View Full Version : Dragons gun

February 6th, 2007, 06:46 PM
Ok so about 3 or 4 weeks ago our house got broke into. They stole a shot gun of Waynes. Well today at about 6:20pm the cops found out who it was. The boys next door 12 and 14! Yeah. Well they found the gun! keep in mind the gun was pretty when they took it......

I just got it back after 3 to 4 weeks

February 6th, 2007, 06:54 PM
Damn guys sorry to hear that. I hate thieves and have had some stuff stolen, it sucks. Hopefully the dad will beat there behinds. What in the world did they do with it, try to hide it in there pool or something?

February 6th, 2007, 07:11 PM
Little bastages!

February 6th, 2007, 07:21 PM
No kidding..

Ive been ripped off before, its no fun.

The bitoch is they took there sweet ol time doin it too. Came home to find out some one decided to nuke a frozen Pizza while packin thier bags.. AND it was right after xmas. they took the kids new bikes too...talk about rapage.....

I say hang em high!

February 6th, 2007, 07:23 PM
Well when they stole it they then took it into the woods behind their house (next door to us) and shot the gun a few times. When the mother heard the shots she called them in and then called the cops and told them someone was shooting the gun behind the house (she didn't know they did it). Well the boys told the cops that they seen 2 boys in the woods with the gun and that they had brown shirts on. That was on a Sunday when they stole it well on a Wednesday I notest the gun gone and we call the cops, that was 3-4 weeks ago. Then today I see the cops out there they talked to the people for a hour or 2 and then came over here. The cops knocked on the door and said I think this is yours I took one look and my mouth dropped to the floor I couldn't beleave it looked like that. The boys left it in the woods in the rain cold weather and everything. The boys and mother came over here to say sorry. I gave the boys an ear full but I was kinda nice, meaning I wasn't yelling at them, about it BUT they knew I meant what I said and they knew not to come back in the house. I felt sorry for the mom tho. The daddy is a stepdad to the boys. The mom is older then the stepdad she is like 40 (don't look but about 33) and the step dad is 27. But thats the story.

February 6th, 2007, 08:39 PM
Are they going to help pay to repair it or anything?

February 6th, 2007, 09:35 PM
I would wear their ares'es out, then make them work yards or whatever until they replaced the gun.... Stupid kids...

I mean we all did stupid things when we were young, but you have to pay for your mistakes as well, or you wont learn from them.

February 6th, 2007, 10:20 PM
The mom offered to buy a new gun and shells. I can't see doing that tho. The cops told me that if we would take it to someone to restore it, to make sure we give the cops the ticket of what ever they do to it and they would make sure we get our monay back. Wayne is offshore right now and I told them it's his gun and I will let him deside on what to do. The boys have to come back over when Wayne gets home and talk to him about it as well. I told the mom and the boys that I want them to come over here and talk to Wayne.
These boys has never even shot a gun before until about 2 months ago. The real dad just came back into their life and was taking the boys hunting. So They are new at shooting guns. YEAH I know. what Wayne would tell them tho he would say "If you wanted to shoot the gun all you had to do was come over and ask me Hell I would let you then because you asked, braking into my house to get it I'm mad over that"
I did a good job on talking to the boys. I did the "you could have shot me or my kids" "you could have shot each other" OR "there could have been someone in the woods and you not see them and you could have shot them." AND the big one "DID YOU KNOW I COULD HAVE SHOT AND KILLED YOU FOR BRAKING IN MY HOUSE" I told them it WILL NOT happen again because next time will be BAD one. I told them I wish they would have gave us back the gun before it got like that. I told them thats not good for a gun!
I just hope the stuff I said to them worked in some way. I can sleep a little better now knowing that it's not some crazy freaky guy ready to do unspeakable things to us!!!

February 6th, 2007, 11:05 PM
File a liability claim with the homeowners insurance company. Get full restitution, from the kids, the parents and or the insurance co. Don't let these people off free, it only encourages more shi0t like this... Sorry to hear what happened, get a big handgun and or a dog that will attack on your command or both.

February 6th, 2007, 11:44 PM
wow sorry DL was it a new gun or a hand me sown from family? Looked to be a mossberg 500 maybe? also will probably cost more to get it repaired than it is worth so make sure you make them pay for it. or looking at it again maybe an 835?

the noxious
February 7th, 2007, 02:14 AM
it's good that you didnt go ballistic, but I think the situation called for an arse-kicking or 3. 2 for the two kids and 1 for their mom.

February 7th, 2007, 05:20 AM
All I know is it is a Mossberg 12g. It sure didn't look like that when they took it Wayne takes care of his guns. It was a pretty rich brown wood now it's white/gray. oh and The boys broke into 2 other sheds around here to, the cops and mom told me. The cops said no matter what we do the boys are going to get something done to them anyway. It wasn't a new gun but it looked new. And your right it would probably coast more then the gun coasted us. I think we payed somewere between $150 and $200 for it. I can't really remember because it's been a few years. I did feel sorry for the mom tho she had no idea they did this and she was at work when the oldest girl called her and told her to come home because the cops were there wanted to talk to her. You could tell when she walked over here she had no clue they did it. I just felt sorry for her. I guess I'm to much of a softy..

It would be up to Wayne on what he wanted to do to the kids.

February 7th, 2007, 05:40 AM
It can be restored but it the case of a Mossburg, it's probably gonna cost more to repair than it would to replace.

Sorry to hear you've got lil' sh!ts for neighbors - I would have used the butt of the gun to whip their asses.

February 7th, 2007, 05:47 AM
ok find a gunsmith and see what it will cast but untill then get some gun oil and put on it to keep the rust from pitting it . I mean a heavy coat of oil the stock and the pump can be replaced it is the rust . allso wipe the inside of the hole gun . do you know how to take it apart if so do that . I bet wayne was pist I would .

February 7th, 2007, 05:48 AM
sorry or just buy a new unless it has some other value.

February 7th, 2007, 05:50 AM
get a big handgun that will attack on your command .
:stick :stick

February 7th, 2007, 06:01 AM
I'm going to take it to my daddy today and get him to oil it down really good. He's going to take it apart and get it cleaned up. I know how to oil it down I've oiled a few before but it's been a while. I was just happy to get it back and to have the chance to talk to the boys how many times does that happen. I do wish they could have got it back to us sooner so it wouldn't have looked like that.

February 7th, 2007, 06:56 AM
I'm just glad this thread was about a shotgun... :stick

February 7th, 2007, 07:04 AM
I sent a email to Wayne last night and sent him some pictures. He is so peeeeOOOed. He said death to kids!!!! butt woopn is comeing. He wants them to work every after noon in our yard to work it off. We have a lot of pine trees!!! So yes a lot of rakeing will be done! I should give them a fork to rake the yard with! That should do it. I can't wait to see how the boys act when Wayne gets home tho.

February 7th, 2007, 01:07 PM
I'm just glad this thread was about a shotgun... :stick
LOL Dirge

February 7th, 2007, 03:04 PM
The stock and pump look wet still (white). This happens to oiled wood when wet. Let them dry out to see the damage to the wood. The problem is as the gun is shot it warms up. As the barrel warms up it expands, it may contact a "warped" spot on the pump part. This may make it hard to move , or very inaccurate. I say replace the wood for sure. Oil the barrel right away. I would still also have it looked at by a gunsmith. To see the extent of the rust damage.

February 7th, 2007, 03:28 PM
Yeah we're going to. I just found out that the boys came in the house not one time BUT 2 TIMES. The oldest boy (13) came in the house and stole the gun that Saturday, then went home and talked the younger brother (11) into comeing in the house Sunday and stole the shells. The step dad came and talked to me today about it. They will be working in my yard for a long time!

February 7th, 2007, 05:58 PM
They will be working in my yard for a long time!
HAHAHAHAHA... good idea DL!

February 8th, 2007, 02:40 AM
Hope it all works out good. Also it is good to see the Parents at least stepping up to the plate now, even if they didn't see it coming in the first place.

February 8th, 2007, 12:12 PM
Should make sure that the gun still works. 1. Load with rock salt 2. Place boys in yard with rear ends in the air 3. Fire up their hides 4. Clean gun thouroughly

February 8th, 2007, 12:34 PM
Should make sure that the gun still works. 1. Load with rock salt 2. Place boys in yard with rear ends in the air 3. Fire up their hides 4. Clean gun thouroughly

Rinse and repeat as needed.

Fortunately no one was injured or killed by those kids while they had the gun. Could you imagine what an overzealous District Attorney would have done to you folks if those boys had committed a crime, or worse with the stolen shotgun? What a blessing that didn’t happen, get a trigger lock and install them on all your weapons. It will prevent a lot of nasty stuff from happening with your guns when you’re away from home.

February 8th, 2007, 01:48 PM
Ok...1. Load with rock salt 2. Place boys in yard with rear ends in the air 3. Fire up their hides 4. Clean gun thouroughly 5. THEN trigger lock

February 8th, 2007, 03:06 PM
Yeah I just can't wait till Wayne gets home and talks to them. He kinda has a way with people! Jerry knows how he can get! lol.. So there's no telling whats going to be said or done the he starts up on them...
