View Full Version : Marines

July 11th, 2006, 12:27 PM
Here is an interesting article from a recent speech by Marine Corps General Mike Lehnert. It’s refreshing to hear straight talk from those who are actively fighting, protecting and unfortunately dieing in service of our great nation. I hope you take the time to read the speech, and if possible find a tangible way to support our fighting men, women and their families!



July 11th, 2006, 12:44 PM
Good article

July 12th, 2006, 10:13 AM
Agreed, a good article. I read it all the way through. I myself have the unique perspective of being from a family that is all military. My dad was a Master Chief in the Navy (27 years of service and several wars like Vietnam, Korea, etc) My older brother and younger brother were in the Army and my brother in law is an X Marine. I went to college, but knew first hand all too well the life of teh military. I was a military Brat. I lived on base all my life from Charsleston NC to Pensacola FL to the MEPS Station in New Orleans (living in Gretna). I have the utmost admiration for the men and women who serve in my military and show respect no matter the age at every chance. I will always support my troops. If you cut me I will bleed Red, White, and Blue.
