View Full Version : R.I.P Hero Seal...

October 14th, 2006, 09:00 AM
You've got to believe there are a ton more stories like this one, which the America-hating left-wing media likes to ignore.

God rest his soul.



October 14th, 2006, 09:52 AM
Well, if the Left wing reported on it, the head line would read...

" Navy Seal's Death toll on the Rise In Ramadi "

Seal killed by insurgent hand grenade.

Soilder "Michael A. Monsoor " was killed by an insurgent hand grenade on Friday in Ramadi.

2 other Seals were injured in the attack, and 1 was uninjured by the blast. Navy seal Michael A. Monsoor

was struck in the chest by the grenade when it was thrown into their sniper post where they were shooting

Innocent women and children. Michael A. Monsoor absorbed the blunt of the blast, killing him instantly.

There has been no comment from the White House on the women and children they were shooting.

Of course there would be no mention of the Heroic act he performed to save his fellow soldiers.


October 14th, 2006, 09:54 AM
"He never took his eye off the grenade, his only movement was down toward it,"

Wow...thats a TRUE hero.
