View Full Version : Hardware v/s Game Settings

February 4th, 2007, 11:13 PM
List your hardware and then the game settings you use (sound, video, bind scripts). Video driver? Sound driver?

List any and all "tweaks" also.

February 4th, 2007, 11:18 PM
AMD Athlon 4000+
2 gigs dual channel ram
Nvidia 7800GTX with 93.71 driver
Soundblaster Audigy 2 ZS with driver

Combination Binds - I have my parachute bound to my jump so when I jump, I keep hitting the jump button to parachute since my jump button is convenient

You can your video settings from your video.con file located at

C:\Documents and Settings\"Username"\My Documents\Battlefield 2\Profiles\0001

VideoSettings.setTerrainQuality 3
VideoSettings.setGeometryQuality 3
VideoSettings.setLightingQuality 3
VideoSettings.setDynamicLightingQuality 3
VideoSettings.setDynamicShadowsQuality 3
VideoSettings.setEffectsQuality 2
VideoSettings.setTextureQuality 3
VideoSettings.setTextureFilteringQuality 3
VideoSettings.setResolution 1024x768@75Hz
VideoSettings.setAntialiasing Off
VideoSettings.setViewDistanceScale 1
VideoSettings.setVideoOptionScheme 3

Sound settings are in the same place

AudioSettings.setVoipEnabled 1
AudioSettings.setVoipPlaybackVolume 1
AudioSettings.setVoipCaptureVolume 0.749978
AudioSettings.setVoipCaptureThreshold 0.46
AudioSettings.setVoipBoostEnabled 1
AudioSettings.setVoipUsePushToTalk 1
AudioSettings.setProvider "hardware"
AudioSettings.setSoundQuality "Medium"
AudioSettings.setEffectsVolume 0.9034
AudioSettings.setMusicVolume 1.69346e-010
AudioSettings.setHelpVoiceVolume 0.403356
AudioSettings.setEnglishOnlyVoices 1
AudioSettings.setEnableEAX 1

February 4th, 2007, 11:33 PM
AMD Athlon X2 3800+
3GB DDR2 Dual Chanel (DDR2800/PC6400)
PNY GeForce 7900GS 256MB PCI-E 93.71 Driver
Sound Blaster Live! 5.1 w/ Driver but usually play with:
Plantronics DSP 500 USB Headset which does not use the SB Card, but it's own DSP

No special binds - haven't gotten that far, but I'd like to try your Parachute bind Toby..."9" is a long way to reach when I jump...lol.

VideoSettings.setTerrainQuality 3
VideoSettings.setGeometryQuality 3
VideoSettings.setLightingQuality 3
VideoSettings.setDynamicLightingQuality 3
VideoSettings.setDynamicShadowsQuality 3
VideoSettings.setEffectsQuality 3
VideoSettings.setTextureQuality 3
VideoSettings.setTextureFilteringQuality 3
VideoSettings.setResolution 1280x1024@60Hz
VideoSettings.setAntialiasing 4Samples
VideoSettings.setViewDistanceScale 1
VideoSettings.setVideoOptionScheme 3


AudioSettings.setVoipEnabled 1
AudioSettings.setVoipPlaybackVolume 1
AudioSettings.setVoipCaptureVolume 1
AudioSettings.setVoipCaptureThreshold 0.1
AudioSettings.setVoipBoostEnabled 1
AudioSettings.setVoipUsePushToTalk 1
AudioSettings.setProvider "software"
AudioSettings.setSoundQuality "Medium"
AudioSettings.setEffectsVolume 1
AudioSettings.setMusicVolume 0.33
AudioSettings.setHelpVoiceVolume 1
AudioSettings.setEnglishOnlyVoices 0
AudioSettings.setEnableEAX 1

I haven't touched the Audio Settings to my knowdedge - do they make much of a diff?

I usually drop console and type renderer.drawfps 1 and I have never seen it drop below 50fps (when I've been looking at least) and I'm usually getting 60-100 fps.

Toby - why don't you have AA on? You card should handle it no problem - very simliar (I *THINK*) to the card I have and it makes the game look SOOOOOO much better!

Editied to say: How can I find out if my Plantronics Headset supports "Hardware" on the sound?

February 4th, 2007, 11:38 PM
BTW - how do you set up binds?

February 5th, 2007, 06:58 AM
AMD X2 4800 CPU
2 GB ( 2X 1024)DDR
2 EVGA NVIDIA GEFORCE 7800GT 256MB with 93.71 driver

VideoSettings.setTerrainQuality 3
VideoSettings.setGeometryQuality 3
VideoSettings.setLightingQuality 3
VideoSettings.setDynamicLightingQuality 3
VideoSettings.setDynamicShadowsQuality 3
VideoSettings.setEffectsQuality 3
VideoSettings.setTextureQuality 3
VideoSettings.setTextureFilteringQuality 3
VideoSettings.setResolution 1280x1024@75Hz
VideoSettings.setAntialiasing 4Samples
VideoSettings.setViewDistanceScale 1
VideoSettings.setVideoOptionScheme 3

AudioSettings.setVoipEnabled 1
AudioSettings.setVoipPlaybackVolume 1
AudioSettings.setVoipCaptureVolume 1
AudioSettings.setVoipCaptureThreshold 0.713691
AudioSettings.setVoipBoostEnabled 1
AudioSettings.setVoipUsePushToTalk 1
AudioSettings.setProvider "hardware"
AudioSettings.setSoundQuality "High"
AudioSettings.setEffectsVolume 1
AudioSettings.setMusicVolume 0
AudioSettings.setHelpVoiceVolume 1
AudioSettings.setEnglishOnlyVoices 1
AudioSettings.setEnableEAX 1

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
February 5th, 2007, 07:18 AM
AMD 3700+ 64
2x1Gb XMS Ram
XFX 7800GT 84.21
Asus A8N-SLI Premium Nforce4 6.7
On-board sound

I hav a logitech MX 518 mouse, I have my parachute bound to the back button and pistol to the forward button. Used to have TS on it but it kept getting stuck on and people would yell at me.

For some reason I can't see a .con file so I can't tell you all the other stuff. Is it a word doc or something?

February 5th, 2007, 07:34 AM
why? lol

February 5th, 2007, 09:00 AM
AMD Athalon 64 X2 4800+
ASUS A8N32-SLI Deluxe
2x GeForce 7900 GTX 512 93.71
sound blaster X-Fi Fatal1ty 2.09.0007

VideoSettings.setTerrainQuality 3
VideoSettings.setGeometryQuality 3
VideoSettings.setLightingQuality 3
VideoSettings.setDynamicLightingQuality 3
VideoSettings.setDynamicShadowsQuality 3
VideoSettings.setEffectsQuality 3
VideoSettings.setTextureQuality 3
VideoSettings.setTextureFilteringQuality 3
VideoSettings.setResolution 1024x768@60Hz
VideoSettings.setAntialiasing 4Samples
VideoSettings.setViewDistanceScale 1
VideoSettings.setVideoOptionScheme 2

AudioSettings.setVoipEnabled 1
AudioSettings.setVoipPlaybackVolume 1
AudioSettings.setVoipCaptureVolume 1
AudioSettings.setVoipCaptureThreshold 0.1
AudioSettings.setVoipBoostEnabled 0
AudioSettings.setVoipUsePushToTalk 1
AudioSettings.setProvider "creative"
AudioSettings.setSoundQuality "High"
AudioSettings.setEffectsVolume 1
AudioSettings.setMusicVolume 0.33
AudioSettings.setHelpVoiceVolume 1
AudioSettings.setEnglishOnlyVoices 0
AudioSettings.setEnableEAX 1

February 5th, 2007, 09:58 AM
I have pretty much the exact same system James but my ASUS board stopped working with my current RAM. What kind of RAM do you have.

February 5th, 2007, 10:39 AM
Corsair 3500LL pro 2 gig Seems hard to find now though. Here's a link to corsair memory that's compatable with the A8N32

If you don't go with Corsair, I've read good reviews of OCZ memory, though I've never used them myself.

February 5th, 2007, 10:55 AM
Also, please list any hints/tips that might helpful for other users.

February 5th, 2007, 12:07 PM
Thanks James

February 5th, 2007, 03:16 PM
Toby - why don't you have AA on? You card should handle it no problem - very simliar (I *THINK*) to the card I have and it makes the game look SOOOOOO much better!

But how much better? Is it really that noticable a difference? Viewable distance or just eye candy?

February 5th, 2007, 03:34 PM
Processor = AMD Athlon 2800+ "Slightly O/C'ed to 3000+"
Ram = 2 Gb Corsair DDR pc3200
Sound = Nivdia Onboard
MoBo = MSI K7N2 delta 400 mhz FSB
Video card = Gigiabyte 128mb Nividia 6800GT

VideoSettings.setTerrainQuality 2
VideoSettings.setGeometryQuality 2
VideoSettings.setLightingQuality 2
VideoSettings.setDynamicLightingQuality 2
VideoSettings.setDynamicShadowsQuality 2
VideoSettings.setEffectsQuality 2
VideoSettings.setTextureQuality 2
VideoSettings.setTextureFilteringQuality 2
VideoSettings.setResolution 1152x864@85Hz
VideoSettings.setAntialiasing 2Samples
VideoSettings.setViewDistanceScale 1
VideoSettings.setVideoOptionScheme 3

AudioSettings.setVoipEnabled 1
AudioSettings.setVoipPlaybackVolume 0.499956
AudioSettings.setVoipCaptureVolume 0.99
AudioSettings.setVoipCaptureThreshold 0.19
AudioSettings.setVoipBoostEnabled 1
AudioSettings.setVoipUsePushToTalk 1
AudioSettings.setProvider "software"
AudioSettings.setSoundQuality "High"
AudioSettings.setEffectsVolume 0.130604
AudioSettings.setMusicVolume 0.0909176
AudioSettings.setHelpVoiceVolume 0
AudioSettings.setEnglishOnlyVoices 1
AudioSettings.setEnableEAX 1

Nothing special in my setup.

February 5th, 2007, 04:32 PM
Yellow, Try lowering your resolution and upping some of your video settings.

Try 1024x768@75 .. Make sure your ingame Resolution is never greater than your regular desktop settings.

Also, try to play around with some of your other settings.
Geometry to High
Dynamic Shadows to Low
Dynamic Lighting to Low
Try Antialiasing in both Off and 2samples. I have it Off and see perfectly
Texture Filtering to High

Also, try setting your sound quality to Medium.

Your Effects Volume may be a little low as you want to hear your enemy sneaking up on you.

February 5th, 2007, 04:41 PM
OK, Made your sugested changes... lets see how it looks..:)

BTW, my resolution out of game is 1152 x 864.

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
February 5th, 2007, 05:47 PM
I have a widescreen monitor with a native of 1680x1050 at 65Hz. What should I set my ingame to? currently it's at 1280xsomething at 60Hz.

February 5th, 2007, 06:57 PM
BF2 doesn't have widescreen support but a few of the people here have widescreen monitors so they may have some input for you.

February 5th, 2007, 09:38 PM
Toby - perforamance aside...do you find you see and/or play any better with AA off vs. on??

February 6th, 2007, 07:58 PM
Ok, here is what I have.... By the way, I dont know if it makes a difference, but I didn't have a video file in folder 001.. it was in 002.

PentiumD 2.8
1 gig ram
Nvidia 7600GTOC pcie
no sound card
22 wide screen mon.

VideoSettings.setTerrainQuality 2
VideoSettings.setGeometryQuality 2
VideoSettings.setLightingQuality 2
VideoSettings.setDynamicLightingQuality 2
VideoSettings.setDynamicShadowsQuality 2
VideoSettings.setEffectsQuality 2
VideoSettings.setTextureQuality 3
VideoSettings.setTextureFilteringQuality 2
VideoSettings.setResolution 800x600@60Hz
VideoSettings.setAntialiasing Off
VideoSettings.setViewDistanceScale 1
VideoSettings.setVideoOptionScheme 1

AudioSettings.setVoipEnabled 1
AudioSettings.setVoipPlaybackVolume 1
AudioSettings.setVoipCaptureVolume 1
AudioSettings.setVoipCaptureThreshold 0.75566
AudioSettings.setVoipBoostEnabled 0
AudioSettings.setVoipUsePushToTalk 1
AudioSettings.setProvider "software"
AudioSettings.setSoundQuality "Medium"
AudioSettings.setEffectsVolume 0.443132
AudioSettings.setMusicVolume 0.0742955
AudioSettings.setHelpVoiceVolume 1
AudioSettings.setEnglishOnlyVoices 1
AudioSettings.setEnableEAX 1

Any suggestions.

February 6th, 2007, 09:37 PM
Get another gig of ram. :)

Made a big diff. on my performance.

February 7th, 2007, 05:56 AM
yeh, that is for sure.. Like last night...
*Wetz....chopper left
*Chi.. rgr.. oh shiot..Im laggin out
*Wetz..WHAT, your ping is 34
*Chi.. No GD it..MEM LAG!

its sux having 1 G!
