View Full Version : BF2 Mods ( Point of existence )

September 12th, 2006, 10:26 AM
Hey guys just found this by accident the other day and OMG it is so kick ass. it is a mod made for BF2 and it called point of existence or PoE2 http://www.pointofexistence.com/
i finally was able to get the 1.4 patch working last night to be able to play regular vanila bf2 but then i found this it comes zipped or they had one server to DL the client but i think it was 1 gig down load. funny dl'ed it fast than that darn 1.4 patch i been trying weeks to dl.

But this game has re-invigerated me. i thinkit can best be explained as like desert combat was for bf 1942. and it got a lot of stuff i was missing in bf2. No assessts so there is no predator drones so it truely hard to tell when enemys are close unless and friendy spots them. now there is artillery mobile and ground based. they mobile PZH-2000 is way cool.
http://www.pointofexistence.com/newsimages/news73/pzh2k.jpg and the brought back the binoculars to spot enemys with.

The units look really nice and have some sweet weapons( armies are germany vs ukraine )
check out this auto grenade launcher: http://www.pointofexistence.com/newsimages/News59/AGS17.jpg
and of corse you have to have the barret light 50 :http://www.pointofexistence.com/newsimages/news66/g82.jpg

the battle field are much more open terrain and farms you would expect in europe. so there not alot of close quarters until you get into the small town/villages. but running a squad threw the corn/wheat fields almost as high as your head was a blast. and the fireing dosent use BF2 random cone fireing so the gun are alot more accurate so squad team work is esential. ( best sqaud map is called fallen ) it a map where a US chopper crashes in middle of carpathian mountains/forest and the germans are rushing to get there before the ukrainians do. its all infantry map and a forest so planty of cover and concelment. and squad flanking is a must. truely awsome map.

now if your a armor freak you love this game aswell. there are alot more tanks in this game on some maps one time we had i think 8-10 tanks rolling in colums formation up a road until we got ingagde by the enemy. they sounds of the vehicles are so much better and the screen used to shoot looks sweet. the tank battle where very big and brutal most tanks where blown up in 2 shots depending on the angles.

Can comment to much on air power but the game dose have fighters theres like 2-3 on each side and 2 helos i think each side but these are my favorites.
EF2000 euro fighter:http://www.pointofexistence.com/newsimages/News35/ef2000.jpg
and the british tornado: http://www.pointofexistence.com/newsimages/News37/Tornado.jpg
and of corse the russian Hind :http://www.pointofexistence.com/newsimages/News59/Hind.jpg

The maps like i explained above are alot of open areas. But the also add weather and visual efects i wish they had in bf2. they have artic/snow maps ( with are fun watching the tank slide around) and they have evening maps not to dark like in special forces but just enough to make you squint alittle looking a little clearer haha.

Now the few draw back i saw where: with no assets to blow up the covert ops guy is semi useless but have binoculars to spot enemys( bad thing is bye the time you spot some thing and the mobil arty shoots most targets have moved on. but its still good way to mark and call for fire on a village or a bridge) the anti tank weapons have no fire and guide ability they are mostly like Rpg's but shoot fast so you can take cover quickly.

So if you guys are interested in giving this a try let me know when you get it loaded up and we can try and get on the same map toghther as the team work / squad stuff is needed.

Heres general link to :

And videos:http://www.pointofexistence.com/poevids.php

September 12th, 2006, 11:59 AM
looks cool

September 12th, 2006, 12:19 PM

September 12th, 2006, 02:17 PM
Does look intriguing and I absolutely loved the DC mod of Battlefield so I'll try it but since they don't accountfor stats and ranking I may not stay long. Unless they have an A-10.

September 13th, 2006, 06:26 AM
DLing now...maybe it will be done by the time I get home.LOL

September 13th, 2006, 10:36 AM
DLing now...maybe it will be done by the time I get home.LOL

DL from where? What are we DL'ing? I'm cornfused...

September 13th, 2006, 12:43 PM
The BF2 mod, there is also one called project reality that is neat...I have that one...all guns and sounds are tweaked to add more realism...no crosshair sights if not zoomed in...all kinds of stuff.

September 13th, 2006, 01:52 PM
get it for us to look at and tell us how to dL it

September 13th, 2006, 03:31 PM
do we play these as a group or as single player?

September 13th, 2006, 09:29 PM
yeah they are a mod of bf2 so it palys exactly the same has opening movie everything even a server finding thing for multiplayer to find servers last 2 night i was on there where about 421 servers but only like 20 had people actually playing on them in good size and there are a few servers for compitiontions. i saw a total battle field web site for POE and they where assigning guys to the 2 teams german or ukrainian and they where going to have a big campaighn to see who wins. sounded like they play one map for 10-12 hours and the overall winner gets to have land captured on a sort of make believe map of the area they got made. ill look around and find the web site.

Also found a mod called operation peace keeper suppossed to be the serbians vs gearman OPFOR group. ill check it out and thow up a thread for it too.

September 14th, 2006, 01:41 PM
well, i installed the point, but it keeps crashing to desktop.

am I missing some thing?

September 15th, 2006, 02:44 AM
well, i installed the point, but it keeps crashing to desktop.

am I missing some thing?

---see Wetzny's memory thingy issue------

You all have become infected with some sort of virus...........texas in nature presumably...jk....lol....:stick

September 15th, 2006, 11:12 AM
hey when you dl it did you get 2 icons on your desk top. i noticed when i used the POE online desktop icon the game would freeze as soon as i loaded my profile i clicked the Crtl+alt+del and it say not responing but if i used the other icon that just has poe it worked fine? ill try and read around on the forums and see if people are have similar problem as you have ok..

September 15th, 2006, 02:24 PM
Question, do these mods affect ranking? I guess what I am asking is can they be ranked? I have looked at some of the mods out there and seen some cool stuff. I saw one of the Australian army, kind of cool. Thanks in advance for info.

September 15th, 2006, 09:12 PM
Dont know about the ranks, but as for the Texas Virus....Wetz, have you been to Chicago lately?

September 16th, 2006, 06:25 AM
No... Last time I was in Chicago I was out of control! I was hitting on our cute waitress at Shucker's (Michigan and Ontario) and my wife was sitting next me! Man those were the days! We had a blast!:devil

September 16th, 2006, 11:31 AM
yeah i think the austrailian army one is called CW or something i seen it referenced on the total war POE site it had link to that total war that was bing played using the ausie troops. and far as the mod being ranked i dont think it is some people had a hard time finding server because they had the ranked servers check mark under there preferances when looking for servers so make sure you un-select ranked servers. i had problems last few night with high ping's and the servers kicking me but yesterday i was off and had alot of good battles. Untill i whent and picked up my copy of Company of Heros ill put up a new post about this new RTS. check it outPC gamer gave it a 96% wow havnt seen score that high in a long time.
