View Full Version : Amazing what some people throw away..

September 3rd, 2006, 11:11 AM
But i guess if you get mad enough or if you buy something new you just toss stuff out...

So im walking my dog around the apt complex and i see this guy carrying a computer over to the dumpster, he sets it down says a few swear words and walks away. Nothing special ive seen people yell at computers all the time. So i walk over and look into what this guy threw away. Here is the specs:

First off its nothing special cause the manufactor is...

Windows Xp Home
2.70GHz Intel Celeron Processor
CD-RW/DVD Combo Drive 48x Max write/16x Max read
80 GB Hard DRive Ultra DMA
3D Intel Extreme Graphics AGP
10/100 Ethernet / 56k
256MB DDR Ram
6 USB Ports
Floppy drive

So its nothing really awsome or extreme, my guess is that he just got tierd of it or else he upgraded to something better and doesnt strip spare parts. I have an old graphics card laying around and could toss some more ram in it and possible have an ok desktop machine for heather to have.

So whats wrong with it? Well ill tell you:

Plug it in and boot it up
It gives me an error that windows did not shut down properly and would you like to boot into safe mode.
Booting into safe mode / normal boot / booting from CD ALL result in the machine shutting down..

Now, the light on the front of the machine stays lit up, the power supply fan keeps spinning but the monitor and the cpu fan all shut off.

My guess is that there is a problem with the power supply, any of you guys/gals have anything else i can try to see if thats not the case?

Oh and for those of you wanting to know how my mustang is comming along, here is what i did this weekend:

Ok so i removed the seats:


I removed the oldest carpet and mold infested sound deading material i have ever seen, 60 years of the same carpet ftl. Here is what i found underneath:




Everything looks "good" except for the passanger backseat floor:



Yes... you can see the floor and there are nice long cracks. Looks like im going to have to weld a new back floor panel on.

So i took some simple green and a hard brush and rubbed out all of the dust/mold/dirt and took a shop vac and sucked out all the water/dirt/grim/ etc. It looks like alot of places the paint / coating on the shell has cracked and bubbled. My overall plan is to place down a new rear quarter panel for the cracked part, place down new sound / heat deading material and place some fresh new carpet with new seats (not the old style but more modern bucket seats).

One last pick for those who like candy apple red ;)


September 3rd, 2006, 11:41 AM
Your mustang looks to be in real good shape... Ive seen some a lot worse of than that one.

As far as your PC... I had an IBM machine that would startup, then imediatly shut down... Remove the battey from the MOBO to rest the C Mos... It came right up, With a reformated harddrive, I loaded windows and life was good... just an Idea?

September 3rd, 2006, 03:51 PM
I took out the battery and it loaded with a reset prompt, went into the bios and looked around, but the system shut off the cpu fan shut off monitor shut off, but the ower supply kept on spining.

September 3rd, 2006, 05:19 PM
my opinion...

Im no guru, but it sounds like the mother board.

By the way, you found my dream car...sweet!

Oh, whats wrong witht he original seats, just reapolster them..

September 3rd, 2006, 07:03 PM
my opinion...

Im no guru, but it sounds like the mother board.

By the way, you found my dream car...sweet!

Oh, whats wrong witht he original seats, just reapolster them..

Maybe you didnt know that im 6'7" and those small tiny seats hurt so so bad on my back.

If it is the mother board i might just gut the computer for parts.

September 3rd, 2006, 08:16 PM
Im no guru... But, beyond what I metioned, the MOBO is more likely going to be the problem...
Does it have a propritary <--SP... Power supply, or a genric one, mayby you could come up with
a spare to throw in to see if rules out the power supply.

September 5th, 2006, 11:05 AM
All that crap is propritary. Bout all you'll be able to harvest is the RAM and HD.

September 5th, 2006, 11:33 AM
nothing is propritary in the newish (black/silver) emachines - everything is micro atx...My current PC is an emachine i got cheap when i worked the geek squad desk...mobo was fried, and i bought a cheap microATX msi board and it's working like a champ (exept for a hard drive that's about to go).

September 5th, 2006, 04:38 PM
nothing is propritary in the newish (black/silver) emachines - everything is micro atx...My current PC is an emachine i got cheap when i worked the geek squad desk...mobo was fried, and i bought a cheap microATX msi board and it's working like a champ (exept for a hard drive that's about to go).

I know J-Row " MAX " has had his hands on a lot of those machines, and can make anything work with a little experimenting.

September 6th, 2006, 05:33 PM
It may very well be the motherboard, but since it does post, I am leaning towards a power supply issue.
