View Full Version : Sorry for the absence

February 18th, 2007, 05:06 PM
I recently went to D.C. for 4 days to visit my new girlfriend and so I wasnt able to play any BF2 last weekend and it set me behind with house upkeep so it kinda ruined any chance to play this week, but hopefully Ill log some time tonight and be back on more again. And I will also be on for the sniper scrim. The trip was really cool. Got to see a whole lotta stuff, all the war memorials and the air and space and natural history museum. Not to mention a whole lot of quality time with the new lady. The White House looked pretty cool but being as it was 20 degrees with wind chill in broad day light I didnt stare at it too long. Also got to peep out the constitution and the declaration of independence. Pretty nice place, but thankfully she will be movin back here cause I much prefer my town :)

February 18th, 2007, 09:27 PM
WoW.. Sounds like you had a cool trip.. the only Historic thing Ive ever seen
was a Sign in Society Hill, In remeberance of Flat Nose the tree climbing dog.

And WOOTS on the Scrim, we need all the regular guys we can round up..
