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December 11th, 2006, 10:02 AM
Germany wants to put FPS games developers in jail (http://www.engadget.com/2006/12/09/german-legislation-would-jail-fps-gamers/)

December 11th, 2006, 10:39 AM
I laugh at those silly Germans. Vat are dey sinkin?

December 11th, 2006, 11:22 AM
Hahaha. Take away the fake stuff so more real things like paintball can gret banned next. Lol.

December 11th, 2006, 03:36 PM
sh!t like that can happen here we have some stupid pepole in the states.

December 11th, 2006, 04:45 PM
Ummm kayy, Germans are bad...

December 11th, 2006, 07:20 PM
don't think for a second it can't happen here. The city of New York has placed a ban on restaurants using oils with trans-fats. restaurants have 1 year to completely make a switch on how they cook. At that point, it will become illegal to sell food cooked in oil with trans-fats. the restaurant can be closed down and face stiff fines. and why did the city government decide to do this? because the politicians deemed trans-fats as bad for your health. So you can still buy cigarettes but you can't buy a KFC 2 piece meal.

It won't take long for the politicians to loose tolerance of violent video games if there is an increase of school shootings.

December 11th, 2006, 08:26 PM
It won't take long for the politicians to loose tolerance of violent video games if there is an increase of school shootings.

i really do not see a problem with this. It wasn't long ago that movies like Friday the 13th were considered brutally gorry. Now, these video games available to 10 year old kids have more blood spraying around than those movies had. I personally find it disgusting and it is one of the reasons why I have lost some interest in playing games like bf2 and to some extent source.

December 11th, 2006, 10:45 PM
Hey, it’s all in the parenting....

Stupid parents raise stupid kids.

my $.02

December 12th, 2006, 05:42 AM
Hey, it’s all in the parenting....

Stupid parents raise stupid kids.

my $.02

I agree, but the fact is that there are way too many parents that don't care....and I don't want my kids to the victim of some deadbeat parenting.

December 12th, 2006, 06:54 AM
There's no blood in BF2, if there was Reagan wouldn't be let within miles of it. He's never seen CS, but BF2 while still a FPS, is mild in my opinion. He enjoys flying, and the vehicles more than anything.

It's all about the NANNY state, you know "it takes a village." So we end up with some moron in the State Capitol or worse the Congress telling us what, how, and where to eat, drink, sit, stand, drive, and play. Big Government sucks, but you get what you vote for.

December 12th, 2006, 08:16 AM
/sigh personal accounability surrenders....

December 12th, 2006, 10:49 AM
/sigh personal accounability surrenders....

exactly, that's why it is necessary to make decision for some people. Obviously some cannot handle it. Unfortunately, the 'some' will ruin it for all. Don't get me wrong, I wish there was another way, but the fact is that there are stupid parents out there and because of that, the kids need to be protected.

December 12th, 2006, 10:57 AM
I concur... Protect the kids... See Below.


It's parents similar to these that should be hauled into the street and publicly humiliated.

December 12th, 2006, 11:14 AM
Bad parents make excuses for bad parenting, Period. Be involved. Also if the "blood splatter" is all you are worried about then you are missing the actual problem. SNL skits have blood spatter, Monty Python has blood spatter, but they don't insight or incourage shooting people. Informing and instilling values, morals, and proper behavior is the key. No matter what games they play. Same thing goes with proper use of "guns", no matter what type they are. BB, Pellet, Cap, Play, Real....Stoopid people raise Stoopid kids. It is sad, but true. Thia is what happens when you remove natural evolution from nature. We as Americans dumb down to the mentally challenged level instead of making everyone have what Spark mentions, "Personal Accountability." I say if the kids f*ck up, make the person responsible for watching the kid at that time pay for the crime ALONG witht he kid. Albeit the parents, school, whomever.

December 12th, 2006, 11:43 AM
It's why I won't be having kids...I know I would raise a stupid kid. Why subject an ill-prepared kid to the rigors of the real world?

December 12th, 2006, 11:57 AM
I agree that bad parenting leads to bad kids. Rachel is a juvenile probation officer, all the kids she deals with have one or both parents being useless. Some are drunks, pillpoppers, drug heads or just dont care. She only has been working there for a few months and already has filed many many papers trying to get the kids out of the houses so they will have a chance.

December 12th, 2006, 12:08 PM
Because having a son or daughter say "daddy, I love you" is a feeling like none other, ever. For me it's what makes all the work, effort and time worth it.

December 12th, 2006, 12:10 PM
I agree Wetz...that's why I stay involved with my kids too.

December 12th, 2006, 02:55 PM
exactly, that's why it is necessary to make decision for some people.

Umm wtf? did you actually write that!?! I don't need ANYONE thinking for me or making decisions for me period. Man you are sounding just a tad bit socialist. This isn't making a decision for "SOME" folks, it's making a decision for all the folks in that country. It is straight up retarded. Where does it stop? Who draws the line on what is too violent? How protected do people need to be? You are going to put me in jail if I play the wrong game or determine that a game I designed doesn't comply with your standars? just plain stupid and inefective. Like you are going to prevent people from downloading whatever games they want. Or keep kids from watching whatever crap comes on TV. Please man. This is all an attempt to put the responsibility of raising our kids, well their kids in this case, into the hands of others, and it will not stop ANYTHING...Rediculous...

December 12th, 2006, 03:38 PM
.....This is all an attempt to put the responsibility of raising our kids, well their kids in this case, into the hands of others, and it will not stop ANYTHING...Rediculous...

This IS the problemo. Parents that have kids to fulfill some sort of IDEALOGICAL rule. Then the parents put their careers first, their social involvements first, and so-on. The problem is that parents only want to have kids in physical form now-a-days. They stick them in drop off daycares, or find the cheapest daycare possible, so they still can drive the brandnew trucks/SUV's, and go out to "business dinners."

The question is WHO really raises the majority of America's youth? Institutions do and that is a fact. Albeit daycares, babysitters, preschools, elementary, etc....The PARENTS need to wake up and start raising their kids again or the Government WILL step in to "guide" them. I was living and working in Denver when Columbine happened. A person who worked for me had a son that was at Columbine that day. His son was not harmed, but I had to see the anxiety in his face as we all watched the sh!t unfold.

We all have to make a decision on how much money, materialistic junk and such are worth our youth's lives. Video games have not brought us to this present time. We as a SOCIETY have brought us to this point. It is up to US to slowly change the tides of unattached parenting to families once again.

Sorry for the rant. I just couldn't stop typing......help me!

December 12th, 2006, 03:51 PM
take a breather James, it'll all be ok.

I understand where you're coming from Sabre, I have 2 kids also and I want to protect them however I can. However, there is a huge risk that the recent actions by government can be taken too far. It may, in some way shape or form to be justifiable to ban the creation of any in-humane or violent game. (although I think the kids, kids parents and the store selling it should be held accountable for their actions.) but what happens when they take it to another level? Sporting events are popular places for families to attend together. How will you feel when they ban Hockey at every level because ever so often there are a couple of guys that can't control themselves and get into violent fights. would you still be in favor of it?

Too many kids speeding around and driving at ridiculous speeds on the interstate. hmmm nascar is pretty popular so it must be teaching out youth that it's ok to speed, race and drive competitively on the public road. Nascar = Banned.

I brought up the Trans-Fat thing being banned in NY. Alot of doctors feel red meat is bad for you. If they lobby the government, could they make it illegal to eat a steak or hamburger???

If you take away an individual's accountability, it will lead to even further problems. hell, just look at the welfare program. You have to hold people accountable and give stiff consequences when they don't do what they should. Only then will they have an incentive to do the right thing.

December 12th, 2006, 03:54 PM
Well I have a feeling that this is going to kill my stats. I make a good living on BF2 playing against Germans. As long as the French are still playing then I'm good.

December 12th, 2006, 05:41 PM
It takes a village to raise and Andyconda.

December 12th, 2006, 05:49 PM
I'm fine dadio... Just can't see giving any government that much power over private content for any reason. That's all....

December 12th, 2006, 08:33 PM
well said rook!

December 13th, 2006, 12:35 AM
Social pressure and environment do make some difference in a child and the adult he'll be but not completely...too many things are innate in people (genetic or whatever). I'm sorry, but the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. If a kid's screwed up the parents are generally screwed up too. What I'm saying is that certain individuals will be attracted to violence no matter what their social upbringing is.
Making stuff like this illegal is not going to change anything. All it does is make it more desireable to some people; it adds a sense of danger to own those videos games or whatever. And at the same time you create resentment in the population for controlling more and more everyday things in peoples lives. I know I want the government involved in my life as little as possible.
