View Full Version : Man-child Ex-President

September 26th, 2006, 02:08 PM
I was not surprised to see the un-Presidential behavior exhibited by former President Clinton, hell when he was President he had a difficult time behaving as President. Nonetheless his sour demeanor and rage were so evident Sunday my wife and I both expected his bulbous nose to explode all over the screen.

I enjoyed seeing the Man-child ex-President get a finger in the eye considering the fingering he gave the country (not to mention an intern or two) during his eight years in office. My animas for Bill is high, so when I find articles that are well researched and written, which set the Clinton record straight, I’ll post them where I can. Here are a few you might or might not like!




September 26th, 2006, 03:34 PM
I'm not a democrat.... however.... Trying to blame Cliton's sexual escapades for 9/11 is fuking stupid. PERIOD. You think Clinton is the only pres that got serviced while in office? please... It's just too easy to get caught these days. NOONE was aware of how close to home and how serious and real the threat was. Not Clinton, not the FBI, not the CIA, not Bush.... none of them. I don't think in the pre 9/11 era ANYONE thought that we could be attaked in such a manner. You want to blame somebody for Bin Laden still being around....Blame THIS administration for not sticking to the task at hand and instead spreading our resources thin by starting a completely new conflict in Iraq. One that has so far only served to destabilize the region further and add to an already out of control rash of anti-Americanism.

September 26th, 2006, 04:11 PM
I'm not a democrat.... however.... Trying to blame Cliton's sexual escapades for 9/11 is fuking stupid. PERIOD. You think Clinton is the only pres that got serviced while in office? please... It's just too easy to get caught these days. NOONE was aware of how close to home and how serious and real the threat was. Not Clinton, not the FBI, not the CIA, not Bush.... none of them. I don't think in the pre 9/11 era ANYONE thought that we could be attaked in such a manner. You want to blame somebody for Bin Laden still being around....Blame THIS administration for not sticking to the task at hand and instead spreading our resources thin by starting a completely new conflict in Iraq. One that has so far only served to destabilize the region further and add to an already out of control rash of anti-Americanism.
With that said.... I agree with you totally.

September 26th, 2006, 04:42 PM
The point of my post was not to tie his sexual dalliances with failures of intelligence. My post was to highlight the fact Clinton’s behavior as an ex-President is no better than his behavior as President. He’s a low-life, a lying two-bit hustler who only cares about himself and how history will view his 8 years as our Commander-in-Chief. So when he acts like a child on national television, further diminishing himself I find that amusing.
