View Full Version : empty nest!!

January 6th, 2007, 10:00 AM
Ok so my little girl is in the 2nd grade going to the 3rd next school year, our little baby boy will start Kindergarten in what 7 months. Well it just hit me the other day that 7 months is not all that far away. For 2 weeks I'm going to be all by myself with out kids with out Wayne then 2 weeks Wayne and I will be all by our self. I'm not sure how I'm going to like this be all by myself. I've always had my kids or wayne around me this is going to be different. I went to school for my CNA and got my license/ Certification but all the jobs around here are at night so the CNA is out. About 700$ down the tube. So my next question is now what? What will I do on my free time. You know it's going to be hard for me to go to work on the weeks Wayne is home...

Ok so there is my Empty nest thought of the day....

January 6th, 2007, 10:13 AM
Go to school for something else? But don't count the CNA out yet, there is still a shortage of Nurses out there believe it or not.

Better yet, enjoy the break for a while. Pick up a hobby. My wife has started scrap booking. She likes it allot and enjoys the positive results it generates.

January 6th, 2007, 05:57 PM
I'd suggest if possible look at medical coding if you really want to work. They make as much as a RN makes. And it's not that many classes. You can even work from home. I tried to get my wife into it. You can evern do some classes over the internet so your still there for dragon and the kids. Just a suggestion, figured since u got ur CNA u might even be able to use some of those credits towards it.

January 6th, 2007, 06:54 PM
You could allways try your hand at BF2...

I know you played CS 1.6 a while back... Not a big step to BF2.

Its a good time killer.. LOL

January 6th, 2007, 08:54 PM
rgr that YD!

January 6th, 2007, 10:50 PM
Thanks guys, I've had my CNA for a while now and put apps in every where they want the ones that have experience!! Hello I can't get experience if no one will take me!! Anyway I had one job interview but it was from 6PM to 7am. I just couldn't do that with my kids and Wayne working for the 2 weeks. So I had to pass that one up. and YES I CRIED! Not sure what I want to do I guess I'll just have to wait till the time comes. Both my babies will be in school OMG I'm getting so OLD!!!! As for the BF2 I guess I could learn to play it. BUT both our kids play and Wayne so I'll have to fight for play time.. LOL...

January 6th, 2007, 11:56 PM
lol, make him buy you a new PC :o)

January 6th, 2007, 11:59 PM
Have you considered working as a home health care person? Schedules can be flexible, and it would give you some experience. They are well paid, particularly if you can find employment outside of any agency or placement service. Ask around, you'll be shocked at the number of people who utilize this type of care.

January 7th, 2007, 08:01 AM
Have you considered working as a home health care person? Schedules can be flexible, and it would give you some experience. They are well paid, particularly if you can find employment outside of any agency or placement service. Ask around, you'll be shocked at the number of people who utilize this type of care.

Yea, like people with enough money to be able to stay at home instead of going to a extened care facility...
Lots of people do that if they can... because God Knows.... the last place anyone wants to end up is a nursing home.

My grandmother did that for a long time, untill she got to sick to even stay at home.

January 7th, 2007, 08:46 AM
There is a lot to Home Health. Not all of the people are dieing but Most are and as a CNA you have to live with that every day. I'm not sure I'm ready for the "dieing" yet. Thats a big step for me. If I still lived in Pascagoula I would be working by now at a Hosp. but CNA's don't make a lot. just say about 7$ or 8$ an hour start off. So I would have to get a job here. Hosp. you get the dieing and the sick and the hurt people. So I wanted to start off in a Hosp. first before I got into Nursing home, home health or something like that. I had to watch Dragon's Grandmother and all her home health care people care for his Grandmother and it was hard. I think with some experience and time I could do it. Dragon said I would get to attached to my people that I would have to learn not to get so attached. I think that would be the hardest for me is to get attached to someone and have to sit and watch the last of there life go by. AND it's been about 2 years sense I took my class and had my license for a year. Thats a long time to have it and not able to use the skills.

Oh and Dragon is getting him a new computer and he is handing down his computer to me. So I'll have me a computer again.

January 7th, 2007, 09:03 AM
Oh and Dragon is getting him a new computer and he is handing down his computer to me. So I'll have me a computer again.

grrrrr! YOU should have the new computer, not HIM! lol

I don't know what you can do with your time. I do suggest that you should take at least 4 weeks or so and enjoy the peace and quiet of not having the kids around. It may seem empty at first, but writing a list of things to do around the house will REALLY pay off: make a list of things that were close to impossible to do when the kids were around (i.e. reorganizing closets, bedrooms, kitchen/bathroom cabinets, box up or throw out old clothes and things not used in ages - - essentially do some spring cleaning -- recaulk bathrooms, work in the yard/plant in the flowerbed, clean out the garage or shed, wash the car inside and out. I've even puttied walls and repainted the inside of my house. Doctors' appointments that are best to have done during the day when they are not there - ob-gyn, dentist, etc. Make time to soak your feet and give yourself a pedicure, pluck your eyebrows, apply a deep-conditioner to your hair and give yourself a makeover. Soon it will be tax time - get all the receipts, etc together. Organize your filing system or your photo albums.)

May ideas my be lame, but if you have time to kill and aren't in a crunch to go off to a job, there's a zillion things you can do that would take a load off of your husband and yourself, in the long run. Make some time for you. After all, you've been on "Mom Duty" 24 hours a day up to this point - - 7 hours a day x 5 days/week of peace and quiet is wonderful! You'll wish school were 7 days a week! haha Best of luck, princess ~Samantha~

January 7th, 2007, 09:29 AM
I don't know what you can do with your time. I do suggest that you should take at least 4 weeks or so and enjoy the peace and quiet of not having the kids around. It may seem empty at first, but writing a list of things to do around the house will REALLY pay off: make a list of things that were close to impossible to do when the kids were around (i.e. reorganizing closets, bedrooms, kitchen/bathroom cabinets, box up or throw out old clothes and things not used in ages - - essentially do some spring cleaning -- recaulk bathrooms, work in the yard/plant in the flowerbed, clean out the garage or shed, wash the car inside and out. I've even puttied walls and repainted the inside of my house. Doctors' appointments that are best to have done during the day when they are not there - ob-gyn, dentist, etc. Make time to soak your feet and give yourself a pedicure, pluck your eyebrows, apply a deep-conditioner to your hair and give yourself a makeover. Soon it will be tax time - get all the receipts, etc together. Organize your filing system or your photo albums.)

May ideas my be lame, but if you have time to kill and aren't in a crunch to go off to a job, there's a zillion things you can do that would take a load off of your husband and yourself, in the long run. Make some time for you. After all, you've been on "Mom Duty" 24 hours a day up to this point - - 7 hours a day x 5 days/week of peace and quiet is wonderful! You'll wish school were 7 days a week! haha Best of luck, princess ~Samantha~

SAM... Everytime I hear you go off on things "YOU" would do around the house... Makes me want to ask you again..

:heart3 WILL YOU MARRY ME :heart3

Your One Hullava Woman..:)

January 7th, 2007, 12:53 PM
WOW Samantha that was to much to take in girl is that what you do ,for real, on your free time? LOL.... Dang I think I'm going to start with a glass of my Favorite wine and soak in a really hot bubble bath!!!! I never get to do that with out kids coming in or beating on the door. Just me my bubbles and my wine!!! That sounds great already!! I know this the house will stay cleaner when my little rug rat starts school. They will both be at school and They won't be here to mess it up!! WOO HOO.. But Yeah I think I'm going to end up running out of Wine and bubbles sooner or later and will have to find something else... 6 bottles won't last long.....

January 9th, 2007, 07:16 AM
SAM... Everytime I hear you go off on things "YOU" would do around the house... Makes me want to ask you again..

:heart3 WILL YOU MARRY ME :heart3

Your One Hullava Woman..:)

Awww, Parker....you're adorable!! If I weren't such a bitter woman, I'd take ya up on the offer! lol

Truthfully, yes, I do things like that around the house....all the time. I'm a clean-freak (OCD, prolly), and I just know that a woman lying around on the couch all day eating bon-bons and watching soaps (like Peg Bundy lol) is something that makes for great arguments with the hubby/significant other. I'm a very active person, hate idle time (except when it comes to hanging out with my bf or kids), and feel that it takes a "team" to keep the family household running smoothly. Now, I haven't ALWAYS been like this - used to be really lazy years ago; as I've aged, I've understood the importance of putting in my 100%. I've just not found a mate who thought the same though!! lol

DL, don't drown in the bathtub after u drink those 6 bottles of wine! You may also wanna consider some time at the gym if you drink all those calories at once! haha

January 9th, 2007, 11:21 AM

DL, don't drown in the bathtub after u drink those 6 bottles of wine! You may also wanna consider some time at the gym if you drink all those calories at once! haha[/QUOTE]

LOL... Yeah SG, I just got me a bowflex here at the house That I have been working out on for the last 2 or 3 weeks now. Trying not to drink so much cokes!! We're getting a walker soon as well. There's places that are falling down and going flat that wasn't before, so the time has come to get that back in shape! I've got so lazy over the past 2 years. I think the more weight I pack on the lazyer I get. I'm working on trying harder to get out of that. Thats what scares me the most ,when my baby gets in school, is becomeing so bord that I spend most of my time lying around the house. I have no energy at all so that makes me feel like crap! I thought about this post this morning when droping off my girl at school and almost cryed when she shut the truck door. lol... I told my boy I'm going to miss Chey chey... LOL... Yeah I know thats crazy...

January 9th, 2007, 11:53 AM
Not sure this helps DL, but you can try things like Basketball, Golf, SCUBA, Duck hunting, Fishing, BF2, going to the beach, playing the Guitar, 4wheel driving, and my all time favorite, sitting around pounding cold mug of Killian after cold mug of Killian. Man I can't wait to retire.

January 9th, 2007, 11:55 AM
P.S. No Dog, you don't want Sam to be your lawful wedded wife. With to do lists like that, that woman will run you into the ground with a Honey-do list. Sheesh Sam. Save a little me time woman.
