View Full Version : British Weakness leads to Crisis...

March 27th, 2007, 11:52 AM
How many times have we heard the cliché “Peace Through Strength” and thought it tired, old and war mongering? Unfortunately the West is again confronted with the very realization that this cliché is very true. For I’d be willing to bet had the British public, it’s leftist leaning and anti-military governing bodies, at least held the illusion of rules of engagement allowing Marines to defend themselves from kidnapping, the West would not be confronted with the current hostage crisis.

There was a time when the Iron Fist of Britannia would reach out and crush those daring to violate the sovereignty of Her Majesty’s Royal Marines, peaceably executing anti-smuggling missions sanctioned by the United Nations in Iraqi waters. Those days are long past, now Britain wrings her hands looking weak, impotent, and helpless to prevent the torture and possible execution of her illegally taken Marines.

There is no question Blair and the rest like him in Britain will jabber about deadlines, ultimatums and probably draw lines in the sand. But don’t be fooled, the British public has demanded over the recent years, an uncoupling of Britain’s relationship with the US and has so weakened her own armed forces to such an extent that Britain no longer has the power necessary to free her Marines. And its unlikely Uncle Sam will do the very dirty work to get it done.

So there the fifteen sit, hostages not unlike those American’s taken from the US Embassy back in 1979. Who could never be freed while the meek and ineffectual Jimmy Carter occupied the White House. Ironically it wasn’t until Ronald Reagan completed his oath of office, and ushered in an era of “Don’t F*KC with US” that the Mullahs decided maybe they had made their point and let the hostages return home. That my friends is the very definition of “Peace Through Strength” just the idea that ALL OPTIONS are on the table, created enough of a doubt in the minds of our enemy that they gave in. It’s amazing what the power of self-preservation can accomplish!

No we watch the Left again pass resolution after resolution accomplishing nothing more than undermining our armed forces, emboldening our enemies to strike at our troops and our allies, and creating doubt in the free and supportive Iraqi’s minds. The cumulative effect of all this is a longer and more costly conflict.

We all remember the kids who got their asses kicked at school, some of us were that kid.
I remember in the 7th grade, the first day of school. This blonde haired kid nobody had ever seen showed up. Showed up for school in a complete AYSO soccer uniform, shin guards and all. Just an average new kid, in a soccer uni. It didn’t take long before someone decides to laugh, point and mock. Then at lunch, probably the toughest SOB starts in on this kid. The next thing you know Blondie wants to go. They start going at it and it takes about 5 seconds to figure out Blondie is going to kick THIS DUDES ASS allover the yard, I’m talking complete beat-down. It’s over in about 60 seconds; Brad (Blondie) wastes the toughest dude in school. Do you think anyone ever F’d with Brad again?

So the next time you hear your Peace-Dove-Wimp neighbor decry Peace Through Strength remember that weakness provokes attack, power and strength deter it.

Enough from me, here are a few links I found interesting.



March 27th, 2007, 12:05 PM
The thing I disagree with is "peace" doesn't necessarily imply "weakness"...we can have peace and still be strong (1980's would be a good example, short the Iran/Iraq conflict, Grenada, etc). I don't think you were trying to imply this...just the first thing that jumped out at me. Granted, some people do not honor peace and may view it as "weakness"...but I think that only the strong can feel comfortable with peace...which probably just proves your point. lol

March 27th, 2007, 02:32 PM
I disagree too. I believe more in "Peace through Attrition". (but this only works if you are the strongest) If someone, group or country decide they no longer want peace with us..... in mafia terms, they have an accident...

March 27th, 2007, 02:40 PM
Disagree with what?

My point is the British Marines were'nt allowed to engage their weapons to defend themselves from the Iranian forces. Had the British public, and government displayed a political strength and willingness to support their forces in harms way by permiting defensive/protective engagement instead of going wobbly, these troops would not be hostages today. (weakness)

This Political weakness only serves to invite more actions similar to those witnessed last week. In essence by limiting the ability of it's own forces to protect themselves the British have placed their troops in GREATER DANGER, and made them larger and more inviting targets. The Left just can't see these facts, that the fastest way to end the war is to win it. Or worse yet, they see these facts, but for political self-preservation cannot afford a USA win. There for they have placed politics and power ahead of the lives of our fighting men and women.

British weakness, invited this attack, and their self-imposed impotency and that of the Lefts, only seeks to compound this situation across the colalition.

March 28th, 2007, 09:50 AM
Quoted:"The thing I disagree with is "peace" doesn't necessarily imply "weakness"...we can have peace and still be strong (1980's would be a good example"

The reason that there were no major conflicts in the 1980's was because we had 536 Titan II missiles armed with nuclear warheads pointed at the throat of every major nation on the planet, and a president who wasnt afraid to push the button....hmmmmm maybe we should go back to that strategy to obtain the good ol' 1980's "Peace".

March 28th, 2007, 09:53 AM
Hehe...that's what I mean...we had peace because we had strength and the willingness to use it.

"Who set us up the bomb?"
We did biotches...deal with it.

March 28th, 2007, 10:10 AM
Without a doubt. If you show a weakness. They will exploit it. IMHO,

March 28th, 2007, 05:31 PM
You have to remember who your dealing with. These aren't rationally thinking people. They grow up believing that if they die even in an attempt to kill "The Infidels" then they will go to heaven and reap tremendous rewards and their families back home will be national heroes. These religious fanatics are smacktards. When you have an irrational kid throwing a tantrum, do you sit down and diplomacize with him/her?? NO, YOU SMACK THE **** OUTTA THEM and tell them that if they cry about it you will hit them, harder. Result is some whimpering and then silence and a child who now knows the bounderies of what is acceptable behavior. How did we beat the brits during the revolutionary war? By fighting dirty and breaking traditional rules of engagement to take advantage of situations. There is no such thing as a "Fair" or Honorable" war. We need to stop *****-footin' around with these bastages and go in their extra hard. Burn a few cities to the ground with all the citizens in it and these little f*cktards will release all hostages and run and hide.
