View Full Version : Woah!

February 6th, 2007, 10:08 AM
This is what happens when a smart, highly trained, motivated individual looses their shi0t! Adult diapers?!? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot over?


February 6th, 2007, 10:20 AM
What do you want to bet, she becomes the poster child for overworked, overstressed, battlefield moms, flying Navy jets and NASA space craft?

She's a Victim Spark, plain and simple. What kind of freak do you have to be to wear an Adult Diaper while speeding down I-10 in a trench coat and a wig? I'm surprised the Bi0tch didn't just Jet-Bomb the other wh0re at the Thrifty counter with a J-10!

February 6th, 2007, 10:24 AM
LMFAO! These things don't quite jive either..

Nowak went to Orlando airport around midnight on Sunday night, waited for Shipman's flight from Houston to arrive and then followed Shipman to the parking garage armed with pepper spray, a steel mallet and a BB gun, police said.

Nowak also carried black gloves, a folding knife with a 4-inch blade, rubber tubing and trash bags, police said.


Nowak said she did not intend to physically harm Shipman but 'only wanted to scare Ms. Shipman into talking with her.'

February 6th, 2007, 10:27 AM
I'm surprised the Bi0tch didn't just Jet-Bomb the other wh0re at the Thrifty counter with a J-10!

I jet bomb with the F35 since thats about the extent of their usefulness.

February 6th, 2007, 10:28 AM
My question: This psycho drove from Houston to FL to catch up with this chick that was flying to FL from Houston so she could "talk with her"...why not just talk in Houston instead of having to wear diapers, get arrested etc etc etc?! Idiot!

February 6th, 2007, 10:28 AM
The only things missing are the rubber sheets, and four Gerbils.... oh and a 12inch strap-on (black). LOL

February 6th, 2007, 10:38 AM
whao that is messed up!!

February 6th, 2007, 03:43 PM
Yea, Ive been hearing all aobut it on news radio today, I think she just went off the deep end... Before that point she was probably fine... Im sure they psyco anallize people before they put them into the space program.

February 6th, 2007, 03:51 PM
Thats one crazy Beeyotch!!

February 6th, 2007, 04:35 PM
does that mean there is hope for people like andy in the astronaut program

February 6th, 2007, 04:37 PM
god help us we need it

February 6th, 2007, 06:56 PM
Thats not really her, she was abducted... this is a stand in.

February 6th, 2007, 09:52 PM
Watch her come up with first Insanilty plea...

"By Reason of X-Ray Exposure while in Outer Space"

Whos going to argue that one...

....Well your honor, we tried to get a ride into space to test this theroy of hers, however their wasent any room left on the shuttle for passengers...

February 8th, 2007, 09:15 AM
Watch her come up with first Insanilty plea...

"By Reason of X-Ray Exposure while in Outer Space"

Whos going to argue that one...

....Well your honor, we tried to get a ride into space to test this theroy of hers, however their wasent any room left on the shuttle for passengers...

No it's worse than that YellowDog... It's amazing how easily people can become "victims"! This didn't take long or much imagination either.

It is not clear what exactly sent Nowak flying off into the void, but her younger sister, Andrea Rose, said she never recovered from losing three friends in the 2003 Columbia shuttle disaster, which killed seven astronauts.

"We knew Lisa was under a lot of stress," Rose told People magazine. "But there's no way of knowing how a particular person will react to stress. We love Lisa and we're worried about her well-being."

The whole article is here....


What a tragic waste of a story book life!! Pilot, Astronaut, mother of a beautiful family. The American Dream thrown away for what? why? Horny for the divorced fly-boy? There is more to come out of this and in the end most aren't coming out smelling like a rose. I don't think the love interest is going to end up a hero here. What a sad, sad story.

It shows you how fragile life is, how making poor choices and bad decisons can snowball leaving even the best and the brightest crushed in the consequences.

While fixing dinner last night this story came on the news and of course the word Astronaut gets any childs attention. Reagan was interested in what was happening, and it was a chance to illustrate how bad decisions have ugly, and sad outcomes. What a horrible waste!

February 8th, 2007, 05:44 PM
Yep... your right..

BUt she'll be in the spot light for a little while untill the sparkly wears off the story then the media will move on to the next victim... She'll get a slap on the wrist, time served,,,, and lose her carrear with NASA/NAVY and so on.
