View Full Version : My first official thread

August 30th, 2006, 10:19 PM
From one of the fugitives...LOL

SAY GOODBYE TO YOUR STATS (http://www.bf2player.com/) (off of the grapevine)
‹2:35pm› <namewitheld> EA's agreement with Gamespy ends on October 1, and as EA will use their own EA membership service to log player records for BF2142, the BF2 gamespy service will terminate on this date, meaning all current BF2 ranked players will lose all playing records.
‹2:35pm› <namewitheld> The final BF2 patch release will be a new 1.4b patch, which will remove the log in screen function but as a small bonus will allow all bf2 players to have all unlock weapons ingame, hardly much reward for the hard work put in by the legions of let down bf2 fans.

I will have more news as I get it.

[Remember that at this point, it is nothing more than a rumor. There has been no official word from EA/Dice/Gamespy concerning this, and is most likely more backlash and speculation as to why the patch isn't released. --Manlaan]

August 31st, 2006, 06:04 AM
omg that would be horrible if they did that. Talk about a rebellion!

August 31st, 2006, 07:08 AM
wow..I would be pretty upset but im at the bottom rung so it doent bother me that much.

Oooh..Hola Chi!

August 31st, 2006, 07:52 AM
Interesting...does not make too much since theBF2142 has the same system in Beta, If anything maybe EA and not slow arse Gamespy system is going to take it over??

August 31st, 2006, 10:57 AM
I don't think that this is true

August 31st, 2006, 06:12 PM
well, it does say its a rumor...
