View Full Version : e'llo there

August 16th, 2006, 09:30 PM
Some may remember, some may not, but I am back ^.-

Been about a year since I have showed my face around and I can honestly say I have missed you all. I haven't been able to play since my router hates CS:source, but now since 1.6 server is up, and my router likes it, I able to play once again.

For those who need a memory refresh, I(josh) am the brother of endofbeginning(brandon), but if you dont remember, who cares :p

August 17th, 2006, 05:44 AM
Some may remember, some may not, but I am back ^.-

Been about a year since I have showed my face around and I can honestly say I have missed you all. I haven't been able to play since my router hates CS:source, but now since 1.6 server is up, and my router likes it, I able to play once again.

For those who need a memory refresh, I(josh) am the brother of endofbeginning(brandon), but if you dont remember, who cares :p

LOL... I Remeber you Merdawk, It was good seeing you on the 1.6 server lastnight along with the other Fellas

# 1 "merdawk" #
# 2 "[LanHorizon] RiverRat"
# 4 "-FA- spellcheck"
# 5 "-FA- corb"
# 6 "-FA- Eagle"
# 7 "JaCkSoN_PoLyPs |TeamXW"


August 17th, 2006, 06:26 AM
lan horizon still exists? is their membership up to two peeps yet? lol

August 17th, 2006, 07:29 AM
hehehe... heya merdawk. :blue:

August 17th, 2006, 10:05 AM
# 1 "merdawk" #
# 2 "[LanHorizon] RiverRat"
# 4 "-FA- spellcheck"
# 5 "-FA- corb"
# 6 "-FA- Eagle"
# 7 "JaCkSoN_PoLyPs |TeamXW"


lol, when you left it was me vs corb and eagle on aztec, me being ct..

they left when I was at 15 kills :P

August 17th, 2006, 03:38 PM
lol, when you left it was me vs corb and eagle on aztec, me being ct..

they left when I was at 15 kills :P

Come on now, you cant go running off our players just yet, you got to let the trafic build up first. LOL

Crazy White Boy
August 17th, 2006, 05:00 PM
wow, actually, it was me and eagle, and i seem to remember your score being a little lower, but it may have been 15, but you forgot the second part of that number. I was pwning you. Eagle was just kindof running with me looking goofy.

August 17th, 2006, 05:16 PM
wow, actually, it was me and eagle, and i seem to remember your score being a little lower, but it may have been 15, but you forgot the second part of that number. I was pwning you. Eagle was just kindof running with me looking goofy.

HAHAHA.... Now this is somthing we havent had in a long time,
A dispute over what went down on our 1.6 server...

Reminds me of old times... :)

August 17th, 2006, 11:36 PM
Hey now, I had a feeling you'd see the post, so I made a point not to say who was owning who, but when you left I had 15 kills, I just didn't mention the 13 deaths, but then again I saw black boxes wherever I shot and that screwed me up...rematch!

Crazy White Boy
August 18th, 2006, 12:36 AM
I'm down.

Also, I told you about those boxes you need to rollback your vid card driver. Alot of the guys in -FA- had that problem, and had to roll it back.

