View Full Version : Scrim success :)

March 3rd, 2007, 10:16 PM
Had a great time tonight joining in with the LA MERC forces to totally pwn the sniper clan in our little scrim. Great team work and strategy all around. I actually did pretty good myself which was surprising. Thanks for letting me join in on the fun even though I am not a member of the clan. I'll be down for another interclan scrim whenever, just put it up on the forums and Ill try to schedule it in.

March 4th, 2007, 07:45 AM
Hats off for a great time!

David, awesome job organizing and planning the teams and strats, it worked to perfection :)

Great job commanding Chi, kept us informed of enemy movement, dropped arty and resupply whenever it was needed, what else can a commander do!!!!

Yellow, great work with keeping your team on task and planning our moves, once again it worked to perfection, we ruled the center of the map:)

Great work Doc and Frag, the team play and communication was fantastic, I always knew what was going on and where it was happening!!!

And finally, great work to ALL the teams, everyone stayed on task allowing
La_Merc to own, great fun, I only wish we played more rounds :) :) :)

March 4th, 2007, 01:40 PM
Yea,, I really enjoyed the game play last night...

I haven’t had that much fun with a squad in a while, it really puts new meaning to the game when you have that Them against Us feel, everyone working for the same goal. It was awesome, Even if we had been the ones on the loosing end... I would have still enjoyed the match. It was the fact that we had 18 of our own guys all show up to do one thing.. Band together. United under MERC,, and try to be victorious.... :)

The match did end up being a bit one sided the second round... At that point Im not sure Sniper group wanted to go another round, plus we were having server issues.

My hat goes off to those guys for hosting the Scrim; I hope we can do this again. After this scrim these guys know what to expect of us.. So they will be better prepared to counter or style of game play. I personally love close battles.. The whole Skin of your teeth feeling you get after a hard fought battle is one of the most exhilarating experiences you can have.

Here’s to all the guys that made it to the Scrim... our side, and theirs..

Thanks for the good times.. It was a blast.. :)

March 4th, 2007, 01:42 PM
The more that I reflect on the match, the more that I'm impressed with the level of team play and organization. The work that Yellow_Dog did before the match made a huge difference for Charlie Squad. Kudos to everyone and a special thanks to David for the ton of work setting this up. I appreciate the opportunity to take part.

March 4th, 2007, 05:02 PM
:)Well to sum up Charlie Squad... :)

If they tried to come into Cisterns with wheels.. It blew up.. if it came in on tracks... It blew up... If it came in on wings... it got Shot. If they left us alone... we went to Refinery... where they ususally where... and the following things happend... Wheels = X... Tracks = X, and Air.. dont even think about it... I Must say to all the guys in Charlie Squad... Rollout, FragFood, and DocSparky.. you guys stuck with the plan, laid the mines when needed, spawned with shraws when needed, and not once did these guys get the better part of you.

From your Squad leader, LA_MERC_YeLLoWDoG, Good JEERRB!!!!!
I would be happy to have you fellas in my squad any day.

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
March 4th, 2007, 05:33 PM
It was a lot of fun as always with scrims guys, good job to all.

I'll chim in for Delta squad that we did a good job helping each other out and laying low to all the armor we saw. Me and John had some issues in the first round but we did ok. In the second round on China we did realy well helped hold East and Old City with some forays to Gas Station and Cisterns. Good job to John with the hiccups in the server it's amazing you did as well as you did. We held both choppers for the majority of the first round and all of the second round.

I didn't see much of what the ground guys were doing but I know they did one hell of a job because rarely did I look at the minimap and see the points we wanted in enemy hands. And when I did see those times it wasn't long before we regained control. Great job MERC.

March 4th, 2007, 09:30 PM
Alpha did one hell of a job despite having a noob for a squad leader. With little instruction and a lot of chatter Abi and Cheese kept the field clear. Felt like the first round we were constantly fighting the armor and infantry off. I thought we might lose it a couple times but everytime the squad would find a way to keep it our own. Thanks for the great play and teamwork Alpha. And thanks for all the support everyone gave us with air and artillery. And a big thanks to Chi for a great job at command!

March 5th, 2007, 06:28 AM
Thanks Shadow... Again, Every one did an outstanding job.

March 5th, 2007, 07:19 AM
I don't even know where to begin. If this is what I've been missing then I'm ashamed. I can not even begin to describe how much fun that was. 18 MERC's on team speak. Everyone with a plan and a position. Every squad doing their part to perfection. As Marines we held tough and beat them 120-0. That's amazing. Drax and Spark did amazing in the air with the low end US planes against the superior J-10 and SU-30. X, John, Wetzny and myself were relentless in the helo's. The ground troops were phenominal. Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie ground pounded with amazing speed and clarity. We owned the map out right. I truely expected at least one of our squads to be over run but NOPE. Not the case. I can't believe the infantry work you guys did. I wish we had a recording of Team speak and a recording of Battlerecorder. I would love to watch how everyone did. I would be nice to watch it without thte butterflies in my belly from playing with the utmost intensity. Also, Chi did excellent as commander. he constantly spoted the enemy, dropped supplies right on target, and was Johnny on the spot with Arty. To me the true testiment to our success was when Aaron from Sniper Group came to our teamspeak server after the match and congratulated us on teh superior ownage. I also like our modesty in winning. I was proud to fly the MERC flag that night. And last but in no part least. Thanks David for putting together a great match. It's a lot of hard work and I think you did an outstanding job coordinating the weeks in advance and during the match setup.


P.S. As China we owned 192-0. DOMINATION!

March 5th, 2007, 06:39 PM
Well said Andy!

March 5th, 2007, 07:51 PM
Hey Andy..................................WORD!
