View Full Version : Arrested Development

March 15th, 2007, 12:45 PM
I started watching this on HDNET and forgot how freaking funny it is... Well at least to me.. BTW in my family, I'm more like the Michael character. And I can nearly assign a family member to each of the characters portrayed in the show.

I have a brother in law 31 years old, (nameless) who fancies himself a Professional Bass Fisherman, he spends most waking hours fishing and living out of his mothers basement. Only problem, he doesn't own a boat. (Gob)

We have another member of our family who is nearly 28 years old, is still a college student (sophomore) and is unsure at this moment exactly what his mission in life is, other than avoiding anything associated with effort, ambition, work or going to class. (Buster/Tobias)

We don't have any Lindsay's in our crew, but I dated a few of them. Man they were FUN!

The Mother character; well swap the heavy boozing for prescription meds and we've got a couple of those walking around. I think if the scientific community ever stops "disease/diagnosis of the week" program, I know a few women in my family who will feel abandoned. It's amazing the number of people in my family who have long suffered with Restless Leg Syndrome...


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