View Full Version : Left-Wing Media Misses Again...

October 5th, 2006, 09:39 AM
The headlines looked worse than the facts, not that this is a pretty picture mind you.



October 5th, 2006, 11:23 AM
']The headlines looked worse than the facts, not that this is a pretty picture mind you.



whats new... Both sides are a bunch of over paid, spoiled childern with their own personal intrest and gain at heart. They all suck in my Opinon.

October 5th, 2006, 11:56 AM
What pisses me off about people like Nancy Pelosi and the liberals is they want to yank the Boy Scouts of America's charter based solely on the fact the BSA don't want homosexual scout leaders. What a bunch of HYPOCRITES!!

October 5th, 2006, 12:19 PM
Yeah they have many other ways they can prove that the BSA is crap.

October 5th, 2006, 03:01 PM
Yeah they have many other ways they can prove that the BSA is crap.

being that I grew up in the BSA, and am an Eagle Scout, and also a Brotherhood member of the Order of the Arrow.. " A society within the BSA "

I do not take lightly to the media, liberals, or any other organization trying to courrupt what I found to be a great institution for kids, and young teanagers to learn what it means to take responsibilty for yourself and your suroundings. Apreciate nature, and learn what it means to be a real man.

" These things are hard to do when you have a Homsexsual man, Or a Woman trying run a troop."

" I am not sexist in anyway, but there is a reason why its called the BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA."

October 5th, 2006, 04:02 PM
Right on Brother... Congrats being an Eagle Scout. An outstanding achievement!

October 6th, 2006, 06:40 AM
Ok... well I was in the BSA also.. my mother was a troop leader. The thing about the BSA that gets me is it is federally funded right? Why do they discriminate? If they want to pick and choose who they let in the BSA then find your money some other way. As far as homosexual thing... you think a homosexual troop leader willl try to fondle or "turn" all the kids in his troop? That is complete bullsh**.
Congrats on making it to Eagle. In no way I am tryin to bash BSA either... I loved it when I was in it.

October 6th, 2006, 07:38 AM
Congtars to all for their achievements! But this is disturbing to me....

.......Rather than a case of a pedophile Congressman stalking young men in the corridors of power, it instead turns out to be a case of a closeted homosexual nurturing a relationship with a young man, and making sexual advances once he became an adult. A relationship by the way that the young man, if he felt threatened or chose not to continue, could have ended at any time.......

So what you are saying is that it is okay for your son's gym teacher to "start" and "nuture" a relationship with your 15 yr old boy, as long as he doesn't "act" on it until he is a young "man". He will know at the age of 15 yr that he can get out at any time. No matter how much his heterosexual parents never want him to be gay, but God made him that way.

At least that female teacher married her "victim". I donot care right, left, or both hands, it was still wrong. Young america is still impressionable and can be "molded" long before you could physically act on it. Scandal......no......piss poor choice and wrong......YES.

October 6th, 2006, 07:57 AM
Well, my stand on the BSA having Strait male leaders, this is the way it is suppose to be.

I am sick of the world trying to be so dam Politically correct that they have to change an institution that has work very well for 100 years run the way it was meant to be run. Its not that I would not want the mother of a child to be involved in some way in her sons life in the BSA. But I am a firm believer that it should be run by Men. Why cant people just leave a good thing alone, and not have to screw with it? It’s like they have nothing better to do then force their will on an institution that was clearly found on good principles.

My stand on Homosexuals in a troop.

1. I am not so much concerned that a gay man wants to be a leader of a troop just so he can molest teenage boys.

2. I do however think that Homosexuality is wrong in so many ways. I would not want a Homosexual man trying to tell my Son that its OK for 2 men to be together, then have his "Partner" accompany them on a camping trip.

3. like in the case of this political guy,
How would you like for your Scout Master to have an attractions to your 15 year old boy, but just didn’t act on it until 3 years later when he was considered a man at 18?

Do you see where I am going with this?

For Gods sake leave this kind of socially corrupted element of society out of an institution that was founded on good "Traditional" moral values.

BTW... The Scout Law. In this list are all the things a Scout must try to be,

SCOUT LAW, A scout is
And Reverent.

Scout Oath

On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
And to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
Mentally awake, and morally straight. <--- this is the point that I am making; Homosexuality is in no way, in my belief, Morally Straight.

I believe that there are institutions that can be federally funded that excludes certain people from running the organization. If the persons in my opinion would corrupt, or change the fabric of what said institution was based on. Now if the BSA tried to exclude a RACE of people, then I would be all for shutting that Institution down.

:soapbox Point made.

October 6th, 2006, 08:04 AM
Right on brotha. I'm a fellow Eagle Scout too along with my little brother.

October 6th, 2006, 08:34 AM
Who Pays for Scouting?
Youth Members
Assisted by their parents or guardians, boys in Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, and Varsity Scouting, and young men and women in Venturing pay their share from personal savings and participation in money-earning projects.

Members buy their own uniforms, handbooks, and personal equipment and pay their own camp fees.

Weekly or monthly dues and funds from approved money-earning projects meet expenses for supplies and activities in the Cub Scout pack, Boy Scout troop, Varsity Scout team, and Venturing crew. These monies help pay for camping equipment, registration fees, Boys' Life magazine, uniform insignia, special activities, and program materials.

Chartered Organizations
Each chartered organization using the Scouting program provides a meeting place and adult volunteer leadership for its BSA unit(s). The chartered organization and local council must approve unit money-earning projects before the launch of the project.

Local Council
Financial resources for the local council (the local nonprofit corporation chartered by the National Council) come from an annual Friends of Scouting campaign, local United Ways, foundation grants, special events, project sales, investment income, trust funds, bequests, and gifts of real and personal property.

These funds provide for professional staff supervision, organization of new Scouting units, service for existing units, training of volunteer leaders, and maintenance of council camps. They also finance the operation of the local council service center, where volunteer leaders can obtain literature, insignia, advancement badges, and other items vital to the program. In addition, the service center maintains advancement and membership records.

National Organization
Funds to support the national organization of the Boy Scouts of America come from registration fees, local council service fees, investment income, Scouting and Boys' Life magazines, sale of uniforms and equipment, and contributions from individuals. These monies help to deliver the program of the BSA (through four regional service centers and more than 300 local councils) to chartered organizations that use the Scouting program to meet the needs of their youth.

The National Boy Scouts of America Foundation also provides funding for both local council needs and national organization initiatives. Most of this funding comes from specifically designated gifts made to the foundation by individuals, corporations, and other foundations.

The national office

Provides local councils with program development and evaluation as well as camp and office planning, extensive financial counseling, planned giving and fund-raising information, and professional personnel support
Coordinates a communications network through magazines and literature (handbooks, merit badge pamphlets, brochures, training materials, and professional development training)
Creates a climate of positive understanding and support
Makes available uniforms, equipment, and program supplies
Administers national high-adventure bases and national events (jamborees, National Eagle Scout Association and Order of the Arrow conferences, and National Council meetings)
Maintains communication with chartered organizations that use the Scouting program (religious institutions, civic organizations, labor unions, professional organizations, business, and industry)
Maintains liaison with Scouting associations in other countries as a member of the World Scout Conference


The BSA is a privately funded organization, which uses public buildings (Schools). Thus the Left determines they are entitled to impose their agenda on the BSA. For me it's very simple, BSA is qualified to determine who and who not to use as a scout leader.

Have homosexual's been scout leaders? Yes of course. Will every homosexual scout leader see our young boys, and men as potential sexual partners? No. However the very nature of scouting involves hiking, camping, and significant amounts of time isolated in remote areas. Personally I would be uncomfortable with my boys in that situation. I expect the BSA to thoroughly and diligently check and review the background of EACH and EVERY person who has contact and authority with and over my children, the BSA is in the best and most effective position to determine who is qualified. I’m perfectly fine with the current BSA policy on scout leaders.

Our local United Way chapter recently decided to stop funding the area BSA over this issue. As a United Way young leader, I was outraged. I resigned from the United Way after nearly 20 years of volunteering, and directed all my former United Way contributions directly to our local BSA.


October 6th, 2006, 09:19 AM
So you are fine with BSA kicking out mentally challenged kids?

And not every homosexual looks at other guys as potential partners.. if you think that you need to wake up

October 6th, 2006, 10:20 AM
The letter informing Irby of the pack leadership's decision suggested that Irby either ask her son's teacher to start a Classroom Scouting program or that she start her own "special-needs" Cub Scout unit.

Impossible, says Irby. "I basically work sixteen hours a day. I have a full-time job. I'm a cleaning lady. I come home and take care of three kids, two of which are special needs. I don't feel like that's an option. I feel unwelcome to talk to them about anything."

But even if Irby were able to start her own special-needs Cub Scout pack, UMSL professor Phil Ferguson maintains that dividing children into groups based on their mental abilities "ghettoizes" special-needs children.

Sounds to me like she's got a child with special needs and was looking for a place to babysit. If he was a special needs child, she should have made sure he had what he needed instead of just dropping the kid off. I think if she would have been more involved they could have worked it out.

We actually had a blind assistant troop leader and his son, who is also legally blind was one of the senior scouts. We were always there to assist them. I'm sure working with someone mentally slower would be a lot more difficult without some assistance from the parent(s).

October 6th, 2006, 11:03 AM
Concerning this kid,
It seems to me that on the surface he should have never been excluded from the Cub Scout troop. I grew up scouting since I was a little kid, Cub Scouts and all. We had a kid that was physically deformed and confined to an electric wheel chair; he was accepted as an equal by the Den Mothers and the kids in the Pack. I knew this kid all the way up through Junior High. So, no I do not think its right to exclude a child because they are mentally or physically challenged.

I also do not think that all gay men are looking to hook up with young teenage boys.
I do however think that they are morally corrupted, and this is an influence that should not be allowed on young and impressionable kids and teenagers.

I have a "To each his own" View on homosexuality once you are an adult and make that type of judgment for yourself.
I just don’t want that kind of influence to be made to child.
With a gay leader in charge of a troop it will inevitably happen.

One more point to make, I grew up in the Cub Scouts, we had Den Mothers.
This is where the women were involved in a child’s life in scouting. Once I became a Webelos scout, a not so well known step between Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts we had male leaders from that point on. A kid of 10 -12 years of age, then felt like he was part of a group of men, that all worked together to go on camping trips, earn rank, and participate in community service work. It was a lot of fun, and I could not imagine it being any other way. So, in my point of view, it can’t be any other way, if it were, then this would just destroy all that the Cub Scouts, Webelos, and Boy Scouts ever meant to me.

BTW... Good Find Wetzny.

October 6th, 2006, 11:18 AM
So you are fine with BSA kicking out mentally challenged kids?

I certainly didn't say I agree with every decision of ANY organization, there have been and always will be organizational policies which are disagreeable, and unfair.

My point is, I support the concept that BSA is best equipped to determine the agenda and direction of their organization, not the government and certainly not political parties.

And not every homosexual looks at other guys as potential partners.. if you think that you need to wake up

I didn’t say that, on the contrary I said:

Have homosexual's been scout leaders? Yes of course. Will every homosexual scout leader see our young boys, and men as potential sexual partners? No. However the very nature of scouting involves hiking, camping, and significant amounts of time isolated in remote areas. Personally I would be uncomfortable with my boys in that situation.

I’m not naïve, many fine people make decisions in their personal life I would not make, which is fine. (C'est la vie!)
My PERSONAL feeling is I support the BSA, and I don’t believe that makes me anti-homosexual or homophobic.


October 6th, 2006, 11:26 AM
Why cant people just leave a good thing alone, and not have to screw with it? Not to take sides one way or the other or to insinuate anything...but wouldn't this be what the slave owners of the south thought around the time of the civil war?

Times change and people change. Any organization that isn't willing to change with the times ends up killing itself. This goes for the BSA (of which I was a member, Eagle Scout and Order of the Arrow member), religious organizations, the government as a whole...and even individuals.

October 6th, 2006, 12:19 PM
Not to take sides one way or the other or to insinuate anything...but wouldn't this be what the slave owners of the south thought around the time of the civil war?

The original point of this post was to illustrate the hypocrisy of the Left. Not to debate whether or not homosexuals are good scout leaders. That’s not the point; of course there are gay scout leaders. Comparing Slavery and the BSA’S position is way over the top

Times change and people change. Any organization that isn't willing to change with the times ends up killing itself. This goes for the BSA (of which I was a member, Eagle Scout and Order of the Arrow member), religious organizations, the government as a whole...and even individuals.

I disagree. Change for the sake of change is absurd. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the BSA position on scout leaders; right now there are likely hundreds of gay scout leaders leading young men. The Left has a political agenda and wants the BSA to endorse, validate and openly support this agenda. Why should the BSA be forced to change the way it operates and support an agenda, which is contrary to the views of a majority of its members and their families? That’s foolishness.

October 6th, 2006, 12:46 PM
The Left has a political agenda and wants the BSA to endorse, validate and openly support this agenda. So you're saying that the BSA (which correlates well with the Right) isn't following an agenda?

I'm not saying that BSA (or any org) should change their views to fit with the norm...I'm saying that change is inevitable...it'll happen whether you like it or not. That's not to say that you have to let go of your core values or anything like that.

My concern is when one group of people try to tell me how to live my life. Right or left, I disagree with someone (anyone) trying to tell me that my way is wrong and that I need to change. I'm the way I am for a reason. My beliefs are my beliefs...

As for the Civil war bit, I was just trying to say that sweeping statements can, and usually are, misunderstood.

Hypocrisy is as much a part of human nature as war, desire and need.

October 6th, 2006, 12:48 PM
']The original point of this post was to illustrate the hypocrisy of the Left. Not to debate whether or not homosexuals are good scout leaders.

Sorry for the hijack... my fault

October 6th, 2006, 12:53 PM
Ok, now that I've read the whole article:

Every side complains that they are being blackmailed, cajoled or otherwise ridiculed as election time draws near. It's not a left or a right thing because both sides always end up slinging mud.

The media does what it does...it reports what it wants to report. Does that make it right (or more appropriately, the TRUTH)? No...

October 6th, 2006, 02:12 PM
Very good points fellas,
I am also sorry for Hijacking the thread. I just felt compeled to comment on qestionable policies brought up by Nutria. I have a traditional view of how things should be handled within the Boy Scouts Of America, and am deeply opossed to any change made to the organization just to pacifiy some politicaly correct agenda.

October 6th, 2006, 02:26 PM
Okay, Scouts aside....the agenda at hand was that some fanatical "left" group was wrongfully persecuting honorable Mr. Foley.....Right?


Have homosexual's been scout leaders? Yes of course. Will every homosexual scout leader see our young boys, and men as potential sexual partners? No. However the very nature of scouting involves hiking, camping, and significant amounts of time isolated in remote areas. Personally I would be uncomfortable with my boys in that situation. I expect the BSA to thoroughly and diligently check and review the background of EACH and EVERY person who has contact and authority with and over my children, the BSA is in the best and most effective position to determine who is qualified. I’m perfectly fine with the current BSA policy on scout leaders. Wetz

.......a gay scout leader with your kid is bad, but Mr. Foley did nothing wrong? Bah. Although he did not technically "touch" this kid, he coersed him long before the sex part. His "foreplay" just took a little longer than most. Also, as far as this website article.....The senate leader never looked into complaints against Foley by other pages.

So, If I were one to blanket proclaim sh!t, the "facist right" got caught with dirt under the rug again. Remember I am not a "liberal Lefty", but I am not a "strike all people unlike me down" righty either. I would kick the living crap out of Foley if he did anything mental or physical to my son.

October 7th, 2006, 10:21 AM
My post was not intended to defend any action by Foley, I posted to illustrate the total bias of the main stream press and the hypocritical nature of the democratic leadership in congress.

October 7th, 2006, 10:35 AM
What Foley did was premeditatedly STALK pages through out the floors of congress. Also what happened was The House Leader, I believe Republican, ignored many complaints issued to him. The Democratic leadership may push a little hard for this, but at least Clintons Intern was older.

October 7th, 2006, 10:40 AM
all i got to say is

foley likes "franks and beans"....lol

October 7th, 2006, 11:06 AM
being that I grew up in the BSA, and am an Eagle Scout, and also a Brotherhood member of the Order of the Arrow.. " A society within the BSA "

I to was a boyscout....troop 269. Those days were fun....a bunch a kids camping and stuff...man i sure miss those days of no responisbilty....boy scouts were all in all a great time for me!

October 7th, 2006, 02:02 PM
I to was a boyscout....troop 269. Those days were fun....a bunch a kids camping and stuff...man i sure miss those days of no responisbilty....boy scouts were all in all a great time for me!

Yep, thats the way I feel about it, Played war games, caputer the flag, man hunt and so on...

October 7th, 2006, 03:12 PM
all i got to say is

foley likes "franks and beans"....lol


October 10th, 2006, 11:08 AM
So, if the left is correct about all this change, does that mean that I can join the NAACP? Im white, and straight if that makes a difference.

I am an Eagle Scout as well, and I belive that the organization knows whats best for itself. Obviously the BSA is continually analizing its position and stance as well as the way its functioned. Since it has been around for 100+ years and has produced many of the nations leaders, including men that landed on the moon, I would leave it up to its own devices to decide what is good and bad for itself.

And about the republican, do I really care? No, not really. As far as Im concerned most of the people up in DSleeze are too wrapped up in their own game of risk to involve what the populous thinks. That includes the media.

October 10th, 2006, 11:29 AM
Well said, WBH.
