View Full Version : Hat tip to Andyconda

February 12th, 2007, 10:10 PM
Thanks to my flying buddy we did some damage to some peeps at Wake Island...

The 173 was about 7/8ths of the way through the map... I ended somewhere near 185.

(Note the points being scored by about everyone on the map, you point hungry youngsters find those 24,32 and 40 slot maps thats where you rack the points and lots of vehicles to use!)

Thanks for the Fly around Andy..Much appreciated! :flowers

February 13th, 2007, 07:01 AM
gratz on the badge wentzy. was a lot of fun hehehe

February 13th, 2007, 07:46 AM
Did you see that emt had a sniper kill in your screen shot. That was so much fun last night David. The thing you have to remeber though is that a pilot is only as good as his gunner. It doesn't do me any good to line you up good if you can't shoot and you were on buddy. You were mowing guys down that I didn't even see. Great gunning and congratulations on the Expert Spec-Op. You have an expert badge that I do not. A few more hours and I'll be eligble. Again, great shooting and man does rounds like that get me hooked on that game. Man I love that game. LONG LIVE BF2!

February 13th, 2007, 09:02 AM
You’re right on the money Andy; those kinds of nights are what make the game so fun.

Were we having problems with the J10’s? You bet. But the fact of the matter is once we made it impossible for the enemy to occupy any type of armor, chopper, truck, AA site, or jeep our infantry overran the airfield with ease and it was only a matter of time before the J10’s were not a threat.

The flying part is tough. Don’t sell yourself short, avoiding the trees, AA sites, J10’s and the .50’s on the jeeps and tanks, all while listening to the gunner call the clock on where he’s seeing the most deadly threat, is not easy. But it is highly satisfying when it all comes together. (I’m amazed how some pilots will ignore a tank, truck or jeep trying to chase infantry, which is generally not a threat!)

For me the gunner seat is about two things; (a good graphics card not withstanding) staying calm and confidence. Knowing that if you miss with the TV missile on a tank or other helo and having a pilot that can kill it, or avoid it and recover for a good second shot position is key. It allows me to stay calm, and identify secondary threats (AA sites, .50 cal, other helo’s) while the TV is reloading and we’re moving into position for another kill shot.

In my opinion the attack copters are the most important asset on the map. They are fast, mobile and with the right pilot/gunner team, game changing. When a pilot and gunner see the battlefield in the same way with little or no conversation it allows me to concentrate on the four or five things I’m doing at one time; Switching from TV to guns and back, spotting enemy air assets, looking at the mini-map for flag sites with AA that are in enemy hands, assessing the next likely target and or threat.

So when it all comes together the pilot and gunner are the most effective at degrading the enemy armor, killing the other copters, and causing the enemy to virtually abandon vehicles thus creating the best possible opportunity for our armor and infantry to take the key points on any map in the most efficient way.

Thanks again!


February 13th, 2007, 09:44 AM
Gratz! I had extra kid duty last night. :(

February 13th, 2007, 04:52 PM
Woot... and your right on the graphics advantage... I was gunning with andy one night.. He was pointing out ground troops... I told him I cound not see any ground troops... Andy was like just shot there.. you will see them... So I proceed to lay down cannon fire... and get kill after kill... And throughout most of the map we were on he would spot an enemy.. somtimes I could make it out sometimes not.. I just laided down fire... and got kills.... So IMO... Graphics make a big diffrence while flying.

And a good pilot. :)

February 13th, 2007, 06:25 PM
you mean you need a graphics card to play?

No wonder David always tells me where to fly...

February 14th, 2007, 07:44 AM
Thanks guys. I love to pilot a good gunner around. Like David said if you have two guys that have a feel for each other and the gunner anticipates what the pilot is thinking and visa versa then yes it is definately a game changing duo. We laid down some serious ownage. I need less than 9 hours as Spec Ops to be able to go for my expert badge. I'm pumped. After that all I need is a little over 70 hours as Sniper to have my Sharp Shooter Medal. Woohoo.

February 14th, 2007, 06:50 PM
As a pilot, Ive found that the gunner really directs carnage. Could also be my bad vid card though, LOL ..But communication is totally the key. If you see some thing, say something.
