View Full Version : Conda Goes Slient....

March 8th, 2007, 09:25 AM
There are a myriad of reasons why I’m addicted to BF2. It could be the sweet ass graphics, the map variations, and the compilation of statistics. Or it could be something simple as the exhilaration of PWNING some snot-nosed 10 year old kid (you know the kind I’m talking about? He’s the one who walks through your yard conveniently dropping his mountain dew bottle into your birdbath) on the other end of my G36E.

Likely I’m addicted because no two BF2 days are the same. Playing BF2 is like looking at a snowflake, each time it’s different.

Last night for example, I could not do anything right. Couldn’t spawn in the right spot, and when I did some kind of Armor, APC, Chopper or Plane would quickly be by to drop a whole truckload of ordnance in my grill. When I’d spawn on my SL, he’d be in the middle of a fire-fight and I would either shoot myself in the foot or TK the guy standing next to me, as I forgot which side I was fighting on. I chalked it up to playing infantry on maps loaded with vehicles. And when I did get in a tank some dude backed into my injured tank with his APC causing my tank to explode killing me, the gunner and the dude in the APC, shortly those magic words appeared TEAMKILLS. HA!

It wasn’t much better later on Dalian Plant. This time I was so bad with the TV guide, Andy actually went SILENT! He’s like the manager whose ACE pitcher is serving up batting practice fastballs to the Yankeess. I know he’s thinking “I’ll give him one more inning to find his grove, then it’s time to find another shooter.” I started off with a couple of easy Blackhawk kills and the whoop’n and hollar’n was just getting started. Then I whiffed the Cobra, (no worries) and we ate a TV then ate another TV, now I'm firing and missing he’s firing and missing. Later I hear Conda… “Hey Chuck .. Can you fly?!” LOL!! So I jump in with Chi, Andy and Ex are rolling and we finally get a few missile shots to hit and cap enough flags to win. Just a weird night, like none I’ve ever experienced before in BF2.

Oh and the capper was, I’m introducing Jack (Fragfood) as Frank!!! “Everyone know Frank? Frag is Frank…Frank you know Chuck?” Frag: “Hey my name is Jack…” Wetz: “ I’m Sorry…. Are you sure?”

Good times! Like always.

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
March 8th, 2007, 10:17 AM
You calling Frag Frank was pretty funny. I think that server ws a little laggy or something because for everyone it was hard to hit anything with the TV guided missle. That's why Andy asked if I could fly because I missed a couple times after Wetz missed a couple times. So Andy was like 0-7 and he needed to fix that ASAP. LOL!

March 8th, 2007, 01:46 PM
Dont feel bad...I couldnt do anything last night either. And my mic was not working AGAIN. Sorry bout not talking guys, I will steal the wifes mic tonight until my plantronics one comes in.

March 8th, 2007, 06:04 PM
Jeez sling, if you needed one, I could have shipped you one...lol

Wetz, you did good as my gunner.

And as for off nights, we all have them. In fact, most of my nights seem to be "off", with the exception of the scrim, 2 fake Golds in a row... go figure

March 8th, 2007, 07:49 PM
We all have bad nights. Heck I look forward to the rare good nights myself.

March 9th, 2007, 07:32 AM
LOL, No worries David. i was actually chalking it up to me not getting you lined up right. It was a wierd night but I still enjoyed the hell out of it. I would rather die 10 times in a row with my fellow MERC than own all night with a stranger. We'll get'em next time.

March 9th, 2007, 05:58 PM
rgr that Andy
