View Full Version : What the hell were they thinking

July 13th, 2006, 03:20 PM
You don't attack Israel. We supply them with arms and technology. They'll kick your @$$ towel head. Geesh. These guys are just plain stupid. HELZMOHOBYDOD or what ever you call those guys. Syria better get those guys out or it will become the new Afghanistan. Also, Thos damn French pussies piped up in opposition to the "Disporportionate" force, LOL. What did you think would happen. When you throw stones and take prisoners of someone who has U.S. Gunships in their arsenal. HELLO!

July 13th, 2006, 03:36 PM
Say bye, bye Hezbollah and Syrian control of Lebanon. Well overdue. Fianlly, someone is avenging the deaths of the 300+ marines in Beirut. Let's just hope that Tehran & Damascus don't get stupid.

July 13th, 2006, 04:39 PM
One good thing about Israel is that they ain't going to be screwed with. They acted quick. We would have sat here for a week talking about it and watched interviews of the kidnapped soldiers neighbors and school teachers before we would have finally tried to talk them into giving them back. Not Israel, Take our soldiers? Game on fools. Screw France. The only reason they are not speaking German right now is because of us.

July 14th, 2006, 09:51 AM

Isreal knows what has to be done and has the conviction to do so. Chalk that up to hundreds and hundreds of years of strife and fighting. We are the "teenager" of the world's countries, and we act like it. Isreal is like the "dad" of the world's countries. Do what you are supposed to, shut up, don't mess with us, or you get the backhand. Remember when they went right at Airifat's compound and sat outside the walls with tanks. Just sitting there saying "once more, do it once more." We had to ask them to leave. Like I said, give our Armies to Isreal and unleash the dog of war. Not a country over there would stand a chance against it.

July 14th, 2006, 11:59 AM
isreal was set up after WWII, so they are actually younger then us......

but i really hope iran gets envoled with the isreali conflict at hand so we can just help cleanup.......would be nice

July 14th, 2006, 02:55 PM

The land of Israel has been around for thousands of years. It was under UK control for many years, and yea declared independence in 1948. The U.S. has existed for far less time under UK control or after it. Columbus reached N. America in 1492? was it. The first colonies were set up when....1584. So technically we as a society or people have only been around for a collective 422 years to date. Iraelis have been around as a people for a collective few thousand years. Over these thousands of years the "area" called israel has been fought over between judaism, christianity, and muslim. Hence the never ending fighting over the land today. Calling Isael younger than us is saying Afghanistan just came about within the last century. Those peeps have been fighting for that land for thousands of years under many different controls. So I am sorry for not being technically correct. The people of "Israel" are like the "dad" of the world's collective people. Just like Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi, Iraq, India, China.....they know what is like to fight so they can just survive another day. We know NOTHING of this mentality. Also remember, when we fight with conviction as a country, we have never lost a war.
