View Full Version : The President

August 25th, 2006, 09:20 AM
Formerly I was employed in the financial services industry by a leading Wall Street firm, in fact for a period of time my wife and I both worked in the World Trade Center, Tower II 88th floor. During that time of my life I met many people some ordinary, others powerful. One evening in the spring of ‘99 at a dinner meeting I found myself next to a gentleman and his wife, they were from Texas, Midland to be exact. Well after forty-five minutes of visiting about this and that, the conversation somehow drifted on to the subject of the Governor of Texas. What came to light over the next hour was this couple was friends, close friends of the Bush’s. Daughters the same ages, they went to the same school, etc. They described to me a person who was genuine, intelligent, funny and humble. Someone who didn’t “want” to be President but felt guided or called to run for the office. So when I read stories like the one I’ve attached here, it reminds me of the conversation I had with that couple and the fact that the man who we call Mr. President is just an ordinary man from Midland Texas married to a librarian.

