View Full Version : More from the President...

September 13th, 2006, 09:08 AM
When I read articles like the one attached I’m amazed some people consider GW stupid. People are obviously entitled to their opinion, however I take away from articles like this a sense for how the President operates, how he engages those charged with executing the chief executives plan. I think he has the vision correct for the Middle East; does he have the people to work the plan?

By the way do Yale and Harvard hand out degrees and MBA’s to just anyone? If so, sign me up for two of each.


September 13th, 2006, 09:39 AM
That was a good artilce. I know W is not the most prolific speaker but does that make him stupid or inept. Not by a long shot. I've seen a dime a dozen of people who don't know their arse from a hole in the ground but were very charasmatic and spoken and could sell white gloves to a lady eating a ketchup popcicle. Does that make them smart or right. Not at all. W is an educated man doing a good job. I wish the damn liberals would take the high road and try to win an election on thier laurels and not some twisted spun version of a fact that persuades people to vote for them becuase they are speciically going to help them for their vote. Government is about representing the people not telling them what they think they want to hear in order to get a vote and then do as you wish. Does anyone else feel like strangling a liberal right now. I'm off to find a liberal I can smack in the back of the head real hard and when they ask me why I did it. I'll simply reply , BECAUSE YOUR DUMB ASS NEEDED IT. lol.

September 13th, 2006, 10:01 AM
There is a quote in V for Vendetta that I like

"People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people."
