View Full Version : F Insurance

January 23rd, 2007, 10:52 AM
So I find out today, that my insurance company is being forced by the re-insurers (whatever that is) to drop all policies in my parish with a life of 3 years or less. Guess when my policy is up for renewal? Three years on the nose. So, since no one is writing new policies in my area... Heaven forbid they take a chance and pay a claim! I will likely have to go with the fair plan, i.e. state funded insurance, which must be more expensive than the highest privately offered insurance policy, which OH BY THE F'in WAY they will not offer. WTF? is that? So I HAVE to carry insurance that HAS to be the most expensive available because the state can't steal business from the companies who refuse to take the business?!?!?!?!?!?!

Someone, somewhere has got to be able to find some grounds for collusion, lawsuit, price gouging, etc.

COngrtualtions for staying in NOLA to contribute to the rebuilding, here's you enima!

January 23rd, 2007, 11:04 AM
Is that for health? That's really messed up. i hear a class action lawsuit!

January 23rd, 2007, 11:05 AM

Thats a big Shi0t sandwich... try some independent companies. Like EMC, or Travelers, AIG.. Call them direct or go through a Independent broker, and offer them your auto coverages and a life quote, you might be able to bundle it and get coverage... also I would suggest that when you talk to them inform them you'll take a high deductible, like 2500 or 5000.

Obviously the Allstates, State Farms, Farm Bureau's are pulling the plug down there... I believe part of the settlement your states insurance commissioner made involved companies being able to pullout if they agreed to pay-up regardless of the claims dollars they lost...

January 23rd, 2007, 11:46 AM
My agent is working llike a dog to find somebody who will write a new homeowner's policy. At least I have until July... sigh. I am still going to petition my insurance commisioner as I miss the deadline by ONE STINKING DAY! No one, and I mean no one is writing new policies here. My current company says they are writing new policies on homes that are 20' above sea level and built to specific standards . LMAO The highest natural point in the city are the levees, which are <20' above sea level. My slab is like 9" above sea level.

January 23rd, 2007, 11:52 AM
Yes it is VERY bad here... fair plan isn't just expensive.. It is VERY expensive. LA Citizens policy holders are required by law to pay a policy premium that is at least 10% higher than private insurance. I never like to see the government step it and smack companies around, but the insurance industry is a mutha. We need some government intervention. Most of the claims in this city were covered by GOVERNMENT SUBSIDIZED flood insurance. Insurance companies didn't loose crap. Insurance is supposed to be a shared cost. Instead they use this catastrophe to cut and run so they can increase profits by lowering risk.

January 23rd, 2007, 11:59 AM
man that blows, screw not writting them, that is just not right, if anything just charge a higher premium, but they should not be allowed to just say no more policies. It is just unamerican...have you blamed Bush...are you disapproving of the presidents actions, he controls everything you know...I think he personally set the date to miss you. :p:

January 23rd, 2007, 12:58 PM
Man they have some of the same things going on over here. I keep waiting to hear about some guy clearing out an Alstate building with a machine gun. One thing I have noticed, there sure have been a lot of house fires in the past year. Wonder what thats all about lol?

January 23rd, 2007, 02:17 PM
no one will or can take on this prob it is out of hand and it will get worse but the clearing out an Alstate building works for me

January 23rd, 2007, 06:10 PM
This is one of the main reasons that I haven't bought a house yet, getting first time home buyers is a pain in the butt. Sorry to hear that Robby, hope u find something.

January 24th, 2007, 07:31 AM
Damn Robby, that's crap. ONE FREAKIN DAY. That's unbelievably bad luck. ONE FREAKIN DAY and top that with your a person who first responded to help rebuild the city and you and guys like Mike worked unbelievable long hours for like a year. That should count for something. I hope something comes up buddy. That is just wrong. In my area (on Mobile Bay) If you are south of I-10 then you have the same problem your mentioning Robby. Luckily I'm like a quarter mile north of I-10. Again, good luck Robby.


January 25th, 2007, 09:31 AM

January 25th, 2007, 01:25 PM
I wish that meant good things for me, but alas...
