View Full Version : storm pictures

May 28th, 2006, 09:18 AM
ok guys and girls I'm going to try and post some pictures of our house and BS's.. If I can get it to work..

This is just a few of our house. I'm going to post Jerry's (BS) next

May 28th, 2006, 09:25 AM
Now here is Jerry's pictures I didn't get his water line on this set of pictures. I have a few more pictures of his house but there not dl to Dragon's computer. I'll try and get those downloaded to dragon's computer soon.

May 28th, 2006, 03:29 PM
OMG... Man, yall had a heII of a mess to clean up. A mess like that, I would not even know where to start.

May 29th, 2006, 12:05 AM
Yeah. At least I finally had an excuse to get ride of those ugly couches I had. I kept them because they were comfortable and the cat liked to sharpen her claws in them. I'm still working on my house. DL and Dragon have already finished theirs and MOVED lol.

May 29th, 2006, 07:36 AM
Yeah what sucks is someone is renting the house from us and they have it done so nice looking in there and it is so depressing to go down there and look at the house because we still in a small trailer "not as small as BS's but it's small to us with the 2 kids". It is nothing like living in a house. It is had to go from a house with everything to a small trailer with nothing but stuff people gave to you or letting you use. For 9 months now we been trying to find a house, land, something but no luck all the people keep backing out or something would be wrong witht he land or the dang houses would be way more then what it's worth. BUT Thank God we found a house and are in the steps of buying it now. It's a 4 bed room 2 bath with a den and you know kitchen dinning living rooms duh. OH how I can't wait to get it!!! Anyway when we get in it I'll post pictures of it. We tryed to find land so that Jerry could move his FEMA trailer on but that didn't work out either...

Oh and the pictures of the storm don't do anything! When you walked in side "after about 2 weeks after the storm" it was still wet in there and the mold was growing on EVERYTHING and the smell you will never forget. If you could smell the smell while looking at the pictures it would make it more of what we had to go through. Yellowdog you said you wouldn't know where to start.. where to start is at the front door!!lol.. Everything you see in the first room just pick it up "DON"T LOOK AT IT" and walk to the road and throw it down go back and do the same thing. It was hard but what was really hard was when the truck came but to pick it all up to take to the dump!!! That was hard. Throwing it away wasn't as hard as watching someone take off with your life and throwing it in the dump... We're doing good but will be doing a lot better when we move in the new house!!!!!
