View Full Version : ninjai

January 28th, 2007, 12:17 AM
you know it looks like they would finish one thing instead of starting something new. this will probably be good but it has been at least a year maybe 2 since the last chapter of ninjai was made.


January 28th, 2007, 01:13 AM
oooooooo. little kid voice over, nice touch.

January 28th, 2007, 06:35 AM
Well, its seems kinda freaky by the trailer.

January 28th, 2007, 10:55 AM
Now that is Awesome!

Just lets your imagination run wild....

January 28th, 2007, 11:06 AM
WTF is this a movie or a game? I wanna see more!

January 28th, 2007, 11:45 AM
go here watch ninjai the little ninja http://www.atomfilms.com/collections/ninjai/index.html
12 chapters petty cool though.

i think karma kula is going to be like it. (Its a movie not a game)

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
January 28th, 2007, 03:06 PM
That trailer is awsome, very intriguing.

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
January 28th, 2007, 07:00 PM
Dude that Ninjai series is cool as shiot! I'll have to keep up with that, how often do they make new chapters?

After watching that movie trailer I want that as my sig, "GOD wants you dead."

January 29th, 2007, 12:56 AM
haha i dont know man I believe onji showed it first about 4 years ago or so. the chapters were coming fairly quickly until the last two i think it has been almost 2 years since chapter 12 came out. I dontknow what there hold up is
