View Full Version : LA_MERC_ server last night

March 21st, 2007, 07:48 AM
WHAT is a asset? We need to start and get a good set last night was fun keep it going and make this the best server out there discuss what an asset is, well if a plane or a tank or APC is not being used this should be a asset to hit now we all had fun last night weighting for our clan buds to get in then hit him but if we want to keep the server up and running with more than just us we need ROI lets.

And last night I was not flying at 3miles a hr in a plane it is on full all the way
did the server seem to lag a lot

March 21st, 2007, 08:10 AM
did the server seem to lag a lot

Not for me which is weird because I had the highest ping outta everybody (75-110). I spiked up to like 200 a few times but it would drop back in 2-3 seconds.

March 21st, 2007, 08:18 AM
John... Really just F'n with you on the plane PWnage.. Don't sweat it. I just think its funny when you fly by in the MIG going slow enough I can count the whiskers on your grill. :stick...

We need some SF I/O tonight... Warlord, Ghosttown, Surge, Mass Destruction. Some one set it up, if you think its a good idea.

Lets see what happens...

March 21st, 2007, 08:59 AM
The only time I lagged was when I jumped into the gunner position on the helicopter with FragFood. Everytime we took off we would lag for 1 sec then be fine.

March 21st, 2007, 09:21 AM
WHAT is a asset? We need to start and get a good set last night was fun keep it going and make this the best server out there discuss what an asset is, well if a plane or a tank or APC is not being used this should be a asset to hit now we all had fun last night weighting for our clan buds to get in then hit him but if we want to keep the server up and running with more than just us we need ROI lets.

And last night I was not flying at 3miles a hr in a plane it is on full all the way
did the server seem to lag a lot

Periods are nice. Plus, I have no clue what you are talking about

March 21st, 2007, 09:24 AM
John... Really just F'n with you on the plane PWnage.. Don't sweat it. I just think its funny when you fly by in the MIG going slow enough I can count the whiskers on your grill. :stick...

We need some SF I/O tonight... Warlord, Ghosttown, Surge, Mass Destruction. Some one set it up, if you think its a good idea.

Lets see what happens...

Why do you want to change the type of game 2 days into it? Try to populate BF2 and see what happens. I'd rather not switch the game type every other day.

March 21st, 2007, 09:38 AM
Because we can....

It can get boring flying, driving, walking and swimming around the same maps every night. I just thought we could get a sense of how active ‘pubbers’ will be with different games. Have we drawn a few people to Vanilla BF2? Sure, so why not change it up for a couple of nights of SF I/O or AF? I don’t see the harm, hell we may not see anyone come in, or we might see 20 who knows?

If it’s not a simple process to change server settings, then by all means set it and forget it. If it takes just a few minutes, where’s the harm? Just IMO...

March 21st, 2007, 10:42 AM
If we all agree that something like a I/O, SF, AF, EF type thing would be good then we need to do it maybe once a week AFTER we've built up a loyal group that plays on the server. I like the EF maps - I hate the dam planes in AF and EF. If I remember correctly - it's not a lot of work to make such a change - it's just that a person has to go in and physically move all the current maps out and then add all the new maps in then restart the server.

March 21st, 2007, 10:58 AM
I understand Goose, I'm trying to think out of the box here. Do we know we wouldn't build a loyal player base by playing SF I/O or AF? Thats my point why not rotate the game, the style and the maps more frequently and then evaluate the results?

I think our members, our recruits and our OTH friends are putting in a great effort at jump starting this thing, rotating it will also help keep it fresh for those sitting in it every night. How long do think it will be before our steady players get burned out? Lets avoid that, and also show Pubbers we are about keeping BF2 fresh by playing a variety of games, styles, and maps.

I'm not trying to jam this down anyones throat, I just feel we should operate the server little differently this time, we know the results from the first go around. Our consistent players get bored, killing eachother in the same game, on the same maps, night after night. If we utilize all the games the x-packs and style choices, we may find a more interested and loyal base. Like I said, just my thoughts....

March 21st, 2007, 11:20 AM
I understand Goose, I'm trying to think out of the box here. Do we know we wouldn't build a loyal player base by playing SF I/O or AF? Thats my point why not rotate the game, the style and the maps more frequently and then evaluate the results?

I think our members, our recruits and our OTH friends are putting in a great effort at jump starting this thing, rotating it will also help keep it fresh for those sitting in it every night. How long do think it will be before our steady players get burned out? Lets avoid that, and also show Pubbers we are about keeping BF2 fresh by playing a variety of games, styles, and maps.

I'm not trying to jam this down anyones throat, I just feel we should operate the server little differently this time, we know the results from the first go around. Our consistent players get bored, killing eachother in the same game, on the same maps, night after night. If we utilize all the games the x-packs and style choices, we may find a more interested and loyal base. Like I said, just my thoughts....

Are you speak for the steady players or yourself when you talk about getting burned out? There are a lot of people that still only play Vanilla BF2 and continue to on a daily basis.

You are more than welcome to take over control and change maps from the xpacks to regular bf2 when ever you like. The times that I see the server on AF or SF, I'll just find another server to play on. Just my thoughts.

I'm just trying to figure out who you are speaking for. We don't even have regulars, must less ones that complain. Why not get them here first and into the forums where things like that can be discussed.

March 21st, 2007, 11:50 AM
Please don't misunderstand my point, I'm not speaking for anyone other than myself.

And I’m not unsatisfied with the current operation of the server or how you plan to handle the future operation of it. My point is we know how this works, we've been down this road before, when we set it and forget it the game can go stale. Our members and regulars (regular guests like OTH and regular playing members) will tire of killing each other etc etc.

So why not approach the issue slightly differently? Change the changeable features more frequently; let that be the drawing point of the server. It’s what might separate us from the masses of Stuck on Karkand. I think it’s worth a shot to take a totally different approach to hosting our own server.

What do we have to lose?

Again I’m not speaking for anyone other than myself, I will show-up every night and stay until my eyes bleed. And I realize there is no guaranteed way to attract users to the server, we may fail anyway we approach it. My idea is to do something I’ve seen very few other servers do and that is rotate the BF2 product through out the week, and be different than 95% of the other server hosts out there.

There are 1000's of other servers out there all doing the same thing, and most sit empty, so why not do it just a little differently?

March 21st, 2007, 12:01 PM
Question (and I realize that as a non BF2 player, that I don't entirely understand the situation nor could I...but I can understand the idea): why not allow the server to sit as it is right now and then, at a future date, re-evaluate the situation and change the server accordingly? I mean, why put the cart before the horse and make a plan to change a brand new server to do something that could, in all honesty, drive more of the "regular" players away than it could bring on board?

here's my logic: If I were a pubber (which I'm not, we all know this) and I had a favorite server that I became a regular on, say the MERC server. Then, less than a week into the server being put up there, the server changed, on a rotating basis, to several different styles of game which I may or may not have. I would get frustrated. I wouldn't know which game was being played...I couldn't hang out with the people that I wanted to hang out with etc etc etc.

Just my thoughts...take them for whatever they are worth.

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
March 21st, 2007, 12:22 PM
I'd wait a week or 3 before I changed anything like the rotation. As long as we have some admins on they can change the map when everyone gets there so it doesn't get stale.

Please DON"T ATTACK THE UNCAPS! If that's our rule we MUST obey it just like everyone else. Last night one of the Foods, Frag or Fish, said they were getting killed in uncap by a chopper. I happened to be in the same squad as those guys so I told them don't attack the uncap. They replied, "so even if we have all the flags we can't attack the uncap?" I said yes and they said, "then why was our Commander dropping Arty on the uncap a minute ago." The Commander was a MERC so they might get the wrong idea about us and our server.

March 21st, 2007, 12:32 PM
Tech you make a valid point, that’s the rub. Do you serve one segment of the BF2 world a predictable style, games, and format? Or do you offer an array of BF2 game play with a predictable rotation of styles, games and format?

Hypothetically I would approach it like this:

It’s a base Vanilla BF2 Server with a city and air map rotation. (A good one by the way)

I would broadcast via in game scrolling and load screen the following.

Join us for Special Forces Day Maps I/O Wednesdays! And Sundays!

Join us for Armored Fury and Euroforces Friday’s!

Again there is no guarantee this will increase server participation, but I think it’s worth an effort.

Just my thoughts here, again I’m not UNHAPPY, I just think we should offer those like us who’ve played countless hours of BF2 a more original approach to the product. And at the same time make it more interesting for those of us who are committing precious gaming time, money and effort to making this work.

March 21st, 2007, 12:42 PM
Ex you're right, last night I was playing and totally pwnd the chopper at the MEC Airfield. I was totally oblivious to the fact our ROE prohibited our attacking assets as they leave the airfield. I'm sorry for that. However in my defense, I was US and our team was down 180 tickets or so and ended up losing like 160 to zero.

I think we should clarify, or simplify our ROE. Lots of uncaps contain AA if engaged can a pilot engage the AA? What happens if his bombs miss the AA and hit the planes, choppers or infantry? Is that kickable? No arty on uncaps and don't attack the Carrier might be easier, I don't know.

March 21st, 2007, 12:51 PM
Attacking an uncap is attacking an uncap. Following an enemy fighter over an uncap is not attacking the uncap. The same with a chopper

Making bombing runs on the uncap, dropping arty on the uncap and having a squad camp and steal vehicles while killing people as they spawn is attacking an uncap.

March 21st, 2007, 12:52 PM
Tech you make a valid point, that’s the rub. Do you serve one segment of the BF2 world a predictable style, games, and format? Or do you offer an array of BF2 game play with a predictable rotation of styles, games and format?

Hypothetically I would approach it like this:

It’s a base Vanilla BF2 Server with a city and air map rotation. (A good one by the way)

I would broadcast via in game scrolling and load screen the following.

Join us for Special Forces Day Maps I/O Wednesdays! And Sundays!

Join us for Armored Fury and Euroforces Friday’s!

Again there is no guarantee this will increase server participation, but I think it’s worth an effort.

Just my thoughts here, again I’m not UNHAPPY, I just think we should offer those like us who’ve played countless hours of BF2 a more original approach to the product. And at the same time make it more interesting for those of us who are committing precious gaming time, money and effort to making this work.

Find us a server that this actually works in and we can re evaluate.

March 21st, 2007, 12:56 PM

March 21st, 2007, 02:12 PM
On the UNCAP issue.

Arty was reigning supreme on me no matter where, but I did get dusted as I spawned at an uncap. I chalked this up to being a newer server and not being used to the rules. I did not care much. What I do care about is the air toys and uncaps. You can fly away as fast as you flew up to it. If you are sneaking a peak to see if the chopper is there, then that is you fault for getting shot at. One time is not a big deal, so kill everything there, 2 0r 3 times shows a habit and I say kick 'em.

March 21st, 2007, 02:27 PM
sorry about my sentance structure and my spelling I had a thought and wanted to get it down befor I frogot it.look like we had a realy good talk about it.hope some good come out of it . david just f-en with you

March 21st, 2007, 04:42 PM
I say the vanilla stuff is still fine by me, but the few ties I have played SF, it was fun also. If its not a big thing, I could see designating one night a week for SF play. As for AF, I cant get mine working so I dont mind if its not in the rotation just yet. Whatever, its all good for me either way. I just like playin with MERCS and friends, so whatever its on, I'll play.

March 21st, 2007, 05:50 PM
'] Whatever, its all good for me either way. I just like playin with MERCS and friends, so whatever its on, I'll play.

RGR That!

March 21st, 2007, 06:10 PM
Here is a site I've played at that rotates as I mentioned. Take a look, I've also included another link that some may find interesting.



March 21st, 2007, 07:06 PM

1st - Me and 2 of my friends that I brought to the server last night "LIB-Zohar" and "LIB-USMCKilla" Where experiencing Lag, mainly while flying... FragFood was with me when I would get connection failed messages for 1 or 2 seconds, then I would catch back up in time to pull the Chopper out of a nose dive to the ground... I did manage to kill FragFood 1 time due to the LAG. My 2 friends hung around the server because I asked them to join, however if it had been another server, they would have left for the same reasons. They were also complaining to me about glitchy'ness and lag.

2. Concerning uncaps... and I don’t mean any disrespect to the person who I asked about this situation... BUT

My friends are scolded by one of our MERC'S for attacking an uncap, they questioned me about it... I advised them not to do this, they agreed and did not hit another plane at the enemy uncap.. Next round they are getting hit repeatedly while trying to get the attack chopper off the base. They then ask me,,, what’s the deal Parker? I thought we were not suppose to do this? I told them I would speak with the MERC who was doing this.. the response I got back was "Well there not on the base when there 3 feet off the ground" Now It has been my experience that " IF " you want to gain server regulars then you "CAN NOT" have it both ways.. No matter what your reasons are for doing what you did at the time you did it.. it just don’t work...we make a rule we stick to it... Period... I was personally a little frustrated with the situation... but let it go until tonight when I had time to bring it up.

3rd - I agree totally with what LA_TECH is saying.. he’s been around the block a few times and from an outside point of view.. I think he’s dead on.

I feel we need to try and grow the basic server first before adding the X-mods that not everyone has. Your largest base of players are Vanilla BF2 players.. lets try to build our reputation and repeat server regulars based on our game play, our fairness and our intolerance for people who do not follow the rules... THIS is what made LA_MERC such a great CS 1.6 server, our players always complimented us on our ability to govern our server, enforce our rules.. and treat EVERYONE with respect and fairness... Not team stacking and such... In fact if the opposite team was getting their but handed to them round after round, after round, some of our best players would move to the other side to make it a fair fight.

" I want this new server to work, and am up for all Ideas... But the 1 Idea that I feel we must all adhere to is taking pride in the fact that we, as a Clan, Can and will run the fairest server know to the BF2 community.

March 21st, 2007, 07:34 PM
Damn I missed out on a hot thread!! well better late than never... IMO we need to keep this thing straight bf2 until we develop a soild base. Who know... If we were to get some quality recruits out of this we "MIGHT" be able to get SF up all by itself...

March 21st, 2007, 11:21 PM
The chopper stuff, I took full responsibility for it... I was driving it and Dragon was killing... nuff said. Hell I was telling Dragon to kill the hell out of the chopper. But once I'd been informed of our ROE we immediately moved off. Lets remember, the Uncap DOES NOT extend into the Air, once its up it's fair game in my book. Someone set me straight if I'm wrong please...

March 22nd, 2007, 06:14 AM
sry to yellow,
tell them dragon will not shoot them. that we will shake hands over the battle field but also tell them not to shoot me cause im loaded to gill on claymore and im waiting on the shot.... but seriously im sry dont have control of helio. i did shoot them down alot and im sry for that.

about server issue. i would like to see us keep it as it is and when it looks to be falling change to infatry only. and then look at other options down the road.

everyone has had problems when they first start out and if u build it they will come, if not then rebuild it differently and they will come. and so on so on.

just my veiws. sry yellow

March 22nd, 2007, 04:00 PM
Well guys, thanks for responding :)
Just letting you guys know Im not looking for any apolgies...I just wanted to bring up the situation as it was... If it seems to hard to enforce a rule such as "At what point is the Attack Chopper no longer considiered In the base" then maybe we need to keep it simple... No arty on Uncaps, no stealing plains and choppers from uncaps... Just juding from the confusion I had on No attacking the uncaps.. i can just imagine how may Pubbers are going to get that Rule Wrong..??

March 22nd, 2007, 04:03 PM
Well guys, thanks for responding :)
Just letting you guys know Im not looking for any apolgies...I just wanted to bring up the situation as it was... If it seems to hard to enforce a rule such as "At what point is the Attack Chopper no longer considiered In the base" then maybe we need to keep it simple... No arty on Uncaps, no stealing plains and choppers from uncaps... Just juding from the confusion I had on No attacking the uncaps.. i can just imagine how may Pubbers are going to get that Rule Wrong..??

Then we will just have to explain it better. If you overwhelm them with rules, they will be just as confused.

March 22nd, 2007, 04:10 PM
correct... Another thing is.. the "if it's airborne it's fair game" deal.. That could be true in a tight match, but if you are stomping a teams guts out it may be prudent to lay off a bit so as not to scare n00bs off with the threat of constant pwnage.. I mean damn... let them get up and have a fighting chance... I'm not saying broadcast a rule, but MERCs should take this into consideration I think.

March 22nd, 2007, 04:38 PM
that what this was for to get it right I like the talk get it out and get a good set of rule up and running so the server will not die. last night we had some other pepole on the server whitch is good right , mabe not that person the the chopper as he was all over the place couldn't hit a thing with him

March 22nd, 2007, 05:26 PM
correct... Another thing is.. the "if it's airborne it's fair game" deal.. That could be true in a tight match, but if you are stomping a teams guts out it may be prudent to lay off a bit so as not to scare n00bs off with the threat of constant pwnage.. I mean damn... let them get up and have a fighting chance... I'm not saying broadcast a rule, but MERCs should take this into consideration I think.

This is what im thinking... as for us MERCS,,, We should all try to keep in mind that Owning up on our server will not attract many repeat players. We should all make an effort to keep the matches as even as possible "Within reason"... Its just the Idea that all of us should make an effort to even the playing field.. adjusting to each situation as it occurs. We cannot expect our Guest to adhere to a..keep it even mentallity... this is our job... After all its OUR server. :)

March 22nd, 2007, 06:27 PM
when I would get connection failed messages for 1 or 2 seconds, then I would catch back up in time

I get that quite a few times...it just freezes...then WHAM! Ground assault!

March 22nd, 2007, 07:08 PM
I think the idea is that you shouldnt be over the base in a chopper unless you chase another chopper there. As far as waisting a new chopper spawn, you know where its comin from, hang out outside the base and let them get up and start movin out. Once they are in the open, have at'em. Just my opinion, and Im not much of an air vehicle guy anyways.

March 23rd, 2007, 05:40 AM
Well, if the chopper spawns at an uncappable - the other chopper needs to be at least at the 400 meter mark - just outside TV guided. If the chopper spawns at a cappable (Airfield on Wake) you're fair game, ground or air.

March 23rd, 2007, 06:56 AM
That aint going to work... just let the rule stand.. no attacking uncaps... if a player is raping the air craft before they can get off the ground.. then we will deal with then... theres just not enough room to lay out a detailed rule like that.

March 23rd, 2007, 07:54 AM
rgr that.... keep it simple

March 23rd, 2007, 11:37 PM
Hey, so is there a list for admins yet?

March 24th, 2007, 01:16 AM
Admins? How about my sig for BF2? How the feck do I get that?

March 24th, 2007, 09:02 AM
I'm still compiling a list. Hopefully by the end of the weekend, I'll post it up.

March 24th, 2007, 11:33 AM
Admins? How about my sig for BF2? How the feck do I get that?

sign up...become ONE with the game...

Target, when you say compiling a list, I assume you've already chosen or was there a vote some where?:stick

feel the love baby, feel the love!:heart3

March 24th, 2007, 12:12 PM
Dont worry CHI.. Your not included in the list... Only Absolute and total Uber duber Newbies are allowed to admin our server..

This will keep it intresting. :)

March 24th, 2007, 01:00 PM
Chi, most that play will have admin. Its just not as simple as typing in a name.
