View Full Version : What did you do this weekend?

July 24th, 2006, 10:08 AM
I spent Sat morning working on my mustang!!

So for you car people, the first step i have in upgrading my 1966 Mustang is to make sure that the engine (Inline Six) that it currently has is in working condition because i plan to sell my 1999 Mustang to fund certain parts of the project, thus the car has to be in drivable shape. The engine is in great condition considering i just drove it 14 hours to get it here a few weekends ago, but the engine is really loud and it seems to have an exhaust leak. So here is what i have right now:

I went ahead and unbolted the Manifold from the Head and unbolted the exhaust from the manifold and removed the manifold, it has some age on it, but its one of the parts that is more function then looks. I grinded down any remaining parts of the Manifold gasket that was melted onto the manifold and checked it for cracks, possible leaks. Luckly its in good shape:

(Picture is really wide, click for image.)

While the manifold is ok, i was right in my thinking that the manifold gasket might need to be replaced, can you guess which one is the new gasket and which is the original (btw that one part is the only piece that was left of the old gasket... lol):


I did run into a normal problem when removing the old manifold bolts, they have a tendancy to rust and break off during removal, i plan this weekend to remove the Head completely and pb blast (penatrating oil) the screws out, or worst case drill/tap them out. This will give me a good chance to clean the head and valves and also check the head gasket and any other seals:


While the inline six engine isnt much for power or looks, it will do untill i can drop a v-8:


It has some work to be done on it, but it looks really good considering how old the car is:



As far as the intieror is concerned, some new sound deading compound and carpet, Serious upgrade on seats, and some touch up paint here and there will be fine untill i get all the engine / suspension / brakes upgraded:


July 24th, 2006, 11:00 AM
Damn, and to think all I did this weekend was make two dives in the Cooper River and work on remoldeling the river house. :D

Looks good }{, I wish you luck with the project car - I know parts are some times a pain in the rump to get and then to get them to work right. lol

July 24th, 2006, 11:53 AM
I can picture the car in a finished state, and it looks amazing... its just gettin to that point thats the hard part!

July 24th, 2006, 11:55 AM
Lets see...this weekend: Saturday I went hiking around Helena on one of the mountains. It was pretty nice, but no pics this time. We didn't do much the rest of the day that I can remember. Sunday, we went hiking up to the top of Mt. Helena (nice views...again, no pics) and had breakfast at a place called "The Dive". We also went too rook's house because there was a b-day party there for his son (Great to meet you, btw!). Came home and I cooked a meal for 6 people which was a great way to unwind.

Edit: I do have some pictures at one site: http://mccombs.scott.googlepages.com/home that show some of the stuff we've seen and done recently

July 24th, 2006, 01:03 PM
It was nice meeting you both also. The party was fun even with the Monster truck cake fiasco. Oh and the finger thing. My wife and I love having people over for get togethers. I still owe T and B a lasagna dinner at their house, so we will plan that when they get back. I am glad you had fun, and you would be the 2nd person I have met from this site.

Friday night - Bartended
Sat - Bartended
Sun - Tried to cut my finger off, prepped back yard for party, pool party for the kiddies, met LaTech and Groovy, relaxed.

July 24th, 2006, 01:46 PM
Man, get a nice new chromed exhaust for that thing. Maybe even some flowmaster or K&H kit.

as for weekend, um I worked.

July 24th, 2006, 02:35 PM
Lets see....fed the baby, burped the baby, changed the baby's poopy diaper, then let him sleep. Then start all over. :-)

July 24th, 2006, 03:44 PM
Lets see....fed the baby, burped the baby, changed the baby's poopy diaper, then let him sleep. Then start all over. :-)

..........and he did this on less than three hours of sleep in one stretch.

July 24th, 2006, 04:33 PM
This weekend...sucked.

Worked from 7:00 am Saturday morning until 3:00 Sunday afternoon. 32 hours baby!

Straight w/ no nap, didn't go out for food, and oh yeah VMWARE tech support SUCKS OUTLOUD!!!!! What did I do today? Went to work @ 5:30 am and got off early at 3:00 pm to go home and cut my grass before I have to go to NJ again and this time for two weeks.

Hopefully I get a damn good raise outta this.

Rant over..........

July 24th, 2006, 06:25 PM
hey man long time no see car is saweet cant wait to see the finished product
