View Full Version : How did they get "The Bomb?"

October 9th, 2006, 11:40 AM
Here I sit, at my desk in Wichita KS staring in disbelief at the overnight events on the other side of the world, events far from me and absolutely out of my control; but terribly worrisome.

North Korea is a nuclear power. A country controlled by a madman, with not one redeeming feature, has a weapon capable of destroying any city it chooses. Will it be Seoul? Tokyo? Taipei? Maybe Honolulu, Los Angles or San Diego? Obviously this third world thug has a stockpile of nuclear weapons lying around, ready for the highest bidder. Who do you think that would be? Maybe the unhinged Hugo Chavez or the monkey man himself, the one who is actively seeking Armageddon; Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?

There are countries plotting not only the destruction of Israel but also the total destruction and enslavement of The United States, of our country our families and our children. Now one of their “brothers” has a few of the weapons necessary to do just that. And they don’t appear at all concerned by the “outrage” shown by the handwringers at the State Department and United Nations.

Six party talks with North Korea failed, but now China’s little “pet” is out the yard, how will they react? They’ve lost face; they look powerless to control their own little puppet. Will Beijing slap it back in line? South Korea and its “Sunshine Policy” (code word for operation Appeasement) also look weak and impotent. The US on the other hand, by not engaging in direct talks, has improved their leverage over the weaker partners in this struggle. Now South Korea and Japan will find it necessary to accept the stronger US policy toward North Korea. China and Russia will also fall in line behind the rest, unlikely to stand in the way of strong US action against the North Koreans.

Moves be Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld to reduce US troops in the DMZ now look positively prescient. Can the diplomats at Turtle Bay (UN) or Foggy Bottom (US State Dept) capitalize on this action by North Korea? Can they convince our allies, both weak and strong, to punish North Korea and at the same time use this nasty development as a tool against Iran and her ambitions? Only time will tell.

One last thing, HOW THE **** DID THEY GET THIS FAR!

Here are a few interesting links.


PS Good Work Jimmy!!! (****tard)

A New York Times story datelined June 19, 1994 began:

Former President Jimmy Carter, back from meetings with the leaders of North and South Korea, went to the White House today and proclaimed that the crisis regarding North Korea's suspected effort to build nuclear weapons was over.

October 9th, 2006, 11:57 AM

The bomb that exploded registered with the equivalent as about 500 tons of TNT. The north koreans have been messing around with this long enough to have easily detonated that much in conventional bombs to give the effect of a very small nuclear weapon. Remember now, that our medium sized bombs are in the neiborhood of megatons...mega...million of tons...

We also must not forget that these guys have no ability to attack anything outside of the borders.

Not so much a threat to us.

Yes, if that small explsoion was a nuke then they could give the materials to terriorists...yet so could iran...

My concern is if they do have a few "small" bombs it is the cost of storing and securing said bombs theat they could nto afford...resulting in a stolen bomb....thats scary

I think we should let China and Japan worry about this mess an give them support....as we are not threatened by North Korea....

China as a growing economic power values our economic market far more then that of the poor North Koreans...

October 9th, 2006, 12:01 PM
and also Former President Clinto said it best a few weeks ago......and I am paraphrasing of course...

"If one of our cities is attacked with a nuclear device the responsible country (or harboring country) will no longer exist after our nuclear response."

October 9th, 2006, 12:03 PM
*****My qoute of Clinton in no way represents my political alliance****** lol

October 9th, 2006, 12:22 PM
Whether or not they can deliver the payload to the US is of course in question. However the implications for the region are not. Japan, South Korea and Taiwan will want nuclear weapons. (When the deranged next-door neighbor has a big gun, won’t you get one?)

Personally I don’t sleep any easier knowing we will bomb the offending bombing nation back to the amoeba stage of the life cycle. What if a bomb is delivered not by a nation but by a terror group? Who gets the pay back?

Considering Bill’s inability and reluctance to silence OBL, his inability to bomb anything other than the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade or an aspirin factory in Sudan, I take no comfort in any sentence uttered by that waste of oxygen.

October 9th, 2006, 01:18 PM
Who named the US the world police agency and gave us the right to say who can and can't have nuclear powers? I realize, and agree with the sentiment, that allowing psychotics the ability to use nuclear weapons is not only a bad idea, but a very short-sighted answer to placating psychosis. But just because we were first (and the only country to have used them in a war) to hrness the energy, does that give us the right to say who can't?

I have no problem with using nuclear energy to power cities or any of the other non-offensive uses for this power, but anyone that chooses to make nuclear weapons (be it the US, North Korea or some third world whack-job)...I'm very much against that. What good does having a weapon that can obliterate cities do? It can't be used as a defensive weapon, that's for sure...and don't we already have enough other weapons (MOAB as an example) that can already do just as much damage without rendering the target a complete wasteland for years to come?

I'm not a tree hugger. I'm not against war. I'm not a democrat (I'm more a Centrist with a "live and let live" attitude). But some things I disagree with...not only with how things were done in the past, but how they are presently being done as well.

Just my $.02

October 9th, 2006, 01:33 PM
Post 9/11 only an irresponsible government would NOT look upon the developments in North Korea as a potential threat to the US and our allies. Children are not allowed to play with matches, drive, drink, enter into contracts etc. Why? Because of the damage they could cause to themselves and their friends. North Korea is the equivalent of a child with the most dangerous type of weapon in the world. Why wouldn’t the most powerful, caring, democratic and fair nation in the history of the world decry this development?

October 9th, 2006, 01:39 PM
Nations with transparent and stable governments have employed a nuclear deterrent military posture for decades, with the correct governments in place it works. Lets not forget in the history of the world, no democracy has ever declared war on another.

Fortunately for troops fighting in pacific theater during WWII, Harry Truman (Democrat) had the foresight and courage to use 2 nuclear weapons on mainland Japan and summarily end the war in the pacific started by Imperial Japan. For the lives lost in Japan it was a terrible cost, for the lives of US servicemen it saved, I’m grateful.

October 9th, 2006, 02:35 PM
I'm not saying that using the bomb in WWII was wrong...in the long run, it saved lives. Japan would NEVER have given in had we dropped it.

The thing I fear is the same mentality...but with the otherside having a bomb of their own.

October 9th, 2006, 02:49 PM
The thing I fear is the same mentality...but with the otherside having a bomb of their own.

That's exactly why they have to be stopped. If it were possible to detonate a nuclear weapon today in the heart of our nation, crazed, irrational, unstable, evil people (some who lead Governments) WOULD DO IT IN A MIUTE. Thats why the US has to reserve the right to strike preemptively and prevent these weapons from being developed, sold and deployed.

October 9th, 2006, 04:05 PM
Are you saying we need more miltary strikes? I mean gawd damn. We're already hemmoraging dollars like there's no tomorrow. We've created more enemys then we ever thought possible. Now you say fuk it... attack North Korea!!! Get hold of yourself man! We have to finish the other two wars we started first. North Korea has ZERO chance of delivering a nuclear payload at this point. Hell we aren't even sure it WAS a nuke!!!! Militrary action is the LAST thing we need. My god man. You would have us start yet ANOTHER military conflict! Thus validating their reasoning for the test in the first place? Yeah lets do that....

October 9th, 2006, 04:15 PM
spark, although u smell really bad...even over the internet....i do agree...thats why i say let the regional powers take care of their own arse for the time being....

October 9th, 2006, 04:25 PM
I agree also...why do we need to police the world? Let the Asians take care of themselves (China is FAR larger than NK)

October 9th, 2006, 04:31 PM
(China is FAR larger than NK)

Yeah... and I bet they would just LOVE it if we bombed North Korea too...

October 9th, 2006, 07:59 PM
Dude.. Read my post ... RESERVE THE RIGHT.... I didn't say we should or should not attack anyone, only leave all options open. If we say we won't attack where is the motive for outlaws to change? TR once said "Walk softly and carry a BIG STICK".

By the way our enemies hated us before any action in Iraq or Afghanistan. Defending ourselves does not create enemies, enemies are emboldened when you show weakness. (BLACKHAWK DOWN?)

October 9th, 2006, 08:18 PM
Before you guys get on a tangent. And with this subject believe me you will. Lets learn from history. The fundamental problem some of you guys are having is that you fail to realize that people like Kim Jong Il lack the capacity for reasonable thought. I've only read pieces of his biography but I've read enough to know the man is not like us. I believe without a doubt that if he thought he could get away with it (and possibly even if he couldn't) he would have nuked us long ago. The saving grace is that he has lacked that ability. Now report are coming that he's close. The yield of the test is still uncertain so we're not sure he has nuclear ability but when we do their should be harsh if not military actions taken as he has shown time and time again he does not respond or care about international politics. Hes the ruler in his so called democray and he has led a life that leads him to beliefs that are in direct conflict with the American way. While we biker like old ladies about the just, legal, or moral actions, BOOM we're dead. I too Scott use to think that is wasn't right for America top police the worlds Nuclear powers like world police but after some reading and a poly sci class I took last year I've seen a little larger picture. Yes we shouldn't jump into any actions without a long and arduous try at diplomatic responses but don't think for a minute if you believe Kim wouldn't slit your throat tomorrow to further his cause he wouldn't. Hugo Chavez and others are just as bad. P.S. Don't buy Citgo gas. but we don't have the luxury of sitting on our laurels or we won't be here tomorrow. In the end, if we don't keep a steady firm hand in todays global politics we'll be going teh way of teh Dodo bird. Good doesn't prevail just becuase it is good. We have to make it that way. Are we the best. Is our way of life the greatest. maybe not, but I damn sure do like it. And I'm willing to stomp a few slant eyes if it means furthers the colors of freedom.


Go Troops and God's speed.

October 9th, 2006, 10:21 PM

1. In WWII we used 2 atomic bombs to stop a war we did not start, had we gone to the main land of japan, it would have been a bloody fight to the last japanies, or american, witch ever came first.

2. These Self Glorifying Dictators sit in a world completely controled by them and no one else. With no one to answer to but themselves, killing hundreds of thousands of their own people just gain "MORE POWER"


Can what we did in WWII be compared in any way to, Or justify, the actions of Kim jong Ill.

I think not, we are dealing with as Andy said, A whole different kind of creature,
in my opinion, one with out a conscience or a soul.

October 10th, 2006, 07:35 AM
Kim Jong Ill is the Leader of a starving country. This nuclear "threat" just isn't damn it! It is a PR job designed to get us into 1 on 1 talks. Something that the guy has wanted from day one. All he wants is to be concidered "The Great Leader"... period. P E R I O D. Bringing us to the table puts him on the map so to speak. There is no more THREAT to us from NK then there was from Iraq. All we did in that case was destabilize the area, leaving a huge power vacum to be filled by the next religious fundamentalist. Colan Powell warned the Preident and everyone else. IF YOU BREAK IT YOU OWN IT. Now we do. Our on government is now admitting that they "underestimated" the problems we would have getting all these little warring factions to play nice together. Now they want to divide Iraq into independent states. It's a joke man... we got rid of one dictator to set loose the possibility of four seperate religious nut jobs in charge of a country. So now.... with all that bullsh!t going on, not to mention Afghanistan, you guys propose we try and straghten things out in a totally separate part of the world eh? All by ourselves... just draw another line? We are already in a VERY bad situation being spread so thin. We CANNOT try to go this on our own. We cant afford it. We can't finance another war so we shouldn't even put ourselves in a position to have to use military action. Hell we can't afford it with respect to troops, and we DAMN sure don't need to step on China's toes. I mean they actually HAVE nuclear weapons. You folks need to settle it down a bit a really take a look at "The Great Leader". This guy is an egomaniac... number one. All he wants is attention... and to be treated like a world leader. Period... end of story.

October 10th, 2006, 07:49 AM
Moot point. Looks like the bomb fizzled worse than ishtar.

October 10th, 2006, 08:06 AM
I know some people are tired of wars. I'm tired of the US winning wars, rebuilding countries and then giving them back. What happened to the spoils of war? Not only is it expensive to go to war, but we rebuild everything before we come back home. I need to know when we started ****ting $100 bills because I think I need to go check the septic tank.

Before we start another war, we need to go read our own history books to learn what war is all about.

October 10th, 2006, 08:56 AM
Here are a few more suggestions and things to look for in the coming weeks. Right along Sparks line of thought is the obvious conclusion that an aggressive military option is not viable, however it is clear other military responses short of invasion should be considered. The key here is to prevent North Korea from providing their technology to other rogue states.


October 10th, 2006, 09:58 AM
Damn its good to have someone in here besides the Dirge to flame with about political issues :D

October 10th, 2006, 10:16 AM
Damn its good to have someone in here besides the Dirge to flame with about political issues :D

Just good conversation my friend!

October 10th, 2006, 12:03 PM
I also think that the USA is the only country to have a Nuke....

Here is my resoning: We are the only country to have used a bomb (2 bombs) in an act of war. We have demostrated the ability to not use a bomb since, even in situations that we were losing, for example vietnam...a bomb would have ensured short term vicotry.....

but what do i know...

Dont by Citgo...steal it

Team America F' Yea!

Remeber when kim jung il sings the song "I so wonely, mista wonely"

October 10th, 2006, 12:05 PM
The US is the only country to have a nuke because we would never use it again. We can't make up our freaking minds

October 10th, 2006, 12:32 PM
The US is the only country to have a nuke because we would never use it again. We can't make up our freaking minds
Yeah we have the MOAB now... big boom with no fallout.

October 10th, 2006, 01:54 PM
The start to the right response from China and Russia...

http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20061010/ts_nm/korea_north_dc;_ylt=Aq5qWkvbFquAF8XAZM0zuj8DW7oF;_ ylu=X3oDMTBhZDJjOXUyBHNlYwNtdm5ld3M-

October 10th, 2006, 01:59 PM
Holy crap...I just re-read this to make sure I read it right
"We are not going to live with a nuclear North Korea, we are not going to accept it," U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Chris Hill said last Wednesday. He said North Korea "can have a future or it can have these weapons. It cannot have both."


October 10th, 2006, 02:28 PM
Holy Sh!t... big words

October 10th, 2006, 05:12 PM

So KIm Jong Ill cant have his cake and eat it too?...

Poor guy... " Im so wonly, So wonly, Poor Witle Meeeeeeee!

October 11th, 2006, 11:16 AM
Intel is all wrong. N Korea doesnt really have any nukes. Hes just fooling the entire world!

October 11th, 2006, 11:44 AM
"Do you guys have any idea how f***ing busy I am?!"

October 11th, 2006, 11:51 AM
LOL, Nothing like good political talks to stir the morning.

October 11th, 2006, 05:43 PM
"Do you guys have any idea how f***ing busy I am?!"

Im glad at least one or two people are getting the Kim Jong Ill Qoutes...

I have that movie in my collection...:)

Team America!!.... F*** Yea!!!
