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Crazy White Boy
August 27th, 2006, 10:10 PM
I recently came upon this situation.

Do not share account login and password information over the Friends network - if you are contacted by a user requesting this information please copy and forward the message to us with the words "PHISHING REPORT" written in the subject line so we may take appropriate action against the sender of the message.]

Here is the outline of a conversation I had with someone trying to get my password. I was on my gf's computer, and this guy messaged me. Look Out. Also, this is quite funny, and worth the read.

[email protected] says:
There has been numerous reports of hackers throught the Steam systems. We need to assure the safeness of our users by preventing this.

[email protected] says:
To assure that you are not a hacker yourself, you will need to submit your Steam account username and password. We will scan you from our database.

Crazy White Girl says:
what if you are a hacker?

[email protected] says:
I'm not a hacker or I would have been fired already.

Crazy White Girl says:
ok, whatever. Only place i am going to give my id/pw to is a steampowered.com adress, so **** off.

[email protected] says:
We at Steam take this as a threat to the users so your Steam account will be shut down and disabled within the next 24 hours.

Crazy White Girl says:
wtf dude

[email protected] says:
Well, you can submit your Steam account username and password for our hacker-proof scans or you can have a good night.

Crazy White Girl says:
umm. who are you

[email protected] says:
A steam employee.

[email protected] says:
By that response i assume you will have a good night.

Crazy White Girl says:
can you prove this?

[email protected] says:
I guess you will have a good night.

Crazy White Girl says:
haha, your so bogus. Nice try though.

Crazy White Girl says:
i guess you thought i was some stupid girl huh?

Crazy White Girl says:

Crazy White Girl says:
i know how to protect my password

[email protected] says:
No bogus. It would be a simple VAC scan with more advanced features but you choose to get your account disabled.

[email protected] says:
Have a good night.

Crazy White Girl says:
give me a steampowered.com address, and ill comply

[email protected] says:
Mailing address?

[email protected] says:
My Friends List name is not an e-mail it is just to show users what I work for and what I am here to do.

Crazy White Girl says:
give me a website thata ends in steamposered.com

Crazy White Girl says:
and ill put my naame and pw there.

Crazy White Girl says:
If this was legit. It would be more official than me givving you my pw through a chat dont you think?

[email protected] says:
I'm not aware of any website. My job here is to assure safeness to our Steam users and you are not cooperating.

Crazy White Girl says:
there would be a website to visit

[email protected] says:
We don't have forums. This would have been the most efficient way

Crazy White Girl says:
Important Note
"Do not share account login and password information over the Friends network"

Crazy White Girl says:
you sent me that link yourself idiot

[email protected] says:
Thats with other Steam users. I'm a Steam employee.

Crazy White Girl says:
how can you proove that?

Crazy White Girl says:
proce to me you are an employee

[email protected] says:
I thought this process would be so much easier but you are making it a

Crazy White Girl says:
LOL, who are you the steam CEO?

[email protected] says:
No. I'm a worker who tries to keep the game from getting to people like hackers who ruin it all.

Crazy White Girl says:
so how many people do you have on a list to message tonight.

[email protected] says:
We didn't make these games for hackers, we made it for the fun of our users.

Crazy White Girl says:
You really are trying hard.

[email protected] says:
No, you are making it hard.

Crazy White Girl says:
I can also type correctly. That doesn't mean I work for Steam.

[email protected] says:
Why are you making this such a problem?

Crazy White Girl says:
Because you haven't given me any credentials.

[email protected] says:
Well I can't prove that I am a Steam employee besides my job and my ID

Crazy White Girl says:
Well then you can't have my ID/PW. Like I said, nice try though. Go target some other non-suspecting person.

[email protected] says:
But I see you will not cooperate so I will leave you alone. I suggest that you enjoy your last games on Steam tonight.

Crazy White Girl says:
Whatever you say.

[email protected] says:
It was your choice. Have a good night.

Crazy White Girl says:
Before you leave...

[email protected] says:

Crazy White Girl says:
Visit this website....

Crazy White Girl says:

Crazy White Girl says:
Tell me what the fist thing in that big red box sais.

Crazy White Girl says:

Crazy White Girl says:
Important Note
Do not share account login and password information over the Friends network

Crazy White Girl says:

[email protected] says:
Yes. I wrote that because I am conducting this whole experiment.

[email protected] says:
Kind of made you feel stupid but have a good night.

Crazy White Girl says:
But it is telling me not to give out my info over the friends network, but you are saying to.

Crazy White Girl says:
It is from an actual steampowered.com domain.

Crazy White Girl says:
I have reason to trust it.

Crazy White Girl says:
You aren't.

[email protected] says:
I wrote it so you can trust me.

Crazy White Girl says:

[email protected] says:
Excuse me?

Crazy White Girl says:
You wrote something telling me not to give out my info via the friends network, then message me trying to get me to do something you wrote telling me not to do.

Crazy White Girl says:
How doeas thta make any kind of logical sense?

[email protected] says:
We have been through this already. You obviously will not cooperate so enjoy your last games tonight. Have a good one.

Crazy White Girl says:
Anyways. You & our entire conversation will be reported to steam, so a real employee can handle this situation.

[email protected] says:
It will come right back to me so that would be kind of pointless but whatever helps you sleep at night.

Crazy White Girl says:
Really now, will it?

[email protected] says:
Count on it.

[email protected] says:
Now have a good night.

Crazy White Girl says:
Can you prove this?

[email protected] says:
I said Have a good night.

Crazy White Girl says:
Tell me something else. why havent you, or another steam "employee" contacted my MY account. This is my gf's account.

[email protected] says:
It is a random checkup.

[email protected] says:
If I would have contacted you it would have been random too.

Crazy White Girl says:
So what have I done to be considered a hacker. Even though this acccount hasn't accessed a game in over 2 months?

[email protected] says:
Its not you yourself. Its the reports of hackers within the last 6 months that has got us puzzled here at Steam. There has been more accounts of hacking than in the past years of Steam so we are trying to assure the safeness of our games.

[email protected] says:
Look, I am a steam employee now ^^^^^

[email protected] says:
You are posing as a steam employee.

[email protected] says:
But I see this is not going to work so have a good night.

[email protected] says:
And you are a retard.

[email protected] is now Offline.

August 27th, 2006, 11:06 PM
LMAO....I had a run in with one of these folks. Steam actually alerted people I believe. What a moron!

August 28th, 2006, 07:21 AM
LMAO way to front him CWB, good job.

August 28th, 2006, 08:15 AM
"safeness"? WTF? Good jearb, CWB...

August 28th, 2006, 09:36 AM

The bad thing is somebody will probably give it to him.

August 28th, 2006, 10:23 AM
ha ha i hadone try to get mine also. mines was something telling me mine would be disabled if i didnt verify my password and account because steam steam recognized multiple ip uses of my acct lol

Crazy White Boy
August 28th, 2006, 11:23 AM
ha ha i hadone try to get mine also. mines was something telling me mine would be disabled if i didnt verify my password and account because steam steam recognized multiple ip uses of my acct lol
lol. that is the whole purpose of steam to use on multiple computers. He was trying his hardest to get it, I can't believe he didnt give up after i showed him that website. Some people will actually give in sadly. If it had been my gf, she wouldve leaned over and asked me what it is. Good thing i question everything she does on the computer.
