View Full Version : for you Wetz...

November 8th, 2006, 11:12 AM

articles like this show the ingnorance of so many Americans. The reason that everyone is so 'happy' is because they know that the democrats will not be as deliberate and more 'understanding' towards the feelings of other countries...pathetic.

They are laughing because they know they now have more freedom to perform their crimes against humanity....they are laughing because the people in our own country have so quickly forgotten the reasons that we are at war.

In a way...I'm glad that the Dem's have some control now....it's time to put up or shut the hell up. (I prefer shut the hell up)

Everyone wanted the dem's to win because they wanted change....what changes are being offered? I haven't heard or seen anything yet. I doubt we will. I saw a Democratic leader being asked this morning on Foxnews "what are the changes that you will make"...obviously and predictable he offered nothing but to say how bad things are.....no changes suggested.

November 8th, 2006, 12:58 PM
because of this link, I went over to fox news to check out what the latest news on the election was only to find out that I am loosing my Universities President to the CinC replacing Rumsfeld. Dr. Gates is an awesome man, and however this is a great loss for Texas A&M, I believe this will be a great change for the USA. I would follow Dr. Gates anywhere he sends me. He is such a big supporter of the Corps here at A&M, and over his term here at A&M, he has become possibly one of the most beloved Presidents of this university by the corps.

November 8th, 2006, 01:00 PM
No doubt Al, this is a blessing in disguise

November 8th, 2006, 02:11 PM
phew at least they didn't send Franchione... :sitck

November 8th, 2006, 02:22 PM
phew at least they didn't send Franchione... :sitck

lol.......or Saban :stick

November 8th, 2006, 03:53 PM
Passions were even higher in Pakistan, where Bush is deeply unpopular despite billions in aid and staunch support for President Gen. Pervez Musharraf.


If the democratic majority has there way, well see how long they "LOVE" the turn out.!

November 8th, 2006, 04:05 PM
One comment and I am off to work......

"The Democratic Party ... will protect the interests of small and medium American enterprises and labor and that could produce an impact on China-U.S. trade relations," Zhang Guoqing of the state-run Chinese Academy of Social Sciences said in a report on Sina.com, one of China's most popular Internet portals."

Isn't this good for us "small" americans? I know I am not a 4 billion dollar company....y'all might be, but not me.

Also, they may screw up, but atleast give them time. 12 hrs......c'mon.

November 8th, 2006, 04:54 PM
Politicians are politicians...and they are all human. They will all screw up something and they will all try to place the blame elsewhere.

November 8th, 2006, 10:21 PM
LOL......true dat true dat Tech.

November 9th, 2006, 06:41 AM
that's my point tech...they will fail just like everyone else. I wish people would not be so stupidly blind and realize that the media is playing them like fools. One person cannot change the face of the country, it takes the entire congress/senate to do that....republicans and democrats together...both deserve blame, both deserve credit.

My problem is the pointing fingers game that the dem's are doing...the pathetic thing is that it worked in most places in the country. That tells me that the majority of those are simply sheep....with no mind of their own.

November 9th, 2006, 03:22 PM
that's my point tech...they will fail just like everyone else. I wish people would not be so stupidly blind and realize that the media is playing them like fools. One person cannot change the face of the country, it takes the entire congress/senate to do that....republicans and democrats together...both deserve blame, both deserve credit.

My problem is the pointing fingers game that the dem's are doing...the pathetic thing is that it worked in most places in the country. That tells me that the majority of those are simply sheep....with no mind of their own.

I did vote for a Democrat in this election. Does this make me a sheep? Just another no mind of his own, non-educated voter sheep? I am just curious.

November 9th, 2006, 04:04 PM
as Al said the majority are sheep, so to answer your question...probably! lol

To think democrats help "small" people is laughable, they take all of big corporate americas dollars as well, and kinda like Tech said are just as crooked and/or stupid; however their ideology says that those that work must help those unfortunate people you see at 11am sitting on the porch collecting da'welfare. Also trying to create an equal for everyone...except the politicians of course...society...lol can not be done and have freedom to everyone as well.

You will see rook a you go down the big road of the working life...as those that do not work...make MORE than those in blue collar jobs...as you thank your democrat senator.

November 9th, 2006, 04:22 PM
Well, I’m going to join the Jihadest party, at least there focused on one goal. No questioning their purpose in life, or death as it might be. I mean come on, if we all join the N.A.A.J.P, we could really make a difference in the United States. Their wouldn’t be any mud throwing between Democrat’s and Republicans, for that matter, their wouldn’t be any Democrat’s, or Republicans. Who knows maybe one day we could take majority in both the senate and the congress, then get Alla-Yalla-Muhamed-Dogaa, into a bid for the Presidency? With a little luck we might win the election. After that the solution to the worlds problems would be at our finger tips, well mine anyway. Push the Button, launch the Rain of fire and bring it down upon ourselves. Poof, the worlds problems solved, no more America the great SATAN, and for our reward we will all get 72 virgins, and not leave Samantha out, she will get 72 horny guys. :)

November 10th, 2006, 06:51 AM
man screw that...who the hell wants 72 virgin wives in heaven....1 on earth is plenty...crazy bastages!!

November 10th, 2006, 10:10 AM
Mike, the Quran says you get 72 virgins. It never said virgin wives just virgins. Now that I can go for.

November 10th, 2006, 12:10 PM
....ahh f that as well. what the **** do i want to deal with 72 women for....they did not guarantee 72 hotties, what if you turn is 72 Rosie O'Donall's??
No...they are just selling a line so they can promote and sell more books :p:

November 10th, 2006, 12:42 PM
here is for you Mr. Kerry

November 10th, 2006, 12:48 PM
Yeah but they passed a man law that states "You poke it, you own it" WTF

November 10th, 2006, 01:51 PM
I did vote for a Democrat in this election. Does this make me a sheep? Just another no mind of his own, non-educated voter sheep? I am just curious.

If you voted blindly by listening to all the bs on TV...then yes you are a sheep :).

but if you voted based on what YOU believe then I'm glad you went out and voted, whoever you voted for. I'm not a Republican, nor a Democrat....I vote for who I believe will do a better job, regardless of party affiliation. However, I tend to vote more for Republicans....because the dem's leave me with little choice.

November 13th, 2006, 08:23 AM
I’ve kept up the best I could here and now a few thoughts.

The Democrats will do all in their power to undercut our troops fighting the war on terror. They will call for hearing after hearing distracting the military leadership to no end. The democrats will cut funding for troops and equipment, essentially cutting our troopers supply lines (something the enemy cannot do) and weakening our fighting force.

The Democrats will seek to appease Iran, Syria, and North Korea while simultaneously politically attacking Israel. The Left will attempt at any cost to prevent our winning the battle in Iraq, because the Left, the Democrats only win when America loses.

I know of no coherent plan or idea disseminated from the left which includes victory over evil or defeat of our enemies, I only hear the constant refrain of ‘get out’, ‘redeployment’, and ‘negotiation’. Where are the plans for victory?

This war is hard, knowing our brave young men and women are being injured, maimed and killed daily, is difficult to accept by the populace. That is the very nature of War, and we must endure these hardships, hold our heads high and support our leaders, our Generals and our troops who carry into battle the freedoms of our children and their futures.

With the Left in control of the House and Senate, victory over the Islamic Fascists is less certain today than it was November 6th.

Interesting read here. Please take the time to read it.



November 13th, 2006, 12:35 PM
I am honestly scared. Not because I know that in 2 years, I will be in the Army and deployed downrange, but because of what this government may now do to the job I want to do so badly. What Wetz has said is the general consensus to people I have talked to, and however much I may agree with what is said because its what I also feel they will do, I still have to keep an open mind in hopes that it doesnt happen and somehow the dems make a somewhat intelligent decision that at least makes some sort of sense.


November 13th, 2006, 01:48 PM
First, let me reply to Dirge. When did we get a new man law, "You poke it, you own it". What ever happened to the "Test Drive"

Second, a reply to Al's statement on politics. In a nut shell, Well Put. I also don't vote purely on party affiliation. I try not to caterogize mywelf with bipartisanship, but consider myslef more republican than democratic or independant or that bull**** libertarian. I have voted for a democrat before becuase I tend to vote the issues and not the party. But historically that means I vote mainly republican. If they didn't have the bull **** stand on abortion I would vote rebuplican more. A woman should have the right to do with her body as she sees fit.

Lastly, The f'ing democrats are f'ing everything up, G damn them.

November 13th, 2006, 02:43 PM
So who really won last week?


November 14th, 2006, 12:14 AM
All I got to say is:

They take our money, and rob our morality. Vote Republican!


C'mon Wetz. That website speaks the truth....yeah uhuh. That website is a biased insult to the intelligence of the collective whole of this country.

I am NOT arguing for Democrats, but for the proper use of intelligence which that website was not made for. I hope all works out well for everyone. I am not going to argue with crap website articles that are meaningless rants by narrow-minded people.

I hope for all the "thumpers" out there that the Democrats screw something up badly. If they don't then all the "stout and devouts" will be left holdind their jocks and looking stupid.

I voted for John Tester over Conrad Burns, and I would vote for anyone running against Burns. He is the poster child for what is wrong in politics. Oops, there I go again listening to the Left-wing liberal, support terrorists, Non-Republican, going to hell, gay, lesbian, no good, welfare loving, tax raising, country screwing up, no war making, chicken sh!t, liberal Democrats.

November 14th, 2006, 06:37 AM
Political debates are so much fun eh?? lol

The reality is that everyone makes mistakes. There are different points of view on every subject. My point of view is right. :)

now to what really matters:

Go Sabres!!! 10-0 on the road baby!!!! Only 1 loss in 18 games...pure dominance!

November 14th, 2006, 09:08 AM
Whether or not you agree with me is not the point. Whether or not you agree with the Republican Party or the Democrat Party is not the issue.

I believe in a few core principals.

(1)Small and limited government. The government does not know best, generally speaking almost every government program I can think of is a ****ing mess. Government programs never go away, they stay around forever. Sucking my tax dollars into an abyss. Basically the Federal governments only reason to exist is to provide for the common defense, and foreign policy (in my opinion) anything outside of those areas should be left to the state governments. (Then if I didn’t like how/what/why of my STATE GOVERNMENT I COULD LEAVE IT! Just like the people of New Orleans, they haven’t returned because of the immense failure of their state and local governments.) The current administrations record on small government is a joke, and I’m not happy about it. But the alternative of Hillary-Care, combined with the Lefts nanny state mentality of entitlements-for-all is not an alternative I support. So count me (along with many, many conservatives) as unhappy with W’s record here, but unwilling to support the alternative.

(2)Low Taxes. Americans are who start businesses; develop new technologies and rather than pumping money into the sewer that is Washington, give it back those of us who worked for it and know the value of it. Republicans lost because the Congressional Republicans broke their promise of fiscal responsibility and smaller government. They cared more about incumbency than statesmanship. They deserved to lose. Good riddance, and don't let the door hit your pork-laden asses on the way out. Why can Kazakhstan have a flat 15% tax and America can’t? That’s a ****ing joke.

(3)Accountability. Hell I’m accountable for my actions yet it appears those elected to serve me are no longer accountable to me. Well BS on that, now many of them are cleaning out their desks and polishing their resumes. Americans in general, and conservative Americans in particular, were mad as hell at the Republican Party prior to Election Day and the Republican leadership has only itself to blame. I have voted Republican in the past because I wanted social security reform, tax cuts, fiscal restraint, a balanced budget, accountability and CHARACTER in my elected representatives. I instead received a half-assed effort on social security, tax cuts that will expire in a few years (never to return, either), runaway spending, an ineffectual and incompetent Speaker of the House and a blatantly corrupt House Majority Leader, a Senator who pledged "term limits" when first elected (in 1988) and now running for his fourth term, naturally (of course) found to be in bed with a sleazy lobbyist, a senior Republican congressman cruising for gay sex with teenage pages, and only a partial victory in our quest for sanity on the Supreme Court. The worst of it, though, was the sense that the powers-that-be in the Republican Party didn't even care to listen. But again the alternative is a Left wing socialist agenda whose party leader (Billiary) diddled interns in the Oval Office. What kind of choice is that? I voted for my Republican congressman.

I’m not telling you who to vote for; in this day and age you have to look at each candidate individually and chose. But I know this, the recent elections will empower the Left in a way that will take your breath a way, what you are about to see over the next 18 months will stun you. Book it.

The left stands opposite me on many of these positions and until they close the gap, I will continue to support candidates who will offer me a vision of a future America as good as or better than the one I had. These people are hard to find, but in my experience the few that are out there are mostly Republican. Which is unfortunate, because our nation works better when two parties are competing with competent idea’s.

November 14th, 2006, 10:30 AM
Wetz you are my hero, can we get a Dirge and Wetz for prez in 2006.
we will beat down the Hillary/rook ticket...liberal commies... j/k

Remember people: vote Democrat
so the minimum wage will go up and everything else will too...that will control inflation and help out the poor!

ummm Brilliant!

November 14th, 2006, 11:40 AM
Why does every political discussion end up turning into a "we're right and they are wrong" thing? I seriously don't get it. If you have political opinions, fine...but not everyone agrees with what you, or anyone else for that matter, thinks. "Us and them" really is nothing more than elitism...and I am not elitist (or perhaps you could interpret that as I've never been in the majority...who knows).

Politicians are in it for nobody other than themselves. They want to get to DC to make it rich and to throw a bone or two to the people that got them there. Are the Republicans guilty of doing this? Yes. Are the democrats guilty of doing this? Yes.

I've been thinking about this a lot...and what I think needs to happen in America is a revolution. I'm not talking a coup or anything like that. I'm talking about a serious cleaning out of all the dead wood, fat cat, "make myself rich and screw the people that got me here" career politicians that have made DC a haven. They wouldn't make it in the real world (and when they try, you get stuff like Enron and WorldCom). Get rid of ALL of them and really put people in there that care about doing what's best for ALL Americans...not just those with deep pocketbooks.

Screw career politicians. Screw not listening to the voice of the people. I want the form of government that was intended...a representative government...OF THE PEOPLE.

November 14th, 2006, 11:44 AM
Furthermore: If it takes the republican party losing both the house and the senate (and perhaps the presidency) to wake them up and get them back to where they should be...I'm all for it.

November 14th, 2006, 11:46 AM
You know what I think about all this political stuff? Play more BF2... it will make a difference.

November 14th, 2006, 12:55 PM
Why does every political discussion end up turning into a "we're right and they are wrong" thing? I seriously don't get it. If you have political opinions, fine...but not everyone agrees with what you, or anyone else for that matter, thinks. "Us and them" really is nothing more than elitism...and I am not elitist (or perhaps you could interpret that as I've never been in the majority...who knows).

Politicians are in it for nobody other than themselves. They want to get to DC to make it rich and to throw a bone or two to the people that got them there. Are the Republicans guilty of doing this? Yes. Are the democrats guilty of doing this? Yes.

I've been thinking about this a lot...and what I think needs to happen in America is a revolution. I'm not talking a coup or anything like that. I'm talking about a serious cleaning out of all the dead wood, fat cat, "make myself rich and screw the people that got me here" career politicians that have made DC a haven. They wouldn't make it in the real world (and when they try, you get stuff like Enron and WorldCom). Get rid of ALL of them and really put people in there that care about doing what's best for ALL Americans...not just those with deep pocketbooks.

Screw career politicians. Screw not listening to the voice of the people. I want the form of government that was intended...a representative government...OF THE PEOPLE.

You talking to me?

November 14th, 2006, 01:12 PM
No, I would have said, "Wetz...the thing I hate about you is"...

Mine was a general comment about political discussions and what I thought should happen.

November 14th, 2006, 01:25 PM
you make a lot of sense Tech it is unfortunate that we are trapped in this system

November 14th, 2006, 02:06 PM
Hate me? You don't know me.... :0

The system sucks, no doubt. But it's the system, it works. And like any other field or profession there are good ones and not-so good ones, bad ones and the occasional evil one. It is what makes us human. I accept and understand that. That is something we have very little control over. What I can do however is be involved. Politicians are like small children, if they feel you aren’t looking they try ****.

What you have to do is remind them of the fact they are there to serve you and your disctrict or state, or county or country. No more or less.

Find candidates to support that have worked in the private sector. I’ve often wondered how in the hell the people of Massachusetts re-elect Ted Kennedy year after year? He’s never worked a job, paid a mortgage, gone to a grocery store, balanced a household budget etc etc. How in the hell can he be considered a representative of anything other than a fat, drunken, inherited-money, SOB?

This election cycle I gave no money to either the RNCC or the RSCC. I didn’t agree with or like the leadership of either organization. I did give money to selected candidates in specific races. Therefore bypassing the bureaucracy of the party and selecting the specific candidate of whom I knew their positions. It takes time and effort, but it’s worthwhile.
