View Full Version : The knife and Sniper........

August 28th, 2006, 01:25 AM
That is right, they are long lost lovers forever in need of coming together. Which ALMOST happened 3, yes 3, rounds in a row. Call me cupid, call me stupid, just call me the Sniper killin Gensui master. hahhhahahahaahahahhahaaaa.:stick

Joking aside, pull that knife out Sniper, Sniper can throw down in CS. Good to see LA_MERC coming alive. How many knives did you have tonight? I had 6 total. FUN times.:foshizzle

August 28th, 2006, 10:27 AM
ya nub ya got me two and i was blind once. ALMOST GOT me 3 lol. i had several sont remember how many lol yeah it was fun we need some people to get active on our server though. maybe schedule some time to play

August 28th, 2006, 12:46 PM
I id'ld in the server for an hour last night...what time u guys on?

August 28th, 2006, 01:24 PM
You guys need to get creative and recruit some fresh blood to play that old game IMHO.

August 28th, 2006, 01:36 PM
Do we have a recruitment team? Like the armed services. What is the budget? Can I take people out 4-wheelin to speed up the recruitment process? GI bill of any sort?.....jk.....

I will try. I was on late around 11 pm.

August 28th, 2006, 02:21 PM
You guys need to get creative and recruit some fresh blood to play that old game IMHO.

Or just keep bugging you old guys till ya say screw it and come play with us :stick

August 28th, 2006, 03:31 PM

August 29th, 2006, 07:43 AM
No I am serious guys, when I tell you that is NOT going to happen, I have seen it long enough around here, the only people that play that are the ones that can not play the high end games either due to time or financials. Facts are facts, you will not bug, you will annoy those people, as we have a hard enough time fitting in all the new games to play as a group, if you think we are going to play an archaic game like that you are not getting the big picture around here of where most of the active and inactive current members are.

We can come up with ideas and goals in the members section if you wish to pursue this.

August 29th, 2006, 08:06 AM
jeez Mike lighten up...j/k. I just get bored with playing one game so I bounce in and out of serveral games, I just cant get into wow or the other games like that, never been my cup of tea, You will never guess who I ran into last night playing with Corona.....Remember Rebel??I was like omg its been years..anywho.....later

August 29th, 2006, 09:47 AM
That is fine Diesel. Atleast ya finally came out and took off the sugar coat. The fact is that our clan really cant get a competition or scrim going solidly in any game. I do not care if it is tiddely winks, dominos, CS, or BF2. There will always be a bigger and better game coming out. Look at the BF2142 post. EA has a screwed up BF2 game, and now they launch into a newer, prettier version of it. I played UT2004 alot. You know the the big online game with vehicles in it. It was fun. It had domination and conquest maps teams had to work together in to win. Instead of packets, it had a one simple end. Completely control every point on the map, and take the other teams stronghold. It just didn't have realism or a medal system. He who spams the most usually wins. I played source, and now I play 1.6. I do not do this because of complete comp restraints. I WASTE enough money on other frivalous things. I do this due to the fact I found a server fun to play in, on a regular basis. The only real "tried and true" testament I have heard about LA_MERC is the old 1.6 server and how fun it was. We will get the traffic back up, and we will get new recruits from it. Just don't frown on the meager that like playing a game that may be older in nature. I see BF2 like Source. People have jumped at it, but are returning to play the same games that they love. Even our BF2 junkies are starting to burn out a little on it.
