View Full Version : New Video Card. Check it out :)

February 21st, 2007, 08:56 AM
OK, I got me a new upgrade yesterday...

Here are the Details...

Had = Gigabyte NVIDIA 6800 GT 128Mb Ram, Fan less heat sink

New = BFG NVIDIA 7800 GS OC 256 Mb Ram, with cooling fan.
"On sale at Best Buy for $187.00"

I cleaned my system up, defragmented it, prior to running any benchmarks

3DMARK06, before = 1518

3DMARK06, after = 2765

That’s a 1247 point increase :)

My CPU rating stayed the same, only the graphics and HDR ratings increased..

My current setup

- Antec Case. 480 Watt Antec P/S
- AMD Athlon XP 2800+ OC to 3000+ "400MHz FSB" 10.5 Multiplier
- Corsair 2gb XMS 400MHz PC3200 DDR dual channel RAM
- MSI-K7n2delta 6570 Mobo 400MHz FSB.
- N-Force2 Chipset, running onboard sound
- SCSI Pci adapter to run a W/D 160 GB SATA hard drive.
" MOBO not equipped with SATA"

AND BF2 Looked GREAT last night... I could actually see a hand grenade I threw to the top of a building to kill a sniper on Jalalabad make it all the way to the top :)

I know my system is outdated, but at this time its what I have to work with, so I’m getting the most I can out of it... I am actually kind of surprised at how well its working out considering theirs not to much else I can do to increase performance, besides maybe a 3200+ processor and a good sound card to free up the processor some... and maybe a W/D 10k Rpm raptor hard drive to speed things up a bit. :)


February 21st, 2007, 09:55 AM
Gratz Dude... Good for you!

February 21st, 2007, 10:06 AM
Looks great. As long as your able to play. That's what counts.

February 21st, 2007, 11:53 AM
good deal d00d. Amazing how upgrading your vid card can make it feel like a brand new system.

February 21st, 2007, 03:37 PM
I will have it soon

February 21st, 2007, 05:30 PM
Hey if you can see a nade, your cockin' with gas!!! Our MEGA BUCK cards only let us see a nade, not through walls:) Kill on young grasshopper!!!

February 21st, 2007, 05:32 PM
Looks great. As long as your able to play. That's what counts.
I second that!

February 22nd, 2007, 06:58 AM
your cockin' with gas!!!

I'm not exactly sure how to interpret this :stick

February 22nd, 2007, 09:44 PM
Well we know what he was trying to say.... I think??

February 23rd, 2007, 07:49 AM
how is the card working out for you

February 23rd, 2007, 05:19 PM
Well John, I have run it with doom 3, and HL2.. its sweet... As far as BF2 goes the other night, it was smooth.. I think its well worth the money if your stuck in AGP land for a while.. but if you can stand to upgrade to a PCI-E, then its not worth it. You can buy a PCI-E card for near the same money, with same performance.

As far as the behavior of the card.. The fan spins up when you first boot your machine, but as soon as windows takes over, it slows down.. I think it has a regualted fan speed depending on the load its under.. Its not noisy like some of the Boons, on newegg have decribed it... Only on start up.

In my case, im going to push this machine untill Direct x 10 comes out, and the cost of some of the things I would like to have come down.

BTW... Best buy this week jacked the price of the card to 249.00 I think... it was No doubt a sale on the card...

But NewEgg has it for 209.99 with a 20.00 mail in rebate.


February 23rd, 2007, 05:29 PM
need more time to get my money together thanks for the info
