View Full Version : Chris Chavez

September 11th, 2006, 09:20 PM
Guys I wanted to see if you could keep a buddy of mine in your prayers. Friday night we did our motorcycle thing at the causeway in Mobile. This Friday night there was a film crew there wanting to take film of stunts. Me and my buddy Chris Chavez talked to the guys and agreed to give them a show. We stayed out about 30 or 40 minutes walking wheelies. There was about 200 hundred motorcycles out that night, so we did a little extra showing off.Especially knowing that we were going to be in a new stunt vidio. We decided to see what the difference was between my sprocket set up compaired to Chris's. We have the exact same bike, just different colors. We decided to drag race the bikes a few times on a rolling 2nd gear, stopped, and a third gear roll on. EAch time we made a pass we got the bikes up over 187mph. On our last pass, some punk ass kid decided to do a burn out in his low rider truck. He did this crossing the roadway that we were making our passes on. Me and Chris hit the bed of his truck at over 130mph. I was thrown 171 yards from the wreck. Chris was about 121 yards from the wreck. we were both life flighted to USA medical. I was released today with a separated pelvis, a little road rash, tweaked knee and a cuncusion. Chris is in SICU. He broke his pelvis, he's bleeding internally, he lost a few toes, and we hope that he has temporay parralasys in his legs. The doctors are not sure if its perminate yet. They are more concerned with trying to get him stable. He is close to dieing. He had two more surgeries tonight to try and stop the bleeding and repair the pelvis. I haven't heard yet on the results of the surgery. Please keep this man in your prayers. He's my buddy and I don't want to loose him.

September 11th, 2006, 09:27 PM
Oh man, that's horrible. I sincerely hope he pulls through. I can say that in, all my years working at USA Medical Center, Dr. Robert Zarzour, Orthopaedic Surgeon, is the absolute best for miles around. He is out of Springhill Memorial (Alabama Orthopaedics) but, of course, has privileges at all hospitals if the need ever arises that your friend needs an orthopod or PT (physical therapy) down the road. As for you, please rest and get better soon. You're gettin' too old, my friend, to live so dangerously (apart from being a detective). *smiles* Love you, Sam

September 11th, 2006, 09:42 PM
Prayers to you and your friend.....

September 11th, 2006, 11:56 PM
Man thats horrible to hear BS, hope the best for you and your friend.

September 12th, 2006, 07:20 AM
Oh man Jerry... very sorry to hear it man..... thoughts are with you and your pal.

September 12th, 2006, 07:36 AM
keep you guys in my thoughts and prayers.

September 12th, 2006, 08:55 AM
Jerry, this is not one of your better stories. I'm glad as hell that you are okay (I guess okay). We will pray for your buddy and hope he comes through. What happened? Was it closed course and this guy came onto the roadway?

September 12th, 2006, 09:05 AM
yeah something is not making sense as this activity is obviously illegal on an open street, how is the truck there again?
hope ya heal ok...

September 12th, 2006, 10:04 AM
Thank God ur ok! Hope u feel alright. Sorry to hear about ur buddy, we'll keep him in our prayers.

September 12th, 2006, 12:07 PM
sorry to hear that man he is in our prayers. did someone kick the dude in the truck ass for being stupied

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
September 12th, 2006, 12:42 PM
Damn bro, I hope he makes it through and gets better.

September 12th, 2006, 04:24 PM
wow...hope all is well soon!

September 12th, 2006, 06:15 PM
We went to Krystals on Airport in Mobile. Met up with probably another 100 or so guys there. Left there and started making our way to the Causeway, but not before we make one long loop down Water St around to hwy 65 again. I was practicing slowing the bike down while I was walking the bike standing up. Chris was working on the one legged stand up wheelie. Sam had a whole new bag of tricks with this knee in the seat thing he's been working on. Justin was all about distance. We finally got out the Causeway and met up with around 200 people. There was about 10 or 15 cars there too. This usually means problems, because those cars are full of high school kids and beer. We've had some close calls in the past with this. We park and take a break for a minute. Me and Chris decide to go show out a little bit. All of the sudden this black guy starts heading our way with the biggest damn camera I've ever seen. The guy explains that he is making a stunt vidio and wanted to film us. I agreed, Chris had this look of "get the hell away from me". The guy wanted an interview prior to us going out. I did the interview and saddled up. Me, Chris and Justin went out and walked the bikes back and forth for 30 or 40 minutes. The guy gets some good shots of us, so that was cool. Me and Chris go in and take a break. We get to talking about running the bikes a little bit. Chris' gearing is one down in the front and two up in the back. I just have one down in the front. So we were curious as to the difference. Since we have the exact same bike, we could easily see which one was better by doing a few runs. Justin and Jason wanted a piece of the action. So all four of us got out there and slammed them back. Our speed o's stop at 187mph, and we got all of that. We made several passes trying different launches. Jason and Justin got separated from me and Chris at some point. Me and Chris decided to do one more. We hammered the machines as hard as we could get them to go. As we come up in front of everyone, we saw a low rider truck at the stop sign. All of the sudden this ****er slowly pulls out in front of us. We grabbed a hand full of break and tried to slow the machines down, but it was happening too fast. The truck was now completely blocking the road. I broke so hard that my rear tire came off the ground about 3 to 4 feet. Me and Chris were side by side as I think we both understood there was no getting out of this. It was going to hurt, and at that speed it was probably going to kill us both. We hit the truck at the same time. I hit it in the bed between the rear tire and rear bumper. Because my rear tire was in the air when I hit the truck, I was sling shotted into the air with out touching the truck. I believe my bike flipped over the truck and was in flight behind me. As I was flying through the air sideways with my back to Chris, I could hear the god aweful sound of metal being twisted. Things have a way of slowing down when something like this happens. As I was still flying, my first thought was that Chris hit the cab of the truck. He's not going to make it, and when I finally land I'm probably not going to make it either. Flying through the air at probably 150 mph, I finally touch down. My head slams onto the pavement. I flip, slide, tumble, slide... it seemed to go on forever. Once I finally came to a stop, I realized I was still alive and needed to get out of the road before someone ran over me. I tried to crawl, but couldn't. The pain was so unbarible that I just laid there. A guy in a truck blocked the road and got out to check on me. A minute later Sam come running up to me. I asked about Chris, but he wouldn't tell me. I knew he was in bad shape. Next thing I know we are getting life flighted off the Causeway. I know Chris is just inches away from me, but I can't turn my head to look at him because of the neck brace. I could hear him moaning and I'm sure he heard me hollering. We land in are quickly placed in the E.R trama. We're given ankle tags with names like "Norway" and "Foxtrot".We're in the same room so I can now see Chris. It's bad. The doctors knew we both had pelvis injuries, but did not know to what extent. I knew Chris was a lot worse than me because he was just laying there moaning. I was in full scream trying to pull the hand rail off the bed. Next thing I know Chris is swept away. I go through Xrays, scans, Doctor after Doctor pushing and twisting on my body. Finally they decide that nothing is boken, but there is a separation in my Pelvis. Once they decide that they are not going to have to do surgery on me at that time, they give me something for pain. Ah the joys of Morphien, but its usually short lived. The Doctor came in and told me that I did not require surgery and they were going to keep me for observasion. I asked him about Chris. He told me that he was banged up pretty good, and was going to be fine. I found out a few hours later that this was not the case at all. Chris' mother came to see me and told me that he may not make it. Over the next 24 hours Chris's mother kept me informed about his condition. I was finally able to see Chris on Sunday. He looked like ****. He had tubes hanging all out of him. His body was swollen to twice the size it normally was. He woke up and was able to write messages to me. When I saw this dude I amost broke down in tears, but I didn't want to get him upset. Finally I got so light headed and dizzy that I had to go back to my room. Of coarse he had to call me a ***** as they are wheeling me out lol. I got out Monday and there was good news on Chris. They were upgrading him from critical to serious. He was going in to have two more surgeries that day, and he had some feeling in his legs. I felt like I had one up on him after seeing the police report. I had traveled 171 yards from the wreck. Chris only traveled 121 yards, but then I found out that he had super hot nurses all over him the whole time. I on the other hand had the fattest women in the hospital taking care of me. That **** just aint right.

September 12th, 2006, 09:42 PM
At least he's getting some feeling back in his legs, Alot of times it's the swelling of the trauma that causes u to lose feeling which can be good so that u don't get up and walk around making it worse. He's going to have a long recovery from this. Just the broken pelvis is a b.i.t.c.h. Let's just say the pain can be considerable. His swelling will go down...it's just the fluid from the surgery. When u break ur pelvis ur lower stomach fills up with blood and they have to replace it so u basically puff up. Thanks for keeping us up on the situation.
