View Full Version : State of our country

June 20th, 2006, 08:58 PM
ok ok...

So I am reading the news and see stuff about North Korea missile projects and I start thinking.......

America, in general, has seemed to be to relaxed and comfortable with our "Super Power" status. We have lost the hunger to stay at the top. I think of the fall of Ancient Rome and the fall of the Great British Empire after WWII.

We as a country are turning into passive and "pc" turds. If only our Fore Fathers could see us now, on the verge of falling from the most powerfull nation in the world. In the next few generations the US will simply drop ranks as we try to become a more "loving" and "pc" land.

Iraq: people need to know that this aint Vietnam and if you think it compares in anyway u are an idiot. It has been proven throughout history that fighting a war on the enemy's land is a huge advantage. Iraq is there "territory." I could careless about WMD's and Chemical crap, we are fighting our enemies on their doorstep, not ours. I mean shi0t, we havent been attacked in 5 years....we need to see this thing threw. Giving up to early is debtrimental just as staying in too long is. We need to push the Iraqi's into leadership just as we did after WWII with germany and japan.

Also not many people know but, after WWII the US occupation forces were attacked by terrorists...those terrorists were the remainders of the NAZI and SS ranks. This happened for years.

another point in regards to Iraq: The suicide bombings are becoming a thing of the past...roadside bombings are growing. I believe that the suicide bombings are stoping is a direct sign that we are winning the fight against terrorism. This drop in susicide bombs prove that they Jihadist can not recruit bombers to fill the ranks, so either their cause is dying or their mentality is changing.

And with the death of those 2 troops this week. OMFG I am pissed off....Those young men were tortured and beaten then killed....I think we need to retaliate ten fold. Those dang arabs only understand war....god they have been fighting with someone or another for thousands of year....fraking muslims.

SORRY IF I AGGERVATE ANYONE but I have been thinking about all this crap and it just enrages me.....but I truly dont mean to start any heated debates.........it just made me feel really good to type this stuff...Thanks

June 21st, 2006, 12:23 AM
I agree Biggs. I say give the leash of our armies over to the Isrealis and let them take 'em out for a jog. I believe that the Isreali's are one of the meanest bunch of war mongers out there. They stomp a mud whole in most everyone. Imagine their mentality and our brute force. It would be like a wrecking ball knocking down the outhouse to kill the flies.

The reason we are weak Biggs is something called humanitarian. That is what makes the big wigs sleep at night. I made 40 billion in arms, but I donated 500,000 to the RedCross to bandage my bullet holes. Also war = economy. They make money at this game called war. How much more fuel do we use fighting this war. The armed services are prolly at 100 times normal use. The big fat sheiks are getting wealthy while we kill off the opposition. I say start at one end and start shooting whoever walks our way. No options, no exceptions. When we get to the other side, we pick who gets back in.

Another Idea......start shipping the sand back to the US and make our beaches more beautiful and ship all of our waste to their country. We could start a big glass factory. Super Wal*Mart, Payless shoes, O'Malley's pub. We could fly all the FEMA trailors over there and take the gold in return. Who knows. We need to plant a big arse flag right in the middle and play capture the flag.......blah....blah....blah.....

June 21st, 2006, 07:08 AM
Yeah if only our counrty was not run by politicians, and we did not have so many panzies in this country who think everything in the world is so simple...
If we could unleash on those islamic extremeist it would be great.
Whether people like it or not, it will be them or us? One will be eliminated!
That is their goal... and slowly buyt surely it will be ours.

June 21st, 2006, 07:25 AM
You mean we don't get French benefits?

June 21st, 2006, 07:37 AM

June 21st, 2006, 08:17 AM
..... We are anything BUT passive... any military stratagist will tell you fighting wars on two fronts is a bad idea. We should not be in Iraq. Collin Powell said it best.... If you break it you own it. Sadman was a *****....he killed his own people... granted; However, removing him from power only left a power vacuum. Sadam had his boot on the throats of all the little waring factions in Iraq.. anyone out of line?? DEATH. That is gone now. Combine that with thousands of forigen fighters that want to keep the war going, and you have a situation that leads to billions of $ from our pockets. You have sunis and ****es bombing the **** out of each other, insurgents bombing everyone else, and a police force that cannot handle it. Hell there are plenty of people that will tell you that some of the Iraqi police are themselves invovled in secular killings. That place is a dump. PERIOD. It is and will continue to be a waste of our resources.

The most important thing we have done to prevent attacks in this country is going after the money that finances these arse clowns.

Lost our hunger??? Are you kidding me? Hunger for what exactly? We ARE the world police. Passive? You have got to be joking right? L M F A O!!! We are at war in Afghanastan and Iraq... we have stopped just short promising to attack Iran over its nuclear ambitions..... We just armed our new and somewhat untested missle defense system to possibly shoot down a north Korean ICBM test. Hell we told Russia they had better tighten up a month ago. What more would you have us do? I mean we basiclly do what ever we want regardless of how popular it is with the rest of the world... and it is costing us a lot of cash. If I had my way we would pull the **** out of ALL of it... let the arsehats kill the sh!t out of each other. All we need to do is knock on the door every now and again and say look.... whoever is in charge here....we'd like some oil... here's some money.. k tyvm.

June 21st, 2006, 11:53 AM
I am not saying we are passive, I mean, we are at war, but we lack the conviction to go all the way with it.

Desert Storm...we pull out right as we could have pushed to Bagdad and solved it then.
Afghanistan....we miss Osama Bin Laden numerous time yet the bastard can do an interview with larry king or some sh*t.
Iraq...went in for weapons...found none.....stop terrorism.....get bombed repeatedly by roadsiders and suiciders......little kids are shooting at us....soldiers get mutilated...tortured....raped.....killed......boob y trapped to get more of us....what do we do.....we will have a quorum to find out that there is another raghead that does not like us there....

For every soldier killed we should kill ten of them. Put them out in public, string them from Saddam's statues. That is conviction. WE are the peace there not them. WE should shoot first not them. Send the message they do, except tenfold. Find out the "little people" involved, and kill their family if they harm one of us. Use the same tactics they use....TERROR. JIHAD....okay.....we shoot your son and let your women into the nudist colony.

The people we are fighting have the conviction to kill themselves to get more of us. That conviction is what kept the Soviets at bay in Afghanistan for so many bloody years. War is a way of life for these people.....not just a way to pay for college. We are not passive, but we do lack the killer conviction they have. They will go away for a decade, but that conviction will fuel their patience to stay quiet. They know we will leave eventually. They WILL be back.:supplaya:

I have 6 family members in the armed services who all have sadi that they still do not have the right to fully unleash out there. Make sure who it is first, make sure they are not friendly, and only RETURN deadly force.

June 21st, 2006, 12:14 PM
We also started a war over supposed weapons of mass destruction, but we turn on an experimental defense system over concrete guaranteed weapons. Hell they are testing in the near future. A country the size of our New England states is telling us to leave them alone or they will wo0p our arse back home. I say give N. Korea a few hunred miles of DMZ then carpet bomb them until nothing is standing. Give them the ultimatum.

June 21st, 2006, 12:29 PM
yep if they muder somone then they should have a public execution, hang them to the east, pour pigs blood on them, and set their body on fire!!
that will get them stepping and fetching, as r00k said they do not fear death, but they would fear not going to heaven through desicration, as their religion teaches.

June 21st, 2006, 12:31 PM
I am not saying we are passive, I mean, we are at war, but we lack the conviction to go all the way with it.

Desert Storm...we pull out right as we could have pushed to Bagdad and solved it then.
Umm... international coalition rules my man.

Afghanistan....we miss Osama Bin Laden numerous time yet the bastard can do an interview with larry king or some sh*t.

Interview...... post 911?? yeah..ummmm that didn't happen. As far a missing him.. well that doesn't say anythin about our conviction... maybe says something about our ability... not conviction.

Iraq...went in for weapons...found none.....stop terrorism.....get bombed repeatedly by roadsiders and suiciders......little kids are shooting at us....soldiers get mutilated...tortured....raped.....killed......boob y trapped to get more of us....what do we do.....we will have a quorum to find out that there is another raghead that does not like us there....

This is the price you pay when you occupy another country. What would YOU do if another country occupied the US? This type of urban warfare is what we SHOULD have been prepared to deal with. Instead we claimed victory at the very begining of the war.

For every soldier killed we should kill ten of them. Put them out in public, string them from Saddam's statues. That is conviction. WE are the peace there not them. WE should shoot first not them. Send the message they do, except tenfold. Find out the "little people" involved, and kill their family if they harm one of us. Use the same tactics they use....TERROR. JIHAD....okay.....we shoot your son and let your women into the nudist colony.

2734 total coalition deaths... 2500 american... 1972 of those are combat related. Iraqi deaths...including civillians = 40,682.... that is over 14X my man. So your 10 to 1 is already surpassed

The people we are fighting have the conviction to kill themselves to get more of us. That conviction is what kept the Soviets at bay in Afghanistan for so many bloody years. War is a way of life for these people.....not just a way to pay for college. We are not passive, but we do lack the killer conviction they have. They will go away for a decade, but that conviction will fuel their patience to stay quiet. They know we will leave eventually. They WILL be back.:supplaya: Go and tell some of our soldiers they lack conviction on the battlefield. The Soviet Union depleted resources and toppled themselves in yet another example of how communisim cannot work.

I have 6 family members in the armed services who all have sadi that they still do not have the right to fully unleash out there. Make sure who it is first, make sure they are not friendly, and only RETURN deadly force. again I say welcome to the world of occupying another country. A country in one of the most volitile regions on the planet.

June 21st, 2006, 12:32 PM
amen brotha

June 21st, 2006, 12:33 PM
thx spark ,ur right as always .
i am not gona start dicussing this topic since some stuff beeing said here already disgusts me and i have to ask ,are u ****ing serious?

June 21st, 2006, 12:43 PM
The whole deaths point though is skewed. I donot care about civillian casualties...sorry. For the most part half of them would be dead by saddam's hand anyway. I am talking about tried and true "terrorists". I want to see the papers on 25,000 of them. We keep going after the heads of the business. As in anything else, someone wants to move up. The head will grow again. Make being part of terrorism a mortal sin we will not tolerate by you or a family member.

As far as the soldiers go...they are the ones there fighting. Conviction is lacked by the guys wanting to get elected or get the leader of the year award. For the love of Pete.....His own generals are calling his plan in Afghanistan / Iraq a joke. We went in without clear and precise goals....hence we have NOT won nor will we in the near future.

I agree with you Spark on most points. I wanted to us actually get it done this time and yet again we fall short. I would love to find the interview with the generals again. They talked some serious stuff.

June 21st, 2006, 01:12 PM
The whole deaths point though is skewed. I donot care about civillian casualties...sorry. For the most part half of them would be dead by saddam's hand anyway. I am talking about tried and true "terrorists". I want to see the papers on 25,000 of them.

Are you serious? roflmao! come on now man..... let me fill you in on a lil secret here... THE TERRORIST DO NOT WEAR UNIFORMS!! I would venture to say when you blow up a building and you find a few scattered dead guys they are just that.... dead...guys... how in the hell is ANYONE going to be able to tell if one dead guy is bad or good. they all have guns... good and bad.... they all dress pretty much the same... that is EXACTLY the problem. Bush doesn't have conviction???? lmao... no his problem is he is a dumbarse... and he surronds himself with yes men, and his dumbarse ideas take on a life of their own. I'm 100% sure he and the rest of the b00ns on the hill had a good feeling about the way they were going to handle this. They were and are just seriously wrong.

We keep going after the heads of the business. As in anything else, someone wants to move up. The head will grow again. Make being part of terrorism a mortal sin we will not tolerate by you or a family member. Well... at leatst we KNOW these guys are bad... I mean know doubt! Dress them any way you like, we KNOW what they look like :D

As far as the soldiers go...they are the ones there fighting. Conviction is lacked by the guys wanting to get elected or get the leader of the year award. For the love of Pete.....His own generals are calling his plan in Afghanistan / Iraq a joke. We went in without clear and precise goals....hence we have NOT won nor will we in the near future. Again i say... incopetence DOES NOT prove lack of conviction. It just means they are dumbarses. They had their shot to slow down and figure things out, but noooooo bomb the crao outa everyone!!!! we'll shock and awe them!!!!11!!! FTW~! ummm...no sorry... wrong.

I agree with you Spark on most points. There is hope for you my son. Meet me at the next LAN and I'll set you straight on everything from world politics to prorper handgun retention techniques to what to do when Andy tries to pull down your pants in a room full of people!! :roll

I wanted to us actually get it done this time and yet again we fall short. I would love to find the interview with the generals again. They talked some serious stuff. Well.... funny a lot of these d00ds that WERE in positions a few years ago wait till NOW to offer up their opinion. Sounds like a bunch O rats jumping off a sinking ship to me... Not all mind you... but some to be sure.

Anyway.... enough of this. I leave you with this. Stay away from CNN and avoid all hippies. They are rotting your brains and clouding your better judgement. :stick

June 21st, 2006, 01:25 PM
Henk, what we are saying disgust you or what they are doing disgust you?
if the former it is typical european, listening to the media bull crap?

How many people have you talked to, that has gone to Iraq?
Do you know what is really going on and what the enviornment is like over there?

There are countess examples of media bias, to portray us in the wrong..like Biggs we are fet up with it. The lies told by the european and American media are too much. If we have one child killed by a soldier after it was used as a human shield, it will be reported. How many kids do you hear are killed and is everyone horrified at these car bombs? No not looked in the same light and that is what you should be asking "are you ****ing serious?"

Spark, this is not the same as occupation, if it was it would be alot different, this is insurgency in another country, do not say what would you do if we were occupied as it is different, you would not blow me up or kill americans to show the media.
But overall good points Spark and r00k. Henk please explain, we are all big boys here and you can say what you feel. Just because we disagree or you disagree with someone does not make yours or their opinions right, just makes it your opinion.

June 21st, 2006, 01:32 PM
Anyway.... enough of this. I leave you with this. Stay away from CNN and avoid all hippies. They are rotting your brains and clouding your better judgement. :stick

LMAO!! and to add on to that please believe only half of what you see and 1/4 of what you read, from the media...remember they are corporations and businesses out to make money, not report the news, they do not do it for the goodwill of the people!!

June 21st, 2006, 01:37 PM
get back to leveling your white mage!

June 21st, 2006, 01:41 PM
Henk please explain, we are all big boys here and you can say what you feel. Just because we disagree or you disagree with someone does not make yours or their opinions right, just makes it your opinion.

I think I have proven this over a few times in the last few days.....lol....:) :eek: :mex :devil

June 21st, 2006, 01:59 PM
Spark, this is not the same as occupation, if it was it would be alot different, this is insurgency in another country, do not say what would you do if we were occupied as it is different, you would not blow me up or kill americans to show the media.

Come on now Big D... we certainly are occupying Iraq. All I'm saying is that in this type of situation you will ALWAYS have to deal with an unseen enemy. We are not fighting army regulars. We did not liberate Iraq from some invading force. We topled its leader, and believe it or not SOME of the people there were ok with Sadam in power. To those people were are the aggressors in their country and the people help us are traitors. Believe me. If we are invaded and the government overthrown anyone on the other side is an enemy period.

June 21st, 2006, 04:26 PM
f'n kill em all and let god sort em out....

call me unhuman but i would like to 100 of those guys killed for every one of ours killed

June 22nd, 2006, 03:30 AM
Henk, what we are saying disgust you or what they are doing disgust you?

what digusts me is how carelessly and arrogant war is considered a legit way to ensure any interest.
don't forget ,the only thing that distinguishes us from the terrorist bastards is our morals .if we lose those we are in danger of not beeing a bit better.
if i listen to the kind of stands ,"kill all dem arabs " ,"just nuke the middle east ", "bla bla ","i don't care about civilan deaths " - Micheal Savage bullcrap it makes me wanna throw up.
sometimes there is no way around war ,but that still doens't make war a good thing,we all have a moral responsibility.

btw. my roomate and one of my best frinds went to iraq for over a year .

June 22nd, 2006, 07:17 AM
Good!! tell him thanks I appreciate his work for my freedom. He should be able to tell you they difficulty of distinguishing the good guys from the bad guys.

Do not forget that we may have to do some "bad" things to people just like they do "bad" things, but the reason is completely different, we are trying to stop acts of violence they are trying to escalate or increase the violence and unstability.

Remember, we can take the high road, but when the road runs out you can go back and take the low road, you can fall off the cliff, or you can sit in your car and let the world past you bye...sometimes there is no good answer to problems.

June 22nd, 2006, 07:28 AM
Good!! tell him thanks I appreciate his work for my freedom. He should be able to tell you they difficulty of distinguishing the good guys from the bad guys.

Do not forget that we may have to do some "bad" things to people just like they do "bad" things, but the reason is completely different, we are trying to stop acts of violence they are trying to escalate or increase the violence and unstability.

Remember, we can take the high road, but when the road runs out you can go back and take the low road, you can fall off the cliff, or you can sit in your car and let the world past you bye...sometimes there is no good answer to problems.

i think youy completly missunderstand or you extremely overinterpretating my words .in no way i critisize the war in iraq ,the troops or busch or whatever .all that i critized how and what things are beeing said in this thread by some people ,just to make things clear.

June 22nd, 2006, 10:32 AM
When I said I dont care I am sorry. I don't care along the same lines I dont care if gang bangers shoot each other, a drunk driver actually kills himself, or when at war there are civilian casualties. How many died in the Twin Towers going to work in a time of peace. They (the terrorists) had reasons sure, but they attacked us. Civilians are also dying at the hands of the terrorists more than ours.

War is about accomplishing the goals set forth at all costs. I know there are guidlines set out for wars now, but they should never stand in the way of accomplishing our goal. Now I donot know what that is clearly, but I am not getting shot at either. Humanitarianism has handcuffed our "well oiled machine" to the radiator. Attack if they come into range, but you can't roam free. I am sure there are many atrocities happening daily in Iraq. Then again, there were atrocities before us.

Morality can only rule a society that agrees with it. It is morally okay for my brother to kill my wife for me over there. I can give him forgiveness and nothing will happen to him. Makes divorce easy. I could beat my wife for looking at another man. I could close to kill her for showing her face. I also could have more than one lover, and make my kids marry who I want them to. Morality is what?

Morality is a system of principles and judgments based on cultural, religious, and philosophical concepts and beliefs, by which humans determine whether given actions are right or wrong. These concepts and beliefs are often generalized and codified by a culture or group, and thus serve to regulate the behaviour of its members. Conformity to such codification may also be called morality, and the group may depend on widespread conformity to such codes for its continued existence. ...

Lastly, I am christian so please no "you devil worshiper" crap, but as long as there has been Gods, humans have been killing each other in their names. To me this is sad. For not wars there would be no peace. Humanity is incapable at this time to interact peacefully. We all have our points of view, and some of us will harm another to dictate them. I say we should pull our troops home, defend our borders, and stomp a mudhole in any country that attacks us.

When I say COUNTRY I mean anyone in between its borders. Give the Verdict that we are coming, get out, or die with the bastages that transgressed on us. Then let the Big Dog Eat.
