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March 13th, 2007, 05:17 PM
Why I voted for this guy.... TWICE....

"My pledge to you and your government, but more important to the people of Mexico, is I'll work as hard as I possibly can to pass comprehensive immigration reform," Bush said during a sun-splashed arrival ceremony that opened two days of meetings with Mexican President Felipe Calderon.

Here's the link....Geezus...


March 13th, 2007, 06:08 PM
The best section; "Calderón has lambasted the fence – a mix of physical and high-tech barriers. He likens it to the Berlin Wall, and argues that both countries need to improve Mexico's economy to lessen the desire to seek work in the United States."

Are F'ing kidding me. We suck, our economy sucks, and we cannot do anything about it. You fix it or we will keep coming over there raping and plundering your social services!!!Muwhahahahahaha!

March 13th, 2007, 06:12 PM
Why I voted for this guy.... TWICE....
probably the same reason i did noone else worth a dam was running lol :tank:

March 13th, 2007, 06:38 PM
Well the tone of the speech turned my stomach, the United States hasn't failed Mexico, Mexico and her elitist and bifurcated society has failed itself.

Why must it fall to the US economy, the US worker, and most of all the US TAXPAYER to cure the ills of Mexico and it's underclass? What a bunch of BS...

The idea that any person born on US soil, regardless of their parents legal status, is immediately a US citizen, is totally outdated and should be repealed.

March 14th, 2007, 07:19 AM
Has anybody here ever actually been to Mexico? I mean the poor parts (which is about 80% of the population). If you noticed, these folk live in cardboard and scrap metal houses while the government officials live in "palaces". Before anyone starts to cry, we at least provide housing for our "poor". I think that we have done enough for the Mexican citizen by opening our factories over there and employing their people. Yes...yes...I know (with a bleeding heart, lost puppy dog sounding wimper) "But we pay them pennies a day for their labor!" Even though they are only paid "pennies" a day, they are paid more than the average Mexican citizen. What is our sacrafice? Lost jobs here in the US. That is our part.

As far as letting Mexicans in to become US citizens??? Here is my brilliant plan:

The Bacon-Bits Plan

1. Any able bodied Mexican citizen may become an American citizen if the following criteria is met:
a) They must be willing, and able to work immediately.
b) A job must be secured before crossing the border. This will be facilitated by a new government organization called "The Mexican Labor Board" This board will take the place of, and be funded by, the former ACLU.
c) They must renounce their citizenship with Mexico. No "Mexican-Americans", no Mexican flags flying outside of their homes(which are not made from cardboard or scrap metal) and no anti US slandering.
d) They must speak the english language.
e) They must be a part of the US Mexican Exchange Program"
-This is a program whereby US citizens who have been on welfare for more than 2 years, but are capable of working, will be "exchanged" with an able bodied Mexican citizen who is willing to work even though they have cronic ingrown nails. The US citizen shall immediately become a Mexican citizen and entitled to all rights forthwith. (ie: Cardboard house)

2. Once accepted into the US, these individuals will obtain a 2 year probationary citizenship stats. At the end of 2 years an evaluation will be made by using the following criteria:
a) Are they still employed?
b) Do they have a criminal record?
c) Are they promoting a patriotic example in their community?
If the answer to any of these questions is "no", the individual will be deported bact to the cardboard shack. (The useless ex-US citizen will remain in Mexico NO TAKE-BACKS!! nannie-nannie-boo-boo)

3) Once all criteria is satisfactorily completed, the individual will obtain a permanent US citizenship, and all rights which every American citizen is entitled to. (ei: *****ing, moaning, and complaining about everything without ever lifting a finger to fix it)

And they all lived happily ever after. The End.

March 14th, 2007, 07:31 AM
Boggles the mind. I can't believe I voted this guy in as well. I think it was the lesser of 2 evils. The good news is we have some decent candidates this time. I hope they get they nomination. As for mexico. Fix it you damn self and all as for George W. WTF man, put some troops on teh border and tell them wetbacks, look. Go and register and come over legally so you can pay taxes to help your countrymen as well. MFer.

March 14th, 2007, 07:50 AM
The Bacon-Bits Plan

1. Any able bodied Mexican citizen may become an American citizen if the following criteria is met:
a) They must be willing, and able to work immediately.
b) A job must be secured before crossing the border. This will be facilitated by a new government organization called "The Mexican Labor Board" This board will take the place of, and be funded by, the former ACLU.
c) They must renounce their citizenship with Mexico. No "Mexican-Americans", no Mexican flags flying outside of their homes(which are not made from cardboard or scrap metal) and no anti US slandering.
d) They must speak the english language.
e) They must be a part of the US Mexican Exchange Program"
-This is a program whereby US citizens who have been on welfare for more than 2 years, but are capable of working, will be "exchanged" with an able bodied Mexican citizen who is willing to work even though they have cronic ingrown nails. The US citizen shall immediately become a Mexican citizen and entitled to all rights forthwith. (ie: Cardboard house)

2. Once accepted into the US, these individuals will obtain a 2 year probationary citizenship stats. At the end of 2 years an evaluation will be made by using the following criteria:
a) Are they still employed?
b) Do they have a criminal record?
c) Are they promoting a patriotic example in their community?
If the answer to any of these questions is "no", the individual will be deported bact to the cardboard shack. (The useless ex-US citizen will remain in Mexico NO TAKE-BACKS!! nannie-nannie-boo-boo)

3) Once all criteria is satisfactorily completed, the individual will obtain a permanent US citizenship, and all rights which every American citizen is entitled to. (ei: *****ing, moaning, and complaining about everything without ever lifting a finger to fix it)

And they all lived happily ever after. The End.

Now I love this plan... it would clean up or welfare system.. and bring in a new race of people that are willing to work.


March 14th, 2007, 08:03 AM
I mean really... wtf do you think most of the wetbacks do with the money they earn here? they send it to Mexico. The Mexican government HAS to know if we stop the flood they will loose millions of us dollars per year from their economy. That is why they don't want a fence. As far as Bush goes... He may actually be THE worst President we have had, and I voted for his arse twice. I just REALLY hope the the Clinton Obama ticket is to big a pill for most to swallow, because at this point the Republicans are going to have a rough go at the White House because of this C student frat boy bastage! Boy would life suck with with the libs in complete control. Almost as bad as it has the other way round. We'll be a social democracy before you know it. John McCain FTW!

March 14th, 2007, 09:02 AM
Certainly all administrations become irritating as they near the eight-year mark, it was this way with Reagans, GHWB, and Hillary Part I. So it is with GW. Of course the constant drumbeat of negativity from the usual suspects only heightens the animosity toward this administration.

Couple that with a 24 hour news cycle which drones on and on about A. The World is Over-Cooking (and its our fault) B. Teachers are Constantly Screwing our Children (literally and figuratively) C. Everyone Everywhere Hates America (its amazing so many people want to sneak in) D. The November 2008 Election Cycle started in November 2006. All of the above have curbed my consumption of anything mass media related. The only part of the paper I read is the sports section. National Review still comes to the house, but it’s more likely to be used start the chimenea than to be read. I read trade magazines and drilling logs.

I’m just sick of the mind-set that America is here to be suckled by the rest of the World. No ones guaranteeing me, my wife, my children anything, why the hell is the President of my country so intent on granting amnesty to a bunch of people who crawled in under the wire? I don’t care about what jobs they do, or why they’re here. Come in the front door, legally, pay your dues and get to work building a better life for your family and a better country for us all. It’s these policy decisions that make my blood boil, and believe me someone is going to hear about it.

Baco, nice easy solution. Now get busy forming your BACO-IS-GREAT in '08 commitee.

March 14th, 2007, 09:12 AM

Yes vote for Baco in 98' I promise Moon-Pies and RC Cola's for all!!

Remember: "A vote for Bacon, is a vote for cholesterol!"

Paid for by the Friends of Baco is Great in 98'

March 14th, 2007, 06:28 PM
I'll remind you why... the opponents.

March 14th, 2007, 06:36 PM
What can I say. I have to deal with these turds everyday at work. They refuse to speak our language, they have the social graces of a homeless dog (i.e pissin in coke bottles and leavin them around, sh1ttin on open floors or in toilets that aren't even hooked up, throwin food refuse on the ground or even in buildings), they dont bathe. Then there is the fact that they work fo pennies on the dollar so the economical boom in the construction industry post-Katrina is already fading away. Labor costs are down to what they were in the late 80's already. Then there is the quality of their work, pathetic in most cases. Throw in the rampant rapes and robberies and its worse than the last bunch in here that just sat on thier porches smokin weed and shootin each other.
