View Full Version : Whole Math WTF??!?!?!

May 23rd, 2006, 08:37 AM
www.foxnews.com Click on video, then "only on fox", then "2+2=5"

I was looking on the web at this. aye carumba! So what if they can't add or multiply, there's a calculaator for that. yeah, this will help us catch other countries in Math scores...

May 23rd, 2006, 03:48 PM
Boy thats realy going to help things out a lot...

I never learned what I should have in math, and thats my fault...

I think its sad when we have become so PC that we cant even make it the childs fault when they cant learn somthing...

Instead the idiots come up with a way for them to cheat W/O failing in the proccess.
