View Full Version : Path to 9/11

September 11th, 2006, 10:02 AM
I don’t care to watch this made for TV movie; hell I don’t need some left wing, hippie TV producer telling me what happened, who dropped the ball. But if you are waiting for part 2 tonight don’t be discouraged by this fictional account detailing the total failure of the Clinton administration in the face of terror attack after terror attack. The movie doesn’t do the total ineptness justice. As you can see below.


The feckless, feeble and spineless response of the “Fondler in Chief” left us primed for the largest mass murder in the history of our country.

He was more interested in his legacy, his poll numbers, and his re-election to take any action.

Thanks Bill, have another intern

September 11th, 2006, 10:46 AM
GWB has had to pick up the crap that Clinton left behind and now the democrats are using GWB's struggles with the 'crap left behind' against him in the eye of the public. I don't try to point fingers at a particual administration but.....damm....I get so pissed off when people try to blame G.W.B for this 'war on terror'.

all the complainers of the war seem to neglect to mention that Congress voted FOR the war....and by a large margin....yes that means both Rebublicans and Democrats....grrrrrrrrrr

September 11th, 2006, 11:55 AM
Yeah Rush has been heavily supporting the movie, saying it is exactly what got us to where we are. The "push it aside and close our eyes theory then the truth will go away...it is truely sad how they ignored it.

On Meet the press Tim Russert asked the VP, if the $300 billion on Iraq and other anti-terrorist programs could have been better spent? With out hesitation the VP, advised what is better than 5 yrs with no additional attack? Great answer! Chaney laughs at the media as if he is saying "are you serious?"

September 11th, 2006, 01:17 PM
My answer would have been, "We could have spent less 13 years ago, but the sitting president didn't want to rock the boat. Thankfully, we aren't afraid to do what needs to be done now."
