View Full Version : 06/16/06 Announcement

June 16th, 2006, 11:35 AM
I hope this new patch is released very soon!


We recognize that this has been a very trying time for everyone who enjoys Battlefield 2 and are putting forth every effort to improve upon the issues that are causing some players frustration. The DICE team has been reviewing player feedback gathered from forums, email, and the ranker server providers in an effort to provide the best possible step forward from 1.3. While this work has been highly focused on bug fixing the team has also managed to put some work towards new content.

Some groups have noticed the testing of a new map “Road to Jalalabad” being run on our test servers. This map will be included in our next patch release and is not part of a new booster pack. Some of the items on the change list for this next step are:

Reversion: Allowing unlocks on unranked servers
Fix/Reversion: We fixed the issue preventing mod teams from running multiple game modes in one map list.
Tuning: We have lowered the number of players needed to start a ranked game.
Tuning: We have made some modifications to the vehicle drop feature introduced in 1.3. These changes should reduce the overall impact of ‘cartillery’ on game play.
Crash Fix: We have located and fixed a crash connected to 1.3.

These are only a small portion of the fixes being worked on for our next step. We would also like to announce that we will be holding an Open Beta in early July for this next patch. We will have public servers hosted, Beta files available on mirror sites, and specific threads for feedback during this Beta period hosted on the EA forums.

As always keep your eyes on this space for all the latest Battlefield News.

-The DICE Battlefield Team

June 16th, 2006, 11:38 AM
I don't see anything on their about improving AA. Until they do that my time on BF2 will be limited.

June 16th, 2006, 11:48 AM
improving AA. Until they do that my time on BF2 will be limited.
What are you complaining about? The AA? Are you joking?

June 16th, 2006, 11:53 AM
i agree with andy ,there is like no way of stopping a jet.that sux.

June 16th, 2006, 12:05 PM
The only Jet able to avoid AA would be the J10. The F18 would be next in line.

June 16th, 2006, 12:09 PM
What are you complaining about? The AA? Are you joking?

Uh, hello, have you played BF2, EVER!
Ok, here's the scenario, and the reasoning behind my distaste in Aircraft in BF2. I see a plane go by. I get in the AA. The plane pulls up. The whole time I have a lock. Wait, then it apparently gets to 600 feet (The limit to the lock capability of the AA). I can see the plane doing and Imeralman and coming right back at me. Keep in mind he's in plain eye sight the whole time, no obstructions. By the time the plane bears down on me and gets lined up perfectly and shoots the guns and mows me down I can't get a lock. All the plane did was a big loop with a half twist all in plain sight never having to even use flares and guns me down before I get a lock becuase the plane is over 600 feet in the air. GIVE ME A ****ING BREAK. It's GAY. It's LAME, and I don't like it. The other problem I had is I'm a good pilot. I get in the F35. I got way up into the air in just enought sight to see a plane bombing ground targets. I strategically wait way up in the air to get not only the angle of attack but also the 6 oclock advantage. So I'm dropping in a J-10. At the angle and distance I had I get lock easily early. I wait until after he's flared, I THEN FIRE ALL 6 ****ING MISSLES at nearly point blank range, RIGHT behind him and watched all 6 fly by him becuase he started to bank. By then becuase its Biggs and he sees me in rear biew he can out turn me (Of course I'm inthe F35) and he missles me down. BUT wait, he lines up behind me and I wait for him to fire his missles and I FLARE at the exact perfect time and what happens, Yeap you guessed it, the missles go straight through the flares to hit me.

GAY, LAME, and TOO ****ING FRustrating. Especially since damn near every map on the sertver now is an AIR map

What do you mean what am I talking about, PLEASE!

June 16th, 2006, 12:14 PM
Thats a big problem between the J-10 and F-35. The F-35 is just crap and is the easier plan to shot down. You can fire 2 rockets then an F-35 just gets into radar lock and watch it try to out turn and fly the missles but not matter what it does, the F-35 just can not get away. On the other side of the coin, the J-10 just has to twitch and missles fly right by. Its complained about every day on the BF2 forums.

Then again, the F-35 is an old ass plane. They should put the F-18's which have a better chance against a J-10 but still, the J-10 is superior.


Most bombers even out fly the F-35

June 16th, 2006, 12:16 PM
write to EA with this it may help

June 16th, 2006, 01:32 PM
Uh, hello, have you played BF2, EVER!

What do you mean what am I talking about, PLEASE!

Last time I checked, my lame ass had 30 hours more time than you thank you very freaking much. And as far as the AA, don't get in the damn thing! It's a death sentence - lesson number one. As far as air to air combat, I don't get into the air enough to know what you're talking about. I twist here, a twist there and a barrel roll, hard break left and throw your flares. My problem is getting away from the guns more times than the rockets. Then again as soon I go into rear view I end up pile driving the ground.

June 16th, 2006, 01:44 PM
just bring back flak cannons, problem solved....damn i miss flak :(

June 17th, 2006, 04:07 AM
yes flak would probably be good .what also pisses me of is that you can't even use a chopper if there is a decent plane pilot in the air .thats some crap .
they need to unmount the damn stingers ,those were made for shoulder use .

June 17th, 2006, 06:57 AM
No no no, With pilots as good as Brent Flak guns would be useless.

June 17th, 2006, 06:58 AM
They should make it like it was in DC where you could be anti tank and ghave the shoulder mounted stinger. No that would work.

June 17th, 2006, 07:48 AM
They should make it like it was in DC where you could be anti tank and ghave the shoulder mounted stinger. No that would work.

that was my first idea too ,but now i think how usefull a chopper would be then.
i think they just might have to make the planes (j10) less invisible.

June 17th, 2006, 08:25 AM
true dat

June 17th, 2006, 09:07 AM
i would like to see all jets in the f18 mig catogoriel....

the f18 is faster and does better at higher atls where as the mig is more manuverable and faster at lower alts....its a trade off

kinda like the bf1942 days: the 109 could climb and climb and clim some more then stall out...it was fast......the spit fire could turn circles around the 109 but it couldnt climb for shiot.....good balance...noe the p-51 was just ownage and the only way to take it down was to be on my team of course...lol

those tradeoffs allow for different strategies in different aircraft which made the game very fun and a pilot truly had to be good to stay alive..

now in bf2 any nub can get into a j-10 and pwn...i personally like flying the j-10 cause i dont have to worry about being shot down and just can consntrate on bombing and air support....i truly like the f-18 and mig29 the best though...

and yes the su30 and su34 can pwn the f35

June 18th, 2006, 07:51 AM
but biggs is just as deadly in f35 and su34 also.

June 18th, 2006, 07:59 AM
do you ever tell ea what you think.
