View Full Version : Report from the Deer Woods...

November 7th, 2006, 10:22 AM

Well it's day 3 of my hunting trip with my brother Kevin (from La Jolla) and my good friend Mike. We are staying at my place in SE of Kingman KS. on the Ninnescah River. We are hunting 360 acres of bottom ground, loaded with big KS Whitetail, and Rio Turkey.

The Deer are pre-rut and moving like mad! The moon and the weather are working against us however. Day time temps are in the mid to upper 70's with night time temps in the mid 40's. Hardly prime rut conditions. We've seen a few border line shooters, bucks near 150 (thats inches of antler not pounds) or above, running does. I have yet to have a shooter in bow-range (40 yards or closer) but passed on a good 3 year old who might have gone 140. Hopefully he'll make it next season, because he's gonna be good one. The full moon has been a big problem, its basically broad daylight to a deer and with the cooler temps most big bucks are chasing at night. The temps are to drop starting friday, so we shall see if that helps our cause a little.

Kevin did shoot a nice sized Gobbler yesterday morning, they had roosted right near a favorite stand and he quietly slipped into it 40 minutes prior to first light, with the help of alot of fog cover and damp conditions on the ground. As soon as the big Tom hit the ground Kevin zipped a 100 grain Diamond Sharpe Montec into his heart from forty yards, the bird was dead in about 10 seconds. He weighed in at about 25 pounds with a 7 inch beard and 1 inch spurs, not a bad bird.

Talk to you all soon and hopefully have a few pictures later in the week!

Remember to go vote, show our troops we don't take our freedoms for granted.


November 7th, 2006, 11:37 AM
gl double ya!!

November 7th, 2006, 11:48 AM
gl double ya!!

What is that REDNECK-ESSE? LOL

November 7th, 2006, 04:11 PM
i shall translate since you are in the woods and you probably mistook the dear pea oil for your brewsky.

Good Luck W(as in Wetzny and our president)

November 7th, 2006, 04:24 PM
you probably mistook the dear pea oil for your brewsky.


November 9th, 2006, 12:26 PM
Ok One decent buck in the bag. Shot by Mike on Tuesday Morning. Big bodied bastard, with a decent sized rack, about 125. Not a shooter in my book, but mike said he panicked and shot when he saw the body size. :)

The weather and the moon are playing hell with us. Yesterday it was 89 degrees!! I put my Bass buggy in the water and we floated around on one of my best ponds shooting turtles and catching a few niced size bass. With that kind of heat, no decent buck will move. Hell I didn't even go to a stand last evening, too hot!

The moon has us all fouled up, bright as hell middle of night and we can hear the bastards grunting and chasing does! I anticipate a little better luck soon, as tonight a cold front will move in dropping our daytime temps to 55, which is still a joke, but manageable.

I stopped in home to pick-up Reagan and to see the wife for a minute, Reagan is going to spend the rest of the week with me. I set-up a nice big corn pile and a brand new Double- Bull Matrix blind in a corner of a secluded open area of a creek bottom, where I've shot many deer, and he and I are going to hunt from there together. Should be interesting.

No worrys here, I know the difference from Cold Budweiser and Deer Piss. I'm told deer urine tastes like Coors light, I wouldn't know I don't drink either of them. :stick

Catch you boys later.

Pictures to come!!!

