View Full Version : ummm... wth?

May 19th, 2006, 07:54 AM
After my $70 fill up last night i have to say...DAMN!... wouldn't this be nice!


:edit: Its worth mentioning that electrolysis is NOT new technology, and the problem has always been that the amount of fuel used to extract hydrogen from water, electircty, is more than the energy output from the hydrogen released in the process. As stated above... it would be nice. Who knows... maybe this guys has figured out how to violate physical laws; however, I doubt it. Notice he has a HYBRID car. Altenative fuels are something that we should all be curious about, but this reasearch seems like a complete waste of time. Bio digesters! now thats what we need. Hell Dirge probably produces enough methane to power Southern Louisiana! lol!
