View Full Version : Let the pwnage begin!

January 26th, 2007, 10:01 PM
Alright guys - I'm all set - get me started.

January 26th, 2007, 10:07 PM

That has got to be that best getting started photo I have ever seen.. LOL

Glad to see you got it Jayson... :) Now we can add one more Fooo to the ground pounders like myself... We will def.. need to hook up and get some game time in :)

January 26th, 2007, 10:42 PM
I'm serious about the get me started piece - where do I go...what do I do? Should I play it single player a while before going online? Where do y'all go online? The Merc BF2 server? If not there where?

Help a feller out - I wanna start playing w/ you guys again.

January 26th, 2007, 11:04 PM
after the install, you need to go to EA and DL the patch, 1.41 or some thing. There is an EA download manager, some use it some done. I do. Also, there are 2 expantions that we play once in a blue moon, and Special Forces as well. BUT strait BF2 is good.

Do the installs, install TS... We dont have a home server, just a lot of pubbing.

So, once your up and running, jump on TS and ask where we are at that time. As for practice? It may not be a bad idea just to get the feel for it. But if you played CS, then you already have a handle on it.

See ya in game!

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
January 27th, 2007, 05:40 AM
The shooting part of ground pounding is pretty much the same. The only thing you need to do on a server that you create is practice flying jets/helo's. Maybe a little single player wouldn't hurt but if your going to play and see some of us on TS just jump in and we will tell you what to do.

January 27th, 2007, 08:34 AM
Max, if you jump in while im on. I will create a squad that you can join, then try to show you some of the basics in the game... I think a good map to start with is Karkand.. or Jalalabad... these 2 maps dont have any aircraft.. and the most frustrating thing for me whe I started was trying to learn the game and maps.. while some Ares Hole kept bombing the Saht out of me...

January 27th, 2007, 08:57 AM
Don't believe them Max, they'll leave you out to dry to drive up their points and laugh their asses off while you fly 30 feet in the air after the arty hits you and they say "oopps, I should have told you to get out!!"

Been there, done that!!!

But really, just get on these guys are awesome at helping you, BUT under no circumstances be a commander when "X" is on line. The words that come out of that mans mouth aren't fit for a drunkin' sailor:)

January 27th, 2007, 09:01 AM
Don't believe them Max, they'll leave you out to dry to drive up their points and laugh their asses off while you fly 30 feet in the air after the arty hits you and they say "oopps, I should have told you to get out!!"

Been there, done that!!!

But really, just get on these guys are awesome at helping you, BUT under no circumstances be a commander when "X" is on line. The words that come out of that mans mouth aren't fit for a drunkin' sailor:)

LMAO,,, Man your not suppose to let him in on our little plan get him killed Dude..

January 27th, 2007, 10:00 AM
Max, seriously - these guys are all out to get you killed - stay away from them all! :D Like Chi said after you have the game installed go get the 1.41 patch - you'll have to have it to play online with the rest of the crew.

Ok, game notes now - you have seven kits to choose from; assault, medic, support, sniper, anti-tank, specials ops, and engineer. Now of these kits you get more team points for playing medic or support. You get healing and revive points from the medic kit and resupply point for the resupply kit. Some nights I get more point from reviving the whole map than I do killing people - go figure, a medic with a gun.

A few things in BF2 that are vastly different than CS - 1) you don't have to buy anything. 2) You die, you spawn 15 seconds later - this happens until the round is over. Then you start again. 3) You don't have to be the same kit the entire round - everytime you die you have the ability to choose a new spawn point and a different kit. Spawning on you squad leader is usually the best idea IF they are fighting and capturing flags, if not then forget the nub. Also if during the round and you're still alive if you need to switch kits and someone is dead, you can take their kit by pressing G when you're near the other kit bag. You'll see what I mean when you get in game.

Flying - you can get a lot of points from flying but for now, stick to ground pounding for at least a week. Get solid ground and understanding of the maps first. You will want a joy stick for the jets - you can get away with the mouse and key board with helos - most of us do. When you're ready to start learning flying get you an empty server - it's unranked until so many people join so you get to die without effecting your score or create a local and choose your map. The the jets on the carrier are the fun ones - the pointed out to sea requires afterburners, and pulling the nose up or you're gonna crash - or you can throttle all the way down and it does and vertical take off - throttle up to go forward.

It's gonna take some time to get use to but it's all worth it in the end.

January 27th, 2007, 10:14 AM
Max... if your like me, dont even worry about the jets for a while... I sill cant fly worth a crap... and I havent gotten a Stick yet either,,, try out the Helocopter if you want to, but on a server with people in it that can fly.. all your going to do is get shot down. LOL

January 27th, 2007, 02:05 PM
Don't believe them Max, they'll leave you out to dry to drive up their points and laugh their asses off while you fly 30 feet in the air after the arty hits you and they say "oopps, I should have told you to get out!!"

Been there, done that!!!

But really, just get on these guys are awesome at helping you, BUT under no circumstances be a commander when "X" is on line. The words that come out of that mans mouth aren't fit for a drunkin' sailor:)

don't lisen to him
welcome we will do all we can to help just jump on and kick some a$$

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
January 27th, 2007, 10:50 PM
Don't believe them Max, they'll leave you out to dry to drive up their points and laugh their asses off while you fly 30 feet in the air after the arty hits you and they say "oopps, I should have told you to get out!!"

Been there, done that!!!

But really, just get on these guys are awesome at helping you, BUT under no circumstances be a commander when "X" is on line. The words that come out of that mans mouth aren't fit for a drunkin' sailor:)

Ok so the drunken sailor part is true, but it's because people don't think when they are commanding for some reason. I've been thinking about writing a tutorial for the new guys to help them out some. For right now do like Goose said and just ground pound it up for a while, we'll get to the other stuff in a few weeks.

January 28th, 2007, 01:11 AM
It doesnt take that long to get used to. Battlefield st. louis and dead meat are 2 servers we usually get on. Also OBC #2 usa. good luck!

January 28th, 2007, 06:36 AM
good luck!

MUHAHAHAHA... Yea hes gonna need it. :)

January 28th, 2007, 08:35 AM
well i played with him last night, and i laughed my butt off.hes was trying to heal a dead man with med pack. it was funny. but he was doing good. and i would have to agree with most of guys i just started to learn how to fly its hard as crap but getting use to it. helo's cant do attack but black hawk is cool flying that but get shot down alot because it slow. medic is best to start out with. but glad to see u playing this.see u in game. oh and one more thing when ur team mates die dont kill the guy shotting them just heal them. and u get even more points because they want to shot everyone but u. works for me and andy loves whne u do that also.

January 28th, 2007, 08:46 AM
I was under the weather last night so I missed MadMAX getting his Cherry popped, who killed him first?

Again, Welcome! You'll never be the same!

January 28th, 2007, 08:49 AM
how do y'all get those stat thingy's in your sig?

January 28th, 2007, 09:12 AM
Nevermind - I got it...

January 28th, 2007, 10:18 AM
good job max, everyone started where you are now, they will tech you the hedi tricks...you have to be about as dense as Nutria not to start getting it after the first month...stay on the ground and learn the ways of a medic.....to rank :)

January 28th, 2007, 10:28 AM
Again, Welcome! You'll never be the same!

hehehe, you got that right!

January 29th, 2007, 11:58 AM
w00t! now i know i have to get back into playing bf2....gotta upgrade my pc tho, i think the harddrive is about to go....i hate that grinding sound :(

January 29th, 2007, 01:45 PM
well i played with him last night, and i laughed my butt off.hes was trying to heal a dead man with med pack. it was funny. but he was doing good. and i would have to agree with most of guys i just started to learn how to fly its hard as crap but getting use to it. helo's cant do attack but black hawk is cool flying that but get shot down alot because it slow. medic is best to start out with. but glad to see u playing this.see u in game. oh and one more thing when ur team mates die dont kill the guy shotting them just heal them. and u get even more points because they want to shot everyone but u. works for me and andy loves whne u do that also.

Don't let Dragon fly you in an attack helo. I got dizzy!

January 29th, 2007, 01:55 PM
Dragon>whut?! Toby shoot dit!!
Toby> what is hitting us?
Dragon> Sometin shootin us from somewhere.....
Toby> Roger that proceed to looking for sometin
Dragon> evasive manuvrs
Toby> /puke

:) I could listen to Dragon all day :laugh:
