View Full Version : One Night on Wake Island....

January 17th, 2007, 05:37 AM
So there we are last night at Battlefield Saint Louis. The map rotates to Wake Island and we start on PLA. Target quickly releases a devastating aerial assault with the ALL POWERFUL J-10 scoring a 56-2 KD ratio. Meanwhile Andyconda and I are having visions of “PWNAGE on the Beach: Chapter 10” but alas it was not to be this night for Conda and his gunner. After whiffing the Cobra with his first missile Wetzny opened the door for the Cobra gunner and he was oh so grateful to step right in with not one but four straight TV missile kills to our chopper. The obscenities were FLYING! It was even suggested a HAXOR may be afoot! Needless to say even the valiant effort by Target was not enough to push us to victory.

But redemption she was at hand, my brothers!

On the map switch we employ the tried and true squad leader-in-the-F35-to-airfield maneuver to perfection. One problem no others spawned there! More obscenities! Again and again we employed our maneuver, turning the flag only to have it recaptured by the vile PLA. Target orders Wetzny to “Command AND fight or just FIGHT!” further and further we fell behind in tickets, first 50, then 75, then 100 tickets behind! Just as certain defeat loomed before us like the ugly sister of your Senior Prom date, a curious voice from the past was heard on TS…. “Where are you NOOBS?” was the salutation, yes it was Diesel! He quickly joined the fray, we capped the flag at the Airfield, destroyed the commanders assets and rallied the rest of our team with various hair-raising threats, “Hey you FUKCTARDS SPAWN AT THE AIRFIELD, DOUCHE BAGS!”

Oh brothers the tide had turned! Slowly we fought off wave after wave of J10’S, car bomb after car bomb, tank followed by tank. We took turns destroying assets and artillery. As we stormed the Beach, it was furious hand to hand combat! Where it took not one, not two, but three knife kills by TARGET to cap the flag! With Diesel and Andyconda now each manning a tank, Target providing air-support, Wetzny could resume directing this attempted comeback as commander.

Soon we had our quarry boxed at the North Village, Conda and Diesel applying the armor, Target deploying the ordnance and Wetzny the artillery. Slowly we ate into the PLA lead, reducing it ticket by ticket as they fled our barrage of armor and artillery. At some point the enemy fought for and briefly capped the South Village, and threatened the Beach, but it was a futile effort and they were dispatched with extreme prejudice!

Again we caged our quarry at the North Village, and our adversary turned on their commander! We could see their calls for “Do something!” and “You Suck, homo!” When they had finished eating their own, and faced with a never ending barrage of bombs, armor, and artillery the chants of “you suck LAMERC!” and “Air *****s!” could be heard. And as the final 20 tickets slowly, excruciatingly slowly ticked away from the despised PLA we mockingly laughed and savored a well deserved triumph, applying more artillery, bombs and tank shells!

As the leaderboard showed Target with Gold, Wetzny with Silver, and Conda with Bronze (and a top 5 performance for Diesel) you can again rest easy my brothers that your LA_MERC tag was once again respected by our allies and feared by our enemies!

January 17th, 2007, 07:28 AM
LMAO! I knew I shouldn't have logged early last night, but the TKing on deadmeat and OBC had me so pissed I couldn't help it. Grats MERCS...Grats!

January 17th, 2007, 10:33 AM
I remember jumping in a Jeep with Andy at the wheel. I was screaming "Turn around, they are back at the airfield". There was silence and I reiterate "Andy, we need to help Wetz and Diesel at the airfield". Again, there was silence. We drive past the beach and into the South Village right into a PLA soldier who was jumping into his own jeep. With Andy's jeep now parked on the front hood of the oppositions jeep, he had no where to go. We both jump out and release a barrage of bullets into his now dead carcass. As the flag starts to go down, I finally hear Andy reply “That m*****f**** pissed me off”. As it turns out, they had a battle going on and I was just a pawn in their game. Andy was on a mission and I could not sway him from his objective. Something I learned that night was, when the Conda is pissed, run away!

We leave that flag and head to the beach. A teammate is trying to take the flag as I get there to see 3 PLA about to open fire on the flag. I knife the first one I get to which was a sniper, Scope that! I knife the second PLA to find out that the 3rd enemy soldier is a medic. The enemy medic quickly jumps down and revives his fallen comrade. I knife the 2nd PLA for the 2nd time. I then jump up to a surprised medic who is looking at me with shock paddles in his hands. I run at him and he runs away but he misjudged the incline as he slides back down into my knife blade. I’m pumped about the knife kills and run up the hill with joy to find a tank approaching the beach flag. I then remember, “hey.. Andy, Wetz, and myself are all Special Ops” so I pull out some left over C4 from my backpack and plant 2 packs on the tracks of the tank. I then jump in front of him to get his attention and as he lines up for the shot, I throw the switch, BOOM! We clean up the left over PLA from the south side of the island at which point we trap them to the North Village.

I will admit, there were words flying around after numerous attempts of a squad of 2 capturing and losing the PLA airbase 3-4 times. We had 2-3 people on our team who were AFK and they were attacking the carrier with the J-10’s and arty, we had no where to go. After Wetz joined the fight and Diesel made his entrance, the tides turned. Andy flew the Blackhawk into the south island which marked the beginning of the comeback round.

January 17th, 2007, 12:14 PM


T4rg3t>"Andy...back there...(silence)...Andy, the flag!! ...(silence) /Diesel watches the minimap to see the "green lantern" scorching across the beach..like a pixel gone terribly mad/
followed by more cries for his teamates, T4rg3t> "Andy!!!" (silence)/t4rg3t checks his pulse, then looks into his eyes which do not blink...is he dead the commanding officers wonders.../
they hop out like terminator in a police station...Andy cries out> TAKE THAT...MOTHER F*CKA!!! bring on the meat wagon for another who crossed his path.

good times. It is amazing how bad this game makes you curse...lol

January 17th, 2007, 12:42 PM
you have all the fun after I leave not right not right

January 17th, 2007, 07:16 PM
Damn and I missed all that...

January 19th, 2007, 11:58 AM
LMFAO, My bad Toby. I was yelling I just didn't have time to hold the talk button down. It's one of the things I love so much about the game. Like counter strike you get moments where you just get pissed and have to do something. That was an extremely fun night.

The one thing I would like to clear up. And he may listen now that he's not so drunk. Is JAMES, BUDDY. The pilots cross hairs don't center up on the gunners cross hairs in the helo's. Just FYI stud.

January 19th, 2007, 06:13 PM
As one of the useless pieces if **** that didn't originally read the minds of Wetz and T4rg3t,
and spawned down range, the in war banter was nothing short of Laugh Your Ass Off Hilarity!!!

I wasted a good mouth full of Sam Adams as it went spraying on my monitor simply trying to contain my laughter while hoof'in it to the airstrip.

It was an Awesome come back, but the coup de gra' was the "cross hairs" battle after the battle that had me in total stitches. Great Fun is all I can say!!!!!
