View Full Version : Prayers for the soldiers

September 5th, 2006, 06:14 AM
I know we are at point where the war in Iraq has taken a back seat in our lives - I know this because it usually doesn't really cross my mind much until I hear that one of my high school buddies is in harm's way. Well, this morning that realization hit home hard. A friend of mine from high school has been in Iraq for several months, again, and now he's on his way back to the states - with wounds down the entire left side of his body and he doesn't remember anything of it. He lost one teammate and the other six are in worst condition that he is. A mortar hit the building, at the room, they were in and well, let's just say the asshole that shot the mortar was right on target.

So, not to bring attention to just one injury or one death but to the collective group of the US fighters - every damn one of them. Thank you and God bless you!

September 5th, 2006, 06:49 AM
I, like every other American, is wondering why we are still over there......I support the president, but this war is getting old, and costly.

I hope your friend gets well soon, tell him thanks for his sacrifice for me....if you get a chance.
