View Full Version : pc

December 29th, 2006, 10:12 AM
hey guys need help

want to build new pc

need input on following

1-motherboard-----what ever is captable to other things i need
2-processor-----2.1 up to 2.4 (amd is what i want to stay with)
3-video card-----8800gtx (g-force)
4-memory----4gb (something good)

also dragonlady wants a photo printer. she said a good one. that want leave lines on photo paper, that she can put her memory card in.

December 29th, 2006, 12:29 PM
ummm I am partial due to the great performance I have received from my:
and x2 4800+ proc
and corsair XMS memory

good value and good performance

now if you want the latest and greatest go for some of the new Intel dual core boards/proc/mem.
I have no idea on printers.

good luck

December 29th, 2006, 01:09 PM
go to dell outlet for a PC

As for a printer... I use
Its a great machine. We have had it for a year now and it has not broken down yet! Plus the scanning feature lets you scan negatives...

January 3rd, 2007, 01:16 PM
i am not to good with rembering part names and all. and just recently got a new comp made threw dell iam verry happy with it. i think the prices on the dula core pentiums will come down as i hear they are expecting quad core's soon? so the battle between AMD and intell will bring the prices down.
And i hve heard plenty of people say the dual core is the biggest thing to hit computers. even bigger that the first pentium chip -Vs- the 486 it definatly nice to be able to work on 2 tasks at the same time.

As far as video cards go. again i dont have a specific manufacturer in mind but have heard good stuff about the geforce 9850 this version has both 2 video cards built into one and is supossed to be very good for it price say 600 bucks compared to 2 9800 videos cards at say 400 bucks for total of 800.

I also agree on the above corsair xms ram it good and reliable.Not to sure on the printer i got a all in one printer with my dell that does pictures and has slot for like 4-5 diffrent memory cards/flash cards etc. still havnt tryed it to see the quallity yet.

Maybe go onto a web site like new egg and check out some of the products out there. i found it most usefull to read all the customer comments so you can tell if people have been having problem with over heating on video cards etc. etc.
