View Full Version : another hobby of mine

January 12th, 2007, 08:40 AM
Well after much whaling and gnashing of teeth I have FINALLY finished setting up my own little web server at my house. It took me a little while to work my way around LINUX, and then there was the little issue with COX blocking port 80 traffic, but I didn't give up! So.. On to a little bit about the group I designed the web page for.

When I started this project I knew NOTHING about confiurung a LINUX server or HTML code. I just decided I wanted to learn and a group I belong to, MACA, needed some help. ok.. Background time!! MACA = Miniature Aircraft Combat Association. MACA is a special intrest group recognized by the Academy of Model Aeronautics. What is miniature aircraft combat you might ask? Well for us it is two control line model airplanes with streamers attached locked in a "dogfight". The object is to cut your opponents streamer without loosing your own. It is extremely fast. Each pilot/plane has a two man pit crew. For every second your plane is airborn you get 1 point. Each cut on the other guys streamer is worth 100 points. Every second your plane is on the ground you loose a point. Matches last 5 minutes. It is really a lot of fun, but you had better bring your reflexes. At 125 MPH the ground come up real fast! So does your opponents airplane. That's a 250 MPH head to head closing speed! lines are roughly 52', but vary for each event. That means you are never more than about 104' away from the other guy.

I started flying Control Line model airplanes when I was about 4. I entered my first contest at 5. I've been hooked ever since. I've won the US nationials and competed at the World Championships as a mechanic with the US team. I've also won/placed top 3 at several regional championships. The website is not 100% yet, but it is pretty close. There's a video section where you can see some of the action. The gallery will give you a better look at the actual models we use. Anyway. Just thought I'd share with the group. BTW feedback on the website would be much appreciated!


January 12th, 2007, 08:56 AM
where's the picture of your sailboats? :stick

jk mano looks great. Let me know the next time you go to do this so I can come and watch the carnage.

January 12th, 2007, 08:57 AM
Although the picture you have on the front page sure does remind me of Cartman tryingto win in the Special Olympics...

January 12th, 2007, 09:12 AM

January 12th, 2007, 09:26 AM
finished my ass, you havent let me do the forums yet ;)

January 12th, 2007, 09:29 AM
like I said..almost.. if you were on icq we could get this forums thing going! :D

January 12th, 2007, 03:49 PM
looks cool

January 12th, 2007, 04:00 PM
Cool, a lot better that the web page I put together,,, Its neat and easy to navigate as well.

January 12th, 2007, 06:35 PM
Looks good Spark....I like the way the video pops into the window.
The pic page could use a back to top link
The Newsletter link doesn't work and when in the home page, the home button doesn't show, but when in the other pages, the page you are on does show...don't know if you wanted the page button to show if you were already in the page..The form addition will be neat, will users have the ability to upload pics as well? Kind of like a member thing?

By the way, that looks like some pretty cool stuff you do.

January 12th, 2007, 06:54 PM
The home button is omitted on purpose. If you are on the hope page why put a link to it I thought :D The newsletter will become forums shortly, and the newsletter will be available to members. I'll add a back to top button soon. Thanks for the input!
