Its the story about a guy who killed a friend and buried him under the floor of his house... however when his friends came over for dinner, the guy could here the heart beating under the floor.. he was so sure the people at his home could hear it, he confessed to the murder... But the heart he was hearing was his own..his own guilt did him in.

March 31st, 2007, 07:34 AM
Thanks Rook that is what she told me right on the money! BUT she added that if untreated the eye would go flat just like a basketball with no air!!!!! But thank you for the info Rook.

Waltersw, We studied a few thing of Poe in school not much tho. This one I'm not familier with. I read it. What I got out of it was an old man was killed I guess because of his crazy eye! LOL.... I'll have to read it again.

LOL I don't think Wayne (dragon) ever felt like killing me over my crazy eye. LOL OR I don't think so anyway.... lol....

March 31st, 2007, 07:38 AM
Its the story about a guy who killed a friend and buried him under the floor of his house... however when his friends came over for dinner, the guy could here the heart beating under the floor.. he was so sure the people at his home could hear it, he confessed to the murder... But the heart he was hearing was his own..his own guilt did him in.

OH....... This old literature like this takes me a few times of reading it for me to "get it" .

March 31st, 2007, 12:53 PM
You're right on it DragonLady. A guy kills his friend because the guy's eye drives him crazy.

The eye has power! That is why you rule! :)

March 31st, 2007, 01:26 PM
Oh I know I rule!!!!! I'm the best thing that ever happend to Dragon!!!
I don't think my eye has ever bothered him. It's not all that bad. I was going to have surgery years ago but He didn't want me to because he told me thats how God made me and I was beautiful no matter if I had a crazy eye or not... It bothered me years ago about my eye because when I would talk to people they would look back behind them like they thought I was talking to some one behind them. That was the thing that bothered me the most. Because I would think thats all people looked at and would talk about is how messed up my eye was. But Dragon pretty much talked me out of it and told me I didn't need surgery to make me look pretty because I was already pretty. So that did it for me! I never really liked meeting new people because of it. But now it don't bother me so much. And I'm open to talking about it now. Anyway, Thats my life story about my eyes I guess... LOL.....

I'll post a pic.in a minute got to find out why it's not uploading my pic.

March 31st, 2007, 04:38 PM
I got a chunk of metal embedded in my eye one time and the doc had to "Drill" my eyeball to get it all out. So I had to watch a drill bit go into my eye without lookin away or blinkin. It was a trip. Those eye drops do work big time though :)

March 31st, 2007, 04:46 PM
']I got a chunk of metal embedded in my eye one time and the doc had to "Drill" my eyeball to get it all out. So I had to watch a drill bit go into my eye without lookin away or blinkin. It was a trip. Those eye drops do work big time though :)

OH HE** NO!!!!! NOT ME!!!! they would have to put my butt to sleep before doing something like that!!!! OMG I can't beleave that.... ehhh....

March 31st, 2007, 05:23 PM
Dragon ROCKS, and so do YOU!!!!!!!! :)

March 31st, 2007, 05:25 PM
']Dragon ROCKS, and so do YOU!!!!!!!! :)

Awww thank you, how sweet!!!!!! ***HUGS***

March 31st, 2007, 07:25 PM
I definitely could not watch a drill bit go into my eye. I'm with DL on that one. Put my butt to sleep.

When I was in high school, I had a counselor who had that situation with the eyes looking in different directions. I got in trouble because I kept moving into the line of sight of the bad eye. It was an honest mistake, but I could see how she was offended.

Please don't take my comments as a "bad knock." I'm just having a little fun with my new friends on LA_Merc. I'm with your husband 100% on his beliefs. I truly believe that the beauty in people is already put in them by God. There is no need to mess with that. Sometimes people don't know how to handle the differences with other people. But the strong ones are the ones who realize that people may see them differently and learn to deal with that.

I just wanted to make clear that I'm not making bad fun with you. It's just that when you described your situation, that story was one of the things that came to mind. I guess, unfortunately, I was one of the "weird" ones who sort of like Edgar Allen Poe's work.

March 31st, 2007, 08:32 PM
Please don't take my comments as a "bad knock." I'm just having a little fun with my new friends on LA_Merc. I'm with your husband 100% on his beliefs. I truly believe that the beauty in people is already put in them by God. There is no need to mess with that. Sometimes people don't know how to handle the differences with other people. But the strong ones are the ones who realize that people may see them differently and learn to deal with that.

I just wanted to make clear that I'm not making bad fun with you. It's just that when you described your situation, that story was one of the things that came to mind. I guess, unfortunately, I was one of the "weird" ones who sort of like Edgar Allen Poe's work.

LOL... Trust me I didn't take it the wrong way. I've known these guys around here for a while now and they know how I am and I think I fit in with them a lot with the jokes around here... I think I hold my own!! They know I rule around here! As for the Edgar Allen Poe story, You got to remember I'm Legally Blonde it just took me a while to put the story with what we were talking about thats all.. I'm pretty sure he wanted to kill me at times but trust me it wasn't over my crazy eye!!! LOL...

No Worries here

April 1st, 2007, 07:16 PM
It wasn't that bad actually. Just felt some pressure as he pressed the bit into my eyeball, but that was it. The eye drops had my eye completely numb.

April 2nd, 2007, 07:55 PM
I had a similar instance, but it was a metal sliver and he used a magnet to get it out.

April 4th, 2007, 06:06 AM
There's a song that I love by Tim McGraw that includes the phrase "you're beautiful, baby, from the outside in"...that sums you up very well. <a href="http://www.myspacesupport.com"><img src="http://www.myspacesupport.com/smilies/smilies/love0047.gif" border="0" /></a>

April 4th, 2007, 07:05 AM
There's a song that I love by Tim McGraw that includes the phrase "you're beautiful, baby, from the outside in"...that sums you up very well. <a href="http://www.myspacesupport.com"><img src="http://www.myspacesupport.com/smilies/smilies/love0047.gif" border="0" /></a>

Awww Thank you so very much SG!!! That was sweet!!! What a way to start my day off with a wonderful comment like that Thank you girl!!!

April 17th, 2007, 02:14 PM
Hey Dragonlady - hate you hijack your thread, but I had a similar situation at the eye doc today to - went in for an average eye exam to get new glasses, and they did the air puff test, and I have a hard time with that thing, and they never can get a good reading, so when the doc comes in the room, and after he did my vision tests, and set my new perscription, he talked to me about the raised preassure, and tested with a thing he stuck on my eye, and said it was still very high and i have to come back in 2 weeks to get tested again to see if it was a fluke...so now I'm worried, I could get glaucoma as well...

So, yeah, I feel your pain.

April 18th, 2007, 09:15 PM
That sux. Hope everything is kool for both you peeps.

April 19th, 2007, 03:09 AM
Max, hope all is well. DL, you rule what? I missed that memo. You know Sexy rules the roost. C'mon with a name like Sexy.:stick Just kiddin. Hope all goes well for both of you Chitlins.:hug

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
April 19th, 2007, 05:37 AM
I feel you guys pain, I can't stand that Gluacoma test. I usually skip it for a couple years so I don't have to do it every time. I have severe eye phobia, no one gets near my eyes! I can't even watch my wife put on massacara or eye liner. Now the crazy fool just got contacts. It makes my eyes water just thinking about jamming my finger in my eye.

I hope all goes well for you Jayson and DL.

April 19th, 2007, 07:48 AM
Here's a story for ya DL. First time I met you and Dragon was at the LAN at the KoC hall in Monroe (My god,that was like 6 years ago). I remember talking to MadOne and asking who the hot chick was....turned out to be you...lol. It was pretty obvious back then that you were a lil "unsure" of being around new people. Since then, you've pretty much been around MERC one way or another.

In that time we've all come to know you and Dragon much better and I can say for certain my original assessment was correct and the insides match the outsides. :)

Now get your asses to another LAN!!! If I can fly half way accross the counrty, you can drive half a state over. I don't wanna hear this BS about Wayne being off shore either. You've beat that dead horse to death...NO EXCUSES!!!

April 19th, 2007, 07:01 PM
Thank You so much CFH. Thats so sweet of you to say.. I lol at the "HOT CHICK" tho.. I don't see myself that way. But I'll take it and run with it!!!! Thank you so much.

As for the lan YES we will come to the next one BUT PLEASE make it when Dragon is off of work. It's not but about what 2 hours or so. But yes we would like to go again and see everyone again...

May 23rd, 2007, 01:02 PM
DL, I hope you didn't put any voodoo on me. Last week, I went for my normal eye exam to get contacts, and I was referred to see a glaucoma specialist because the pressure in my eyes were high, and he saw something that would lead him to suspect the beginning of glaucoma.

Monday, I went to a specialist, and the pressure readings were even higher than at my routine eye exam. They determined that the pressure in my right eye was greater than the left eye, and they noticed some nerve damage to the optic nerve in the right eye. Based off of his opinion, we caught this at a very early stage, and I may not have suffered any vision loss from it. However, I am scheduled for a laser surgery procedure this Friday to relieve the pressure from the eye (the only other option would be eye drops for the rest of my life). Also, on Friday, they will do a field vision test to determine if I have suffered any vision loss.

This is kind of scary since we recently discussed glaucoma in this thread. Oh well, at least if you catch it early, it is suppose to be treatable. However, any damage already done by glaucoma is irreversable.

I'll just have to hope for the best.

May 23rd, 2007, 02:16 PM
Walter, I'll say a little prayer for you today in hopes that every thing will be ok with your eye.

May 23rd, 2007, 03:53 PM
Thank you. I know I'm going to be nervous on Friday. I never really like the idea of anybody (even doctors) messing with my eyes.
