View Full Version : It's this kind of thinking...

October 31st, 2006, 03:12 PM
Part of the reason for my posting last week’s transcript was to show how the President answers questions in an informal setting, on the record, with his guard lowered and without scripted talking points or notes.

Here is something similar, it’s taped, and the senator is on the record and knows it. His guard is lowered and he’s speaking without visible notes; now listen to his words…. “Get an education go to school, etc”. OR YOU GET STUCK IN IRAQ.

WTF? Only dummies, end up in Iraq? Who the f*ck does he think he is? What the **** is he thinking? How can a man who was this close to being Commander in Chief of our armed forces think like that?

Now you know how northeastern liberal elites feel about our young men and women bravely serving in harms way. They think they’re a bunch of dimmed witted moronic rubes.

John Kerry is a F*ck Tard. Remember this when you vote Nov. 7th.

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/vLuMWiQ6r2o"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/vLuMWiQ6r2o" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

October 31st, 2006, 05:18 PM
Yea, my reaction to the statment was the same... WTF!!

Now, I dont like Kerry one bit, i think hes got his own agenda for finacial gain... but, his defense on the statment was he was refering to Bush being stuck in Iraq...

I do tend to think he was refering to our armed forces... The reson for this is... he was just talking about our young people and what they need to do in order to suceed in life...

The excuse sounds justifiable and will sway a lot of peple I think... However I still think hes a RAT B@STARD

October 31st, 2006, 07:11 PM
John Kerry has to be the least self-aware politician in the land. The National Commander of the American Legion is now calling for an apology from the senator. Calling himself "outraged," Paul Morin says, "A generation ago, Sen Kerry slandered his comrades in Vietnam by saying that they were rapists and murderers. It wasn't true then and his warped view of today's heroes isn't true now." Kerry has frequently said that the lesson he took from the 2004 assault by his fellow Swift Boat veterans was that he didn't defend his Vietnam record ferociously enough. But the most damaging charge those Vietnam vets made on behalf of all who served with them wasn't about his fishy medals and early out from Vietnam. It was his 1971 congressional testimony when he charged that American forces committed war crimes, "reminiscent of Genghis Khan," in Vietnam. It enraged Vietnman vets in 1971 and, when reminded of it, again in 2004. His remarks last evening will strike them as more of the same from someone who long ago broke faith with them.

October 31st, 2006, 07:24 PM
It's always interesting to see psychological projection at work. Kerry and his allies—obviously the Dems are defending him, aren't they?—are blaming the troops for the Dems' own ignorance and stupidity. I mean, it's hard to imagine anyone stupider than Kerry. Only a total buffoon would attack the troops at a key moment in the campaign. It makes it possible to say that the Dems really are the party of Kerry, Murtha, and the other appeasers. Must be Rove hypnosis at work.

Secondly, it underlines the near-total alienation of the American intellectual elite. I dare say that the leading news and editorial rooms, like the offices of the major universities, are full of people who quite agree with the notion that our troops are stupid and underprivileged. Each time one of our children ships out to the Middle East, we get condolence calls from friends and relatives. They simply cannot fathom it, it is so totally removed from their own experience and from their own narcissistic lives. They do not know uniformed people, they have only a totally misleading stereotype.

Third, I believe that the percentage of veterans in Congress is under fifteen percent. That makes it difficult for them, as a group, to understand military virtue or war. Obviously military service is not a panacea, as Kerry and Murtha have demonstrated. But I do think that in times of war it would help to have more veterans in the legislatures.

Finally, we know lots of military people, from bestarred generals to lance corporals. We've spent plenty of time with them, especially those who have been shot up and blown up. It would help the elite to spend some time in military hospitals, they'd be quite surprised at the intelligence, thoughtfulness, and good character of most of the men and women in uniform nowadays.

Quite aside from the politics of Kerry's buffoonery, this is a serious matter. The war is almost surely going to get worse, and we need leaders with a grasp of what it's about.

October 31st, 2006, 07:34 PM
Kerry's Wrong.


October 31st, 2006, 09:33 PM
Quite aside from the politics of Kerry's buffoonery, this is a serious matter. The war is almost surely going to get worse, and we need leaders with a grasp of what it's about.

......what is the war about exactly? I have yet for Bush to explain the particulars other than we are killin' terrorists.

You new it was coming.......

First off Kerry IS a pile.

Second......."I mean, it's hard to imagine anyone stupider than Kerry."

"....more stupid than Kerry."

Third.....The constant lumping of peeps into one group or the other is annoying. There are far more educated people out there, albeit Democrat or Republican. The "either you are with us or against us" attitude is narrow minded and works well in gang life. Our country was founded on the ability for Americans to be free thinkers. To not get lost as just another sheep. Just because you are always on the offensive doesn't mean you are right or headed in the right direction. Sometimes reflection before action is better than the next 6 years attempting to explain WTF is going on. We need to quit fixing blame and fix the problems.

Fourth.....enough said. I donot worship at the alter of ANY political party......so to the Repubs I must be a bleeding heart liberal demmy. I guess I know where I stand with them. They are bloods and the rest of the world is crypts....lol.....:flowers

October 31st, 2006, 09:50 PM
Sounds alot different now doesn't it. You put up an edited 10 sec clip of prolly a 30 minute speech to over summarize a person. WOW.....

October 31st, 2006, 10:09 PM
Wetz, I dont think Ive ever seen anyone respond so much to their own thread over and over again... ;)

October 31st, 2006, 10:56 PM
Wetz, I dont think Ive ever seen anyone respond so much to their own thread over and over again... ;)

LOL... Well the man has a lot to say.. :)

November 1st, 2006, 05:59 AM
......what is the war about exactly? I have yet for Bush to explain the particulars other than we are killin' terrorists.

You new it was coming.......

First off Kerry IS a pile.

Second......."I mean, it's hard to imagine anyone stupider than Kerry."

"....more stupid than Kerry."

Third.....The constant lumping of peeps into one group or the other is annoying. There are far more educated people out there, albeit Democrat or Republican. The "either you are with us or against us" attitude is narrow minded and works well in gang life. Our country was founded on the ability for Americans to be free thinkers. To not get lost as just another sheep. Just because you are always on the offensive doesn't mean you are right or headed in the right direction. Sometimes reflection before action is better than the next 6 years attempting to explain WTF is going on. We need to quit fixing blame and fix the problems.

Fourth.....enough said. I donot worship at the alter of ANY political party......so to the Repubs I must be a bleeding heart liberal demmy. I guess I know where I stand with them. They are bloods and the rest of the world is crypts....lol.....:flowers


Are you telliing me I have to place his outrageous comments in context? That I don't get it? That when John Kerry insults US soldiers he's REALLY insulting the President? Come on, give me a break. Kerry is an expert at demeaning fighting men and women, he's been doing it since Vietnam. The troops deserve the support of all Americans, including people who think they're dumb. After all our troops are fighting for all of us.

My point is most Democrats WANT the US to lose in Iraq. Rather than defeat the President on the issue's of terrorism and war, they seek to destroy the morale of brave men and women who deserve our support. Democrats want to reclaim political power and will demean anyone and anything to acheive it. I think thats wrong, it hurts our country. Why try to make political points at the expense of a soldier? I would say to Kerry, or anyone else for that matter, whether or not you agree with the policy of the Administration at least stop taking cheap shots at the people who are just doing their job and doing it well.


November 1st, 2006, 07:47 AM
I loved it. Kerry's response was great. w00tness

November 1st, 2006, 07:58 AM
1) Kerry is an idiot.
2) If you look at the general population of the military, you'll find that it IS comprised mostly of people that are unable to go to college AT THAT TIME. Does that mean that they are worth less than the common man? No...in fact, I would say that they deserve even more respect...they want to do something a) for their country and b) that will make them grow in ways that working at McDonalds won't all for the ability to use the GI Bill to go to college if they want. You gotta respect that.
3) Kerry is an idiot.

November 1st, 2006, 08:16 AM
Well here is a little information, about our armed services. Take what you will from it.


Much of the analysis in this paper (including this section) uses five-digit Census ZIP code tabulation areas (ZCTAs) as the unit of analysis. The Census Bureau uses ZCTAs to approximate U.S. Postal Service ZIP codes. In most cases, ZCTAs corre*spond to postal ZIP codes. For exam*ple, Representative Charles Rangel (D–NY), who advocated reinstating the draft in 2003, resides in the postal ZIP code 10037. The corresponding five-digit ZCTA 10037, shown in Fig*ure 1, had a 1999 median household income of $26,561. In 2004, six recruits originated from the area. In 2005, two more recruits from that ZIP code enlisted.

By assigning each recruit the median 1999 household income for his hometown ZIP code as deter*mined from Census 2000, the mean income for 2004 recruits was $43,122 (in 1999 dollars). For 2005 recruits, it was $43,238 (in 1999 dol*lars). These are increases over the mean incomes for the 1999 cohort ($41,141) and 2003 cohort ($42,822). The national median published in Cen*sus 2000 was $41,994. This indicates that, on aver*age, the 2004 and 2005 recruit populations come from even wealthier areas than their peers who enlisted in 1999 and 2003.

When comparing these wartime recruits (2003– 2005) to the resident population ages 18–24 (as recorded in Census 2000), areas with median household income levels between $35,000 and $79,999 were overrepresented, along with income categories between $85,000 and $94,999. (See Chart 2.) Though the mainstream media continue to portray the war in Iraq as unpopular, this evi*dence suggests that the United States is not sending the poor to die for the interests of the rich.

With the addition of data for the 2004 and 2005 recruits, the quintile trends noted in the previous report are even more striking. (See Table 1.) From 2003 to 2005, the representation of the highest-income quintile rose 0.68 percentage point, from 22.17 percent to 22.85 percent. As conflict in Iraq continues, youth from wealthy areas continue to volunteer for duty despite increased risk. Addition*ally, over the course of these three recruit years, representation from the poorest quintile has decreased dramatically. The representation among recruits of the lowest-income quintile fell nearly a full percentage point, from 14.61 percent in 2003 to 13.66 percent in 2005.


Given the nature of the military rank structure, most enlisted recruits do not have a college edu*cation or degree. Members of the armed forces with higher education are more often commis*sioned officers (lieutenant and above). In 2004, 92.1 percent of active-duty officer accessions held baccalaureate degrees or higher.[5] From 2000 to 2005, between 10 percent and 17 percent of active-duty officer accessions held advanced degrees, and between 35 percent and 45 percent of the active-duty officer corps held advanced degrees.[6] This indicates that officers continued their educa*tion during the course of their mili*tary service.

The whole report is here.


November 1st, 2006, 10:53 AM
Evertime I try to sit down a be serious about reading one of Wetz's posts, I get distracted by some bouncy things in his avatar...

But I get what your saying. Being as I am going to one day commission into the Army as a LT, I tend to pay attention to this stuff. It helps to know the people who are working under you and this shows that the enlisted corps is not made up entirely of poverty stricken recruits that want to get out of the ghetto. It is in fact fairly proportional to the rest of society, at least as far as household income is concerned.

November 1st, 2006, 11:08 AM
Y'all seen this yet?!?!? ROFLMFAO!!!!

November 1st, 2006, 11:15 AM
Y'all seen this yet?!?!? ROFLMFAO!!!!


November 1st, 2006, 11:18 AM


Dem Dar be Sum Purdy Edjumicated Soldjers Ober Dar :)


November 1st, 2006, 03:43 PM
^^^^^^^LMAO^^^^^ Good find.

I thought he sayed stoopid not pour. I hav met stoopid rich keds beefour.

November 1st, 2006, 03:56 PM
Here is a video.....


November 1st, 2006, 04:07 PM
another 2.....



November 1st, 2006, 04:18 PM
This one is interesting....


....and this one.....


November 2nd, 2006, 01:38 AM
Nobody liked my videos? B4h! I was just playing around.

I feel like George Dub at a spelling bee.........very confused.

