View Full Version : Anti-Americanism Past and Present...

February 13th, 2007, 09:16 AM
I found this article today, and found it interesting to remember Anti-Americanism has deep roots.


February 13th, 2007, 09:41 AM
It's amazing to me how people can buy into something without ever knowing anything about why. They just do it becuase their friends or family do it.


Reminds me of the old "Yellow Dog Democrats" (No offense Parker)
They used to call hard core democrats yellow dog democrats becuase the democratic party could nominate a yellow dog for presidency and they would vote for it just becuase it's democrate. LOL.

February 13th, 2007, 09:44 AM
**I don't want to start a flame-fest or anything...so please don't take it that way**

Reminds me of the old "Yellow Dog Democrats" (No offense Parker)
They used to call hard core democrats yellow dog democrats becuase the democratic party could nominate a yellow dog for presidency and they would vote for it just becuase it's democrate.

How is that any different than being against someone just because they are a democrat?

Good article though...good read

February 13th, 2007, 09:53 AM
TAKE COVER!!! :stick

February 13th, 2007, 10:06 AM
Good read. It is hard to get a real picture of how others countries feel about us. For example, I've met several people from other countries that say point blank. We don't hate Americans. Just some of your government's polices. All this is very understandable to me. When you are on top everyone wants to take a shot. Period. No matter what we do people will be bitten by the envy bug. Thing is, you can bet your arse when trouble comes we'll get the first call.

February 13th, 2007, 10:20 AM
Well said Spark.... When someone's bacon has to be pulled from the fire, who do they call? Why it's Uncle Sam baby... and you know what makes this the greatest nation EVER? We come running, asking for nothing in return.

February 13th, 2007, 04:30 PM
and you know what makes this the greatest nation EVER? We come running, asking for nothing in return.

Except your imortal soul... Bow to me you Ignorant pessants,,

and if your begging pleses my dark master... I may even S|-|It on your head...



OK,,, That was a joke.. Please dont kill me :)

February 13th, 2007, 06:41 PM
Well said Spark.... When someone's bacon has to be pulled from the fire, who do they call? Why it's Uncle Sam baby... and you know what makes this the greatest nation EVER? We come running, asking for nothing in return.

WordNet - Cite This Source

1. the brother of your father or mother; the husband of your aunt [ant: aunt]
2. a source of help and advice and encouragement; "he played uncle to lonely students"

February 13th, 2007, 11:05 PM
Nice Chi-Townz, that makes a ton of sense!

February 14th, 2007, 05:55 AM
yikes, some one woke up on the wrong side of the bed..:stick

February 14th, 2007, 06:33 AM
Nice Chi-Townz, that makes a ton of sense!

Dude, I'm serious.. that made sense to me.

February 14th, 2007, 09:47 AM
Yeah, people seem to be anti-american when it is convenient for them. When I was in the Philippines in 93 fighting terror cells, before anyone knew what one was, the people in the villages were sceptical of us being there. They were taught from the Japanese soldiers in WWII that we were a great evil, and that we wanted their land so that we could build our mansions and use them as slaves. This ideology was passed down from generation to generation, so we were not trusted at first. Then when they saw the wounded and dead American soldiers, the medical attention that we gave to their children, and the willingness to give our lives for them, they began to GREATLY appreciate America in a whole new way. Even had banquets in our honor......roasted the best dogs:P Anyway, the point is that propaganda plays a big role in how the world views us. I know that we screw up sometimes, a nation is made up of erring humans for petes sake, but we ARE still the greatest nation around.


February 14th, 2007, 10:42 AM
TAKE COVER!!! :stick


February 14th, 2007, 06:42 PM
Dude, I'm serious.. that made sense to me.

Well said Spark.... When someone's bacon has to be pulled from the fire, who do they call? Why it's Uncle Sam baby... and you know what makes this the greatest nation EVER? We come running, asking for nothing in return.

Uncle Sam...
Definition of...as a noun
2. a source of help and advice and encouragement; "he played uncle to lonely students"



Ok damn it, I woke up too early...:heart3
