View Full Version : Iran It's all about Iran Now.

July 19th, 2006, 09:02 AM
Interesting read here. Iran has to be defeated, plain and simple.


Iran's War Games
July 18, 2006
URL: http://www.nysun.com/article/36183

American observers have long anticipated the strategic offensive by the Islamic Republic of Iran that began with Iranian proxies in Gaza and Lebanon provoking Israel. The next weeks will see Iran maneuver for the global crisis it wants to create by winter. The confrontation at the United Nations Security Council over Iran's refusal to suspend nuclear fuel cycle processing will be the presenting issue; however, the contest is decades in the making and is best understood as Iran's aim to defeat the United States and to establish itself as the pre-ordained hegemon of the Persian Gulf and ummah.

War planning by all sides is well advanced. Israeli strategic plans are now on display. Iran's strategic plans are discernible because Iran has twice in the last months conducted war games that describe what is ahead.

Last winter, Iran tested its strategic air defenses. Ahmadinejad was out of view for about ten days as he participated in his role as president along with his war cabinet and the mullahs. American observers watched DOD signals traffic on the games and reached several conclusions: 1. Iran expects America to launch air attacks against Iranian command and control, air defenses and nuclear weapons-making and ballistic missile sites by winter, perhaps as early as October 2006. 2. Iran has constructed deep and hard sites in which its command and control will ride out American attacks through the winter months, when American tactical strikes will struggle with the heavy cloud cover over Tehran. 3. Iran's national command leadership is prepared to approve offensive strikes against American and coalition assets in the Gulf, in the Iraq theater, in the Arabian Sea. 4. Iran believes the U.N. Security Council will work to broker a ceasefire; when it does, Iran will emerge triumphant and the remaining American strategic options will be minimal.

Last spring, Iran accelerated its war planning during naval war games in the Persian Gulf. Again, Iran was demonstrating its capabilities knowing that American signals intelligence was watching and recording.

What the Iranians demonstrated was that in the event of the expected American air strikes, Iran will respond with weapons and forces in the Persian Gulf. They also showed that they have a navy with surface and submarine warships that are capable of crippling civilian shipping indefinitely.

The Chinese-designed Silkworm missile C-802 that struck an Israeli warship last week was launched by Iranian agents in Lebanon, and Iran possesses weaponry that is capable of striking at American warships in the Persian Gulf. Iran's major strategic goal in a sea battle is to cripple an American strategic asset, a supercarrier.

Iran is also prepared to launch an amphibious assault against the Gulf States. The Islamic Republic has the weaponry to strike at the depots, pipelines, refineries and oilfields of the Arabian peninsula as well as the Caspian Sea basin.

In the event that American air strikes become unbearable, the Iranian national security apparatus is prepared to launch a strategic ballistic missile with a nuclear warhead: accordingly, as part of the 2006 naval war game, Iran conducted a practice of national command and control procedures for the launch of a nuclear warhead. The range of the Iranian ballistic missile is up to 1200 miles, which puts Jerusalem in range.

Iran's war games plan looks to be on schedule and well suited to the paralysis of the Europeans and the U.N. Security Council. Stare at burning Haifa and Beirut and (eventually) Damascus and know that Iran is on the march. The Teheran regime is supremely confident. It believes that Allah has prepared its victory over the American demon it calls "World Arrogance." It believes that the ruin that follows this conflict will prepare the entry of the Twelfth (Invisible) Imam and the delivery of the faithful to Paradise. The Tehran regime believes unshakably in what it calls the "Day of Judgment."

What is to be done? A Wall Street trader who lives on risk converted his assets entirely to cash on Thursday July 13 and yet then, that night, while reasonably buffered from the panic in worldwide markets, found he felt sick to his stomach. My own recommendation is to read over a towering American hymn from the age of the American Revolution: "Jerusalem, my happy home, when shall I come to thee?" asks the opening stanza. "When shall my sorrows have an end? Thy joys, when shall I see?"

Posted By: John Batchelor

July 19th, 2006, 09:28 AM
Iran is weak.......thye are completly playing politics here. Lets go take care of the crazies(Korea,Hezbollah) )first and Iran can be desert.

July 19th, 2006, 09:33 AM
North Korea and Heezbollah are in the POCKET of Iran. See Below.


1. The fighting in Lebanon is the opening to the September-October attack by Iran. (See War Warning Parts 1-4)

2. The United Nations Security Council is divided along continental lines. Russia and China refuse to endorse Chapter 7 for North Korea. Russia and China refuse to endorse Chapter 7 for Iran. North Korea is an agent of Iran.

3. Iran knows that Jerusalem is the weak point in the US defense. Iran will attack Jerusalem.

4. The Gulf States have been told that they will burn if they assist the US. The Gulf States will assist the US. They will burn.

5. Iran wants the US attack on its facilities to begin by November. Iran knows the winter months of cloud cover are poor for tactical air strikes because it will make it hard to avoid civilian casualties.

6. Iran knows the price of oil is panic. At $100-110 per barrel, the US economy will stagger.

7. The end game is a grand bargain in which the US will quit Iraq in defeat and Iran will assert itself as the regional hegemon.

8. More soon.

Posted By: John Batchelor

July 19th, 2006, 09:36 AM
And below, which is an article from April. Chilling, really.


Chapter 7, Iran War Warning, part 4. - Friday, April 14, 2006 @ 1:35:07 AM

1. Best signals source says that Tehran chief brain and strategist Rafsanjani is now in Damascus for a round of meetings with the terror camps, from the al-Assads to Nasrallah of the Hizb to the usual suspects of PFLPGC, Hamas, IJ, Al Aqsa: the topic is agreed: the struggle to liberate the Golan Heights, the West Bank, the whole of Palestine, is the same struggle as to liberate Iraq. Iran means to crush Israel and retake Palestine just as if this was the end of the second crusade.

2. The Damascus meetings turn on what is to be done to prep for the pre-empt that the Iranians aim to launch before October showdown with the UNSC. The collective attack on Israel will soften the resistance to the general assault in the Gulf region on the oilfields.

3. Rafsanjani next heads to Kuwait to warn the Sunni princes of oil that they either turn the Americans out of their back acres or they will burn with the Americans. This same message will be delivered to Bahrain and the UAE. Burn later or surrender now.

4. The Tehran regime will not wait for the expected American punch under cover of the UNSC. The IRGC will pre-empt, forcing an escalating scale of strike/counter-strike.

5. Iran possesses several nuclear warheads purchased from Central Asia and the Black Sea Fleet in the 20th century. It also has up to 3 hand made plutonium bombs acquired from the North Koreans. The Chinese and Russians both know that Iran has these weapons and will use them at the point the escalation rounds become unbearable in Tehran. The Chinese especially understand, because Bejing is proliferator in chief. Those cascades in Iran are built with Pakistani, Iraqi, North Korean, Chinese technicians. The Iranians are working with the North Koreans because the warheads they aim to produce must fit on the North Korean missiles and use the North Korean warheads.

6. The question unanswered is: Does the US State Department asknowledge that Iran is a nuclear weapon power with the capability of launching warheads on the command of the National Comand Center (Ayatollah K)?

7. My Israeli signals source estimates two rounds of consultations at the UNSC through the summer months, heading to a final series of resolutions for sanctions in October. Israel is not surprised by anything so far. Israel does not know what the US president will do as the confrontation deepens into tactical options.

8. Best signals source indicates that Iran will treat any UNSC sanction as an act of war and will escalate the attacks on Israel and the US interests in the Gulf . Iran will use the oil weapon like turns of the screw. An open source suggests a possibility that the Sauds believe China will pay $90/barrel as a floor. The oil weapon will threaten the US economy first and foremost and will stagger the Bush GOP chance to retain command of Congress. Cynical question: do the Dem wannabees who are hawking the Iran-not-nuke-for-ten-years yarn count on the Bush team losing to Tehran in a catastrophe, and does this mean that the Dems will inherit a hobbled giant for a generation?

9. The UN is on a glide path to Chapter 7, Article 42. No one state can turn it off. Point of no return already passed. The Tehran regime welcomes the showdown. The Tehran regime may be manipulating the showdown.

10. Best signal identifies shooting by November election, since the Tehran regime believes thet the Bush Admninistration cannot handle a foreign policy crisis in an election year.

11. In the event of airland battle, the winter months will bog down troop movements and will make airstrikes sloppy in poor weather. Tehran believes the UN will bargain for a ceasefire that will leave Tehran triumphant in the region and the US in retreat from Iraq.

12. Endgame is acceptable up to the unknowable: Will the US national security apparatus resupply the beleaguered region with naval forces that the Iranians will strike with a nuke? What will the US response be to such a calamity?

13. This is a war warning, part 4.

July 19th, 2006, 09:39 AM
We can carpet bomb Iran launching from European bases, launching from each side of the Penninsula, and missle the sheit outta of them from everywhere. They launch an offensive against us and we will waste billions just to prove we cannot be messed with. We would not call off Israel, and a Nuke strike would forever deem them no mercy on the world front. If they want a fight pick it or shut up. Iran has ALWAYS been that country that realizes its fault and plays politics to keep the "wars" at bay. Plus we have armed service assets in place in Iraq and Afghanistan that can be mobilized to Iran in a hurry. Iran will wait for us to start packing up and heading home before screwing around publicly. That way it is alot harder of a decision to go back. Nuking Irael would be the DUMBEST thing Iran could do period. No one but N. Korea would think that was cool, and France would just be scared. Whoever nukes someone without ample armies to support will be wipped clean of their asses.

July 19th, 2006, 10:00 AM
I don’t disagree.

What I would point out from the above author is the DELUSIONAL and MESSIANIC nature of the regime in Iran. It is clear to me these people are unhinged to the point of DESIRING NUCLEAR confrontation. They want it! This is the chilling aspect of these articles, IRAN is not AFRAID to be destroyed, and will take as many Christians, Muslims, and Jews with them. Look deeper; look at the rhetoric from OTHER ARAB states, essentially in support of ISRAELS action against Hezbollah. This is unprecedented, that is your indication that others in the region, who KNOW Iran controls Hezbollah, want Iran stopped

July 19th, 2006, 07:42 PM
kick there a$$

July 19th, 2006, 10:55 PM
I think we are about to see a lot of things changing in the next year. Gas will go so high that most people wont be able to leave the house other than going to work. I think before its over we are going to get into it with China or Russia. I wouldn't be suprised if Israel catches a nuke from Iran.

July 20th, 2006, 03:33 AM
http://www.texangirlz.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=24695 There were a few interesting comments and some not so much. Thought I would share this to give people an overview of the militaries likely to be involved. Globalsecurity has some interesting stuff on its site.

July 20th, 2006, 11:29 AM
i would rather just nuke iran, syria, lebonan, korea, and give china a high five....

i would love to see all those raghead bastards dead and ther stupid raghead women on tv crying about how they lost their whole family....no shi0t u dumb slut.....ur whole familty is a god dang terriorist/anarchist cell...

f'n kill em all and let ALLAH sort em out....

July 20th, 2006, 02:52 PM
Why don't we just go get the oil. Lets do it for a good reason this time. F()k the raggies and their multi-million dollar houses.

July 20th, 2006, 02:55 PM
http://www.texangirlz.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=24695 There were a few interesting comments and some not so much. Thought I would share this to give people an overview of the militaries likely to be involved. Globalsecurity has some interesting stuff on its site.

Screw the comments......is that sanddollar's pics? Is sandy a girly? :wav

July 21st, 2006, 09:26 AM
More perspective below, could it be possible the Bush Doctrine is working!! God bless our troopers and all the others who fight the Jihadists!


July 21st, 2006, 09:54 AM
One thing to remember that most people do not is that iran has one major difference from the rest of the Middle East. Iran is Persian, not Arab. That means that Arab powers, i.e. Saudi Arabia, Egypt, etc, on the whole look towards iran with much uncertainty and unease. The two ethinc groups do not mingle well on the world politics stage. The lone exception being Syria, whose lot has been cast with iran due to syria's puppet control of Lebanon ince the 70's. This is another reason that the rest of the Middle East has not risen up in defiance of Israel's actions. In fact, this is one of the rare times when that has happened. As this plays out, just rememebr that just as we in America have a silent majority, so does the so called Arab street. And the data coming from it show frustration and contempt for Hezbollah & Iran.

July 27th, 2006, 09:39 AM
Here is a link to an interesting site, the author is clear to point out the IDF is struggling to dispatch Hizbollah and may be losing thier resolve. At the end the author also suggests analysis of Iranian military capabilites should be rethought.

